
4742-9894-1178 || Lucy (S), (S)
4742-9894-1178 || Lucy (S), (S) || 2850, 1957

Trades (24)

[+] Events (1)
1. gold bottle cap for magikarp code /u/wkc051219
[+] Shinies (3)
1. Shiny HA A-Vulpix (self-obtained) for 6 IV Magikarp, HA Geodude, HA Abra /u/ThatGuyFromAisle5
2. king's rock for poliwhirl /u/ValarEnki
3. HA Mareanie for Bewear /u/mtgnewb65
[+] Competitive / Casual (20)
1. Lansat, Starf berry (1 per) for Slowbronite and Glalitite /u/wyau90
2. HA 5IV Comp Cubone in Moon Ball for Gold Bottle Cap /u/Jaded-gamer
3. Sun and Dusk Stone (1 per) on HA Jangmo-o and HA gible for 6 IV Axew and 6iV Minior /u/Hobbitlord_
4. 5 IV Comp Cubone (Lightning Rod) for Gyaradosite and Absolite /u/YunusMalik
5. Tapu Bulu (trash) for Absol, Murkrow, Bagon (in Apricorn Balls) /u/chekrdnickrs
6. 13 Kelpsy Berries for 4 megastones (Lucarionite, Garchompite, Kangaskhanite, Gengarite) /u/nche1997
7. Bold HA Mareanie for Razor Claw /u/Calignis
8. HA Jangmo-o for HA Zubat /u/FluorescentPink
9. HA Abra for Bottle Cap /u/Naturebum
10. Lucky Egg for Decidueye @ Master Ball /u/iblueblake
11. Garchompite for Fast Ball /u/CFCeoMike
12. HA Absol for Kangaskhan /u/PokemonLv10
13. Metal Coat for Bottle Cap /u/BeachedLiopleurodon
14. Apicot Berry for Petaya Berry /u/pokemon871
15. Type: Null for Event Darkrai /u/Badger_Baron
16. A-Vulpix, A-Sandshrew for Elgyem, Swablu /u/camote0
17. Ability Capsule for Shiny Blastoise, Heatran /u/TheLtSurge
18. A-Vulpix, A-Sandshrew for Solosis, Drillbur /u/Astonhodge
19. gold bottle cap for lvl 100 charizard /u/KostasSnow
20. Cacnea for Pachirisu /u/Skatinmark
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (4)

1. Feebas Hatch /u/xMalbis
2. Stufful /u/lazytv8
3. Sandygast /u/Recess01
4. Magnemite /u/manaty_poke

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


lucyz17's Information


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