
5043-3707-0594 || bleeker (Y)
5043-3707-0594 || bleeker (Y) || 0194

Trades (14)

[+] Events (11)
1. 2 masterballs for Spooky pumpkaboo /u/Skillionaire26
2. Shiny Comp Nidoran (M) and 6 IV Misdreavus for 2 Heracross and 2 Fancy Vivillons /u/capnknuckles1
3. Shiny 5IV swablu with 4 EMs for SPA, GER, FRE, ITA event beldums /u/eNerJize
4. 5 custom shiny audinos for 1 scrap code /u/bruhmanchillin
5. NA Eon Ticket Code for NA Gengar Code /u/BrownTown123
6. ENG and SPA SR'd event beldums for JPN and KOR SR'd event beldums /u/puh7777
7. 6 custom shiny zigzagoons for 1 scrap code /u/bruhmanchillin
8. Custom Shiny Audino Flabebe Joltik Pawniard Sandile Sandile Zigzagoon for 3 Scrap Codes /u/KaitoGL
9. custom shiny honedge, froakie and fletchling for 1 scrap code /u/za3root
10. 5 custom joltiks for 1 scrap code /u/Bruhmanchillin
11. 2 KOR SR'ed Beldums for redemption of scrap code keldeo /u/TAFly
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (1)
1. a dawn and a shiny stone for a lileep and larvitar breedject /u/3Anton3
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (2)
1. 3 NA Diancie Codes, PB Celebi, Holloween Gengar, Fancy Vivillon for Gamestop Giratina /u/neomaster41309
2. Bank Celebi and Steven's Beldum for Ranch Mew /u/MjrAwsm

Egg Hatches (10)

1. 6iv protean froakie /u/Doritoburrrito
2. Shiny larvesta /u/wkroom
3. Timid ralts /u/Implieslol
4. Shiny volbeat /u/BlueDryBones1
5. Shiny heracross /u/UmiMizuAi
6. A shiny agron /u/tylerXBLA
7. Shiny poliwag /u/Ellie_1
8. shiny nincada /u/UmiMizuAi
9. shiny amaura. /u/Humminglady
10. shiny wynaut /u/madmanluis

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


za3root Jan 7, 2015 12:52:53 PM

Awesome shiny breeder!! Did 3 custom shinies for me. Simple and easy trade. Looking for someone to do custom shinies?? Then Left13 is definitely the person to go to.

left13's Information


Friend codes:
