
4657-0185-5214 || Jessica (M, Y)
4657-0185-5214 || Jessica (M, Y) || 2199, 2116

Trades (39)

[+] Events (1)
1. Ash Hat Pikachu Code for Shiny HP Ice Tapu Koko Event and Shiny Comp Abra /u/trollolly
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (38)
1. Goomy, HA, 4IV, female, modest, love ball, 4 EM for Sandshrew, HA, 4IV, female, dive ball, Adamant, EM night slash /u/InFernalEntity
2. Carvanha, HA, 5IV -atk, male, lure ball, 4 EMs for alolan Vulpix, HA, 5IV -atk, male, ultra ball, moonblast /u/infernnape
3. Mareanie, HA, 5IV, bold, 4EM, lure ball for Rockruff, HA, adamant, 4EM, moon ball /u/Bubbleteatreat
4. naive pheromosa for lonely buzzwole /u/SuperSkates
5. goomy for popplio /u/radblook
6. HA abra for HA eevee /u/iratasum
7. HA gible for HA bagon /u/mommaboi
8. HA gligar for HA dratini /u/Donut_vs_Donut
9. DBHA Snorlax, Moon HA Shellos for Moon HA pidgey, friend HA roselia /u/CRZLobo
10. sharpedo for dhelmise /u/KingofAnglia
11. pidgey for cutiefly /u/Bendiez
12. roselia, spearow, goomy, swablu for mudkip, torchic, cottonee, minccino /u/PinkOveralls
13. mawile for minior /u/PrimordalHunter
14. pidgey for moon stone /u/catsandfrogs3000
15. eevee for shellder /u/theflamesof
16. goomy and roselia for oranguru and geodude (alolan) /u/The_polar_bears
17. dusk stone for fomantis and machop /u/Palossand96
18. carvanha for a-grimer /u/snower_HS
19. swablu and carvanha for scyther and solosis /u/1Three2Four
20. moon shellos and moon pidgey for friend drampa and moon houndoor /u/samuraifoxes
21. HA friend roselia for level sandile /u/Flyingmouse51
22. HA Exeggcute with Skill Swap for HA Premier Ball Spritzee /u/Goldfinger_42
23. Safari Ball Exeggcute 4EM for Friend HA Oshawott 4EM /u/Roel_garcia24
24. HA Friend Oshawott for HA Moon Cubone and bonus focus sash /u/shamaela
25. Lure Wimpod, 4EM for Heavy Magnemite, DBHA Gligar /u/Ronk325
26. Friend HA Roselia, Moon HA Cottonee for Moon HA Jangmo-o, Lure Wishiwashi /u/SamK1001
27. Harvest Skill Swap Exeggcute for 5IV Snow Warning Moon A-Vulpix /u/Spaceymaid
28. Harvest Skill Swap Exeggcute for DBHA Wooper /u/ProfessionalFishLady
29. 5IV Dream Mudkip for Lucky Egg /u/Aizen1234
30. Safari HA Exeggcute for Perfect 5IV Moxie Sandile /u/HandsmeBWnderful
31. Level Ball Sandygast 4EMs for DBHA Ralts 4EMs /u/own3d_pL0x
32. Safari HA Exeggcute 4EM for Lure HA Chinchou 4EM /u/tomato-head
33. DBHA Ponyta for Moon HA Rufflet /u/sakudono
34. Moon HA Pikipek, Moon HA Pyukumuku, DBHA Spearow for Heavy HA Rufflet, Love HA Zigzagoon, Moon HA Mareep /u/shamaela
35. Timid Tapu Lele for Modest Tapu Lele /u/DrMuggy
36. DBHA Wooper and Safari HA Trapinch for DBHA Togepi and DBHA Shellos-West /u/Animekitty421
37. Naive Pheromosa for Jolly Kartana /u/Rhinofrog
38. Love HA Zigzagoon 4EM for Dream Ball Slakoth 4EM /u/Gazier
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (4)

1. hatched and nicknamed shiny mawile /u/Q10609
2. hatched shiny gastly egg /u/Zaskarel
3. Hatched Shiny Ralts /u/Dragon8989
4. Hatched Shiny Larvesta /u/kimiso1

Giveaways/Contests (43 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. I gave away 4-5IV Cottonee in moon balls, all 3 abilities, all with 4 EMs. (Sub: pokemontrades, 43 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (2)

1. tradeback for 12 trade evolutions /u/Hydrametr0nice
2. Tradeback for Scyther to evolve. /u/LiverDisaster

Misc (0)


lexxikoala's Information


Friend codes:
