
4356-2320-7224 || Meaning (S)
4356-2320-7224 || Meaning (S) || 0655

Trades (10)

[+] Events (4)
1. Triple choice item set for Volcanion redemption /u/olyol
2. Competitive Sharpedo for Genesect code /u/Tonyrakdos
3. 3 bottle caps for Genesect redemption /u/Healthy_Poison
4. Comp Blaziken for Heavy ball code /u/JT286
[+] Shinies (1)
1. Friend ball code for Shiny SVexchange Togepi /u/Lightning00
[+] Competitive / Casual (5)
1. Over a dozen pokedex entries for Competitive Mimikyu /u/bby98
2. Dive ball 4 EM Piplup for Perfect Amaura /u/C-2S
3. Touch trades for DBHA pickup with starf /u/Captain_JohnBrown
4. Comp Serperior for 2 6IV RNG dittos /u/Fushen
5. Level ball for DBHA Treecko /u/rkraupa
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (20)

1. Gilgar hatch /u/Gen7TSV2073
2. shiny salandit /u/random_anonymity
3. Magikarp hatch /u/A3T3RNUS
4. Porygon hatch /u/ThelorkofIslam
5. Ralts hatch /u/IryokuHikari
6. Simple hatch. /u/Chang0471
7. Cryogonal /u/Shugo405
8. Simple deino hatch /u/The-Frog
9. Bagon Hatch /u/imthorrbo2
10. Simple hatch /u/skjin_01
11. Perfect Sandshrew hatch /u/poobana
12. Petilil /u/goyange
13. Nearly perfect Mareep /u/Grin4U
14. Quick and easy /u/Bazkoth
15. Hatch with very nice person-- gave an ability capsule! /u/Yunda11
16. Honedge hatch /u/13ulbasaur
17. Courteous user-- golett hatch /u/Pooleroops1
18. Torkoal hatch /u/deeppink911
19. Poliwag hatch /u/Q10609
20. Wingull hatch /u/Q10609

Giveaways/Contests (17 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Torchic/Item Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 17 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (3)

1. Solgaleo pokedex entry for free /u/Kalamitykatt
2. Tradeback- slowking evolution /u/imkhanberbatch
3. Evolution tradeback /u/omnimidknight

Misc (0)


mcmeaningoflife42's Information


Friend codes:
