
SW-7495-3223-0910 || Clay (VIO, SH)
SW-7495-3223-0910 || Clay (VIO, SH) || XXXX

Trades (29)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (1)
1. HA Moon Cottonee and HA Sport Sizzlipede for Tradeback Assistance for Shiny Feebas and random mons /u/8ustavo
[+] Competitive / Casual (28)
1. HA Lure Ball Nidorans, Magikarp and Remoraid for Safari Dratini, Sport ball Scyther, dream purloin, and friend ball ralts /u/TheRealMrJustice
2. Lure Ball HA Nidoran and Magikarp for HA Moon Ball Goomy and HA Beast Ball Mareanie /u/DrDoofenshmirtz
3. heavy ball HA rookidee for moon ball HA vulpix alolan /u/swaggytaco
4. Blue Stripe Basculin for Random mon with Lure Ball /u/sweethoneybabie
5. 5IV French Ditto for Random mon with Dream Ball /u/MammaMiaPizzeria
6. Love ball mincinno and love ball gothita for HA dream ball purrloin and HA beast ball sableye /u/Snake_30
7. HA Lure Ball Magikarp for HA Friend Ball Fomantis /u/soulangelic
8. 1 random mon holding dream ball and 4 other random mons for HA dream ball whooper, HA fast ball pangoro, HA safari ball hoot hoot, HA moon ball cottonee, and HA love ball lapras /u/jyang80
9. 5IV French Ditto for random mon with level ball /u/Weeb152
10. 6IV torkoal for HA porygon /u/deaguard
11. HA safari ball hoot hoot and HA fast ball gible for HA safari ball skrelp and HA safari ball larvitar /u/rabidsnork
12. HA lure ball nidoran male and female for HA love ball jangmo-o and HA sport ball venipede /u/SnakeNote
13. HA Safari ball Dratini for HA Heavy ball Solosis /u/--BigTuna--
14. HA Sport Venipede for Safari ball Scyther /u/ShadowWraithLord
15. HA Dream ball Bulbasaur for HA Safari Snorlax /u/Komezu
16. Fast ball Gible, Lure Nidoran, Safari Dratini and Sport ball Milcery for Safari ball Sudowoodo, Friend ball Miltank, Lure ball Lunatone, Level bal Cherubi /u/Wooperisthebest
17. HA Love ball Jangmo-o and HA Love ball Milcery for HA Beast ball Oddish and HA Beast ball Pumpkaboo /u/Kindled_Orchid
18. HA Sport Milcery, HA Safari Machop, and HA Friend Eevee for Beast Bagon (HA), Beast Larvesta (HA), and Moon/Level Litwick (HA) /u/754754
19. Fast HA Pancham and Safari HA Hoothoot. for Fast HA Growlithe and Heavy HA East Sea Shellos /u/aceinthetrashhole
20. HA Love Milcery and HA Fast Gible for Beast Ball HA Torchic and Moon Ball HA Absol /u/__the_problematique_
21. HA Moon Ball Cottonee for HA Love Ball Eevee /u/UnusualDictionary
22. Dream HA Purrloin, Fast HA Natu, Fast HA Pancham, Moon HA Goomy, Safari HA Sandshrew, and Safari HA Skrelp for Dream HA Impidimp, Dream HA Indeedee, Safari HA Bagon, Love HA Mudkip, Safari HA Wooloo, and Friend HA Nidoran /u/wanderingscribe
23. HA Heavy Rookidee, HA Fast Gible, and HA Fast Charmander for Fast ball /u/PatientClevelandFan
24. HA dream ball bulbasaur for beast ball ha mudkip /u/best-nerd
25. HA Beast Sableye, HA Dream Purrloin, HA Fast Pancham, HA Moon Goomy, HA Sport Sizzlipede, and HA Sport Venipede for HA Safari Fomantis, HA Dream Swinub, HA Friend Cleffa, HA Beast Lapras, HA Lure Lapras, and HA Dream Treecko /u/plasmagica
26. Fast HA Pancham and Heavy HA Tentacool for Love HA Sandygast and Sport HA Spheal /u/iviGhost69
27. HA moon ball dreepy (breeding service) for HA moon ball dreepy /u/SnakeNote
28. Sobble, Oranguru, Solosis, Appletun and Lombre for Master ball /u/GodOfDoughnut
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (2)

1. Edited because ineligible for Flair Application per mods
2. Edited because ineligible for Flair Application per mods


lush_puppy's Information


Friend codes:
