
SW-0224-4087-3238 || jj (SW)
SW-0224-4087-3238 || jj (SW) || XXXX

Trades (120)

[+] Events (24)
1. Trophy Shinies: Swalot, Pinsir, Amoongus, Poliwrath, Starmie and Basculin for 2 Diancie Codes /u/Fuck_Underscores
2. Skitty, Lapras, Miltank, Sableye and Bouffalant for Diancie Code /u/SardonicShark
3. Diancie Code for Shiny HP Fire Bulbasaur /u/elsatorl
4. Shiny Spritzee for Dragonite Code /u/xogg
5. Shiny Growlithe, Shiny Ferroseed for 3 Dragonite Codes /u/March1392
6. Dragonite Code for Shiny Charizard Code /u/broccoliYT
7. Shiny Honedge, Shiny Chespin for 2 Dragonite Codes /u/xchicowx
8. Dragonite Code for Shiny Tepig /u/3Anton3
9. Dragonite Code for Shiny Druddigon /u/Pancham4
10. Dragonite Code for Shiny Beldum /u/eddiy
11. Natu, Rhyhorn for Dragonite Code /u/rcsegura
12. Seel, Rhyhorn, Larvitar, Diglett for Dragonite Code /u/xxstevagexx
13. Dragonite Code for Shiny Magikarp /u/bejittossj5
14. Mawile, Aipom for Dragonite Code /u/montyck
15. 20th Anniversary Mew Code for Competitive Shiny Nidorino /u/willster191
16. Competitive 5ivs: Ralts, Scyther for 20th Anniversary Mew Code /u/AdamskaOcelot
17. 20th Anniversary Mew Code for Competitive Shiny Slakoth /u/patchespatch04
18. Competitive 5ivs: Bagon, Larvitar for 20th Anniversary Mew Code /u/Pac0theTaco
19. Breeding pairs of: Rattata, Diglett, Seel, Krabby for 2 NA Mew Codes /u/Threexbb
20. 2 20th Anniversary NA Mew Codes for Custom Shinies: Qwilfish and Taillow /u/DethZero
21. 20th Anniversary NA Mew Code for Custom Shiny Comp. Axew /u/underpantscannon
22. 20th Anniversary NA Mew Code for Shiny Aron /u/s_10
23. Breedjects: Larvitar, Munna, Larvesta, Mareep, Heracross, and Venipede for 20th Anniversary PAL Mew Code /u/ParadoxAU
24. 20th Anniversary NA Mew Code for Custom Shiny Chimchar /u/Malinhion
[+] Shinies (25)
1. Bagon, Skarmory, Carvanha for Shiny Ralts /u/Baldomaro
2. Enigma Berry for Trophy Shiny Dunsparce /u/artary3
3. Buneary and Timburr for Trophy Shiny Gible /u/liamob99
4. Fast Ball Aipom, Dream Ball Shuckle, Dream Ball Castform, Heavy Ball Phanpy, Level Ball Diglett for Shiny Steelix /u/Mushy_64
5. Gligar, Buizel, Durant for Shiny Scatterbug (Polar) /u/Tatertot74
6. Dratini, Grimer, Bouffalant for Shiny Espurr /u/Tortleini
7. EV Training for: Deerling, Growlithe, Chikorita, Shinxn for Shiny Mareep /u/catzarecool
8. Shiny Espurr for Shiny Deino /u/jlmonkey7
9. DB HA Females: Sandshrew, Skitty, Sentret, Castform for Shiny Mienfoo /u/akrisn
10. Bankball females: Chinchou, Skrelp, Yanma for Shiny Cryogonal /u/Heavyminded
11. 5iv bold premier ball flame body Larvesta w/ morning sun for Shiny HP fire Magnemite and shiny Nincada /u/Heavyminded
12. Yanma, Skitty, Exeggcute, Poochyena for Shiny Smeargle /u/great_plattsby
13. Shiny Mienfoo for Shiny Growlithe /u/gmpsmendes
14. Trophy shiny Dunsparce and Semi comp shiny Torchic for HP ice Eevee, HP ground Eevee, and HP fire Froakie /u/wuyi317605
15. Shiny Lileep and fast ball Aipom for Shiny Scatterbug and master ball /u/Krakatua
16. Chinchou, Yanma, Miltank, Snover, Rattata, Barboach, Bouffalant, Croagunk for Shiny Rotom and shiny Chimchar /u/matthewtunc
17. Gible, Chansey, Frillish, Aipom for Shiny Pawniard /u/yeahman12
18. Stunfisk, Snubbull, Natu, Pineco for Shiny Larvitar /u/matthewtunc
19. Eggs: Noibat, Nidoran (M) for Shiny Yanma /u/Tatertot74
20. Shinies: Ralts, Mudkip, Togepi (Semi-Comps) for Shiny HP Fire Amaura /u/eraco
21. Shiny Carvanha for Shiny Minccino, Moon Ball Chatot and Dream Ball Scraggy /u/gmpsmendes
22. Shiny Scatterbugs: Archipelago and Savanna for Shiny Riolu, Shiny Clauncher /u/3Anton3
23. Shiny Cryogonal for Shiny Cleffa /u/s_10
24. Shiny Torchic for Shiny Weedle /u/Fad1990
25. Shiny Nidoran (M) for Shiny Rufflet /u/wwwaz37
[+] Competitive / Casual (67)
1. Timburr for Heart Scale /u/pokefan0
2. Horsea for Frillish /u/cpriddy
3. Durant for Shroomish /u/JasonScoutHS
4. Scyther and Diglett for Battle Ready Ferrothorn /u/Awful_Person
5. Exeggcute, Girafarig, Makuhita, Tropius, Zangoose, Stunky, Cherubi, Pawniard, Bouffalant, Durant for Noibat, Mudkip, Torchic, Togepi, Spritzee, Nidoran (M), Beldum - ALL IN EGGS /u/dutchjojo
6. Dive ball Frillish for Snover /u/Silver_snake7
7. Poochyena and Makuhita for EV Training Services for Durant and Diglett /u/cubanpete26
8. Snover, Stunfisk for Treecko Egg /u/dutchjojo
9. Timburr, Bouffalant, Dratini, Durant, Miltank, Frillish for Chinchou, Ralts, Gible, Doduo, Roselia, Elgyem /u/AgentKiwi
10. Diglett, Bouffalant for HP Ice Electrike /u/JPVB
11. Grimer, Aipom, Diglett for HP Fire Magnemite /u/chadvutruong
12. Sport Ball Scyther for EV Training Services (for Poochyena and Skarmory) /u/robertVIII
13. Dream Ball Castform for EV Training Services (for Magnemite) /u/eddiy
14. Sport Ball Scyther, Luxury Ball Snover, Safari Ball Yanma, Love Ball Cherubi for EV Training Services (for Panpour, Pansage, Pansear, Scatterbug, Exeggcute) /u/okamihakumei
15. Dratini for Choice Scarf, Assault Vest, Weakness Policy /u/operrett
16. Castform for Gible /u/Great_Plattsby
17. Bank ball females: Sentret, Gible, Diglett, Miltank, Aipom, Phanpy for Power Bracer, Power Weight, Power Anklet, Power Belt, Scope, Lens, Weakness Policy /u/Augun
18. Nest Ball Lotad and Dream Ball Skitty for Dream Ball Munna and Dream Ball Petilil /u/sylgrace
19. Dream Balls: Sentret, Sandshrew, Shuckle and Poochyena for HP Ground Pidgey and HP Rock Snivy /u/Fad1990
20. Dream Ball Sandshrew for Dream Ball Swinub /u/swags789
21. Dive ball ha Skrelp for Dream ball ha Karrablast /u/J-AnideM
22. Female bankballs/dreamballs: Skrelp, Aipom, Sentret, Yanma, Shuckle for Female bankballs/dreamballs: Wailmer, Cubone, Starly, Pineco, Relicanth /u/Nachito625
23. Larvitar for Breeding Services for Mawile /u/LillyLove221
24. Dream ball Castform for Calm Synchronize Ralts /u/haunani14
25. DB HA Poochyena and Skitty for Timid and bold synchronize Ralts /u/Crystal_Shapeshifter
26. Contrary Snivy for Modest Trace Porygon /u/micdaman
27. Cubone for Snubbull /u/PerkeleCrow
28. Aipom and Ekans for Master ball /u/callmekite
29. Love Ball Caterpie for Moon Ball Seel /u/MidnightCritic
30. DBHA Shuckle and DBHA Starly for Breeding Services for Relicanth /u/LillyLove221
31. Bank balls/dream balls: Larvitar, Aipom, Diglett, Starly, Shuckle for Bank balls/dream balls: Scyther, Lotad, Girafarig, Purrloin, Cacnea /u/willster191
32. Rhyhorn, Sandile for Murkrow, Spearow /u/KiroTelexia
33. Rhyhorn, Staryu, Swinub for Ponyta, Vulpix, Absol /u/makesumnoize
34. Castform, Rattata, Lotad, Porygon for Spinarak, Hawlucha, Mankey, Tentacool /u/ThePokeBro
35. Slowpoke, Ekans for Cleffa, Krabby /u/MegaEevee
36. Elgyem, Sentret, Natu, Castform, Swinub for Razor Claw, Water Stone, Sigilyph /u/Crystal_Shapeshifter
37. Lotad, Roselia, Pineco, Miltank, Elgyem for Ability Capsule, Houndour /u/twofreecents
38. Pineco, Slowpoke, Lotad, Yanma for Ability Capsule /u/razorsharp3000
39. Ralts for Timburr /u/Zentxrno
40. Ekans, Snubbull for Upgrade /u/mipanda3
41. Gible, Rhyhorn for Flame Orb /u/LovelyMagickUnicorn
42. Sentret, Snubbull for Air Balloon /u/mrno_name11
43. Cubone, Swinub for Red Card /u/TriforceOfBacon
44. Pineco, Yanma for Dubious Disc /u/thisismax9999
45. Elgyem, Spearow for Venipede, Gulpin /u/Kangsar
46. Cacnea for Trubbish /u/razorsharp3000
47. Skrelp for Voltorb /u/alexrider530
48. Scraggy for Buneary /u/starman375
49. Larvesta for Klink /u/soysuace
50. Skrelp, Lillipup, Roggenrola, Frillish for Slugma, Spoink, Deerling, Mantine /u/ruri-hijiribe
51. Karrablast for Thick Club /u/sithlordjesus
52. Rattata, Sudowood, Houndour for Alomomola, Lickitung, Carnivine /u/ruri-hijiribe
53. Venipede for Mankey /u/ii-aura-ii
54. Munna, Gible for Heracross, Axew /u/level5misaka
55. Leftovers for Spinda, Seviper /u/fxiy
56. Gible for Paras /u/hatsunemiku598
57. Larvitar for Torchic /u/superrandystar
58. Natu and Venipede for Grimer and Feebas /u/BladeTam
59. Miltank for Cyndaquil /u/Sheeplesaurus
60. Poochyena for Mareep /u/Redadja
61. Karrablast for Pancham /u/PikaCuber
62. HA Ledyba and Air Cutter Charmander for Eggs: Turtwig and Yamask /u/IntentionOfAbyss
63. Rattata, Goomy, Sandshrew, Lillipup, Paras, Trubbish for Elekid, Lapras, Litwick, Sewaddle, Tynamo, Magikarp /u/talhatoot
64. Lillipup, Stunfisk, Roggenrola for Sneasel, Deino, Deerling /u/HKG_Teddy
65. Paras, Pineco, Houndour for Aerodactyl /u/Raish0
66. Karrablast, Murkrow, Goomy for Electerizer, Poliwag /u/Whimms
67. Vulpix, Mankey for Upgrade, Thunderstone /u/Dolphinsfan211
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (4)
1. 2 Diancie Codes, 5iv Comp Shiny Oshawott for RNGd Shiny Cresselia /u/The10Force
2. 2 Dragonite Codes for Hayley's Mew /u/MrIcePick
3. Dragonite Code for Shiny RNGd Kyurem /u/basler04
4. Shiny Happiny and shiny Litwick for Hayley's Phione /u/xchicowx

Egg Hatches (22)

1. Hatched a shiny Duskull /u/umimizuai
2. Hatched a shiny Shellos /u/grilda
3. Hatched a shiny Poliwag /u/WenSnake
4. Hatched a shiny Froakie /u/EERgasm
5. Hatched a shiny Riolu /u/palmspringsmald
6. Hatched a shiny Bagon /u/EERgasm
7. Hatched a shiny Numel /u/MegaSimon
8. Hatched a shiny Hoothoot /u/Arcuslester
9. Hatched a shiny Meowth /u/Nachito625
10. Hatched a shiny Scatterbug-Ocean /u/WenSnake
11. Hatched a shiny pokemon /u/evilsneasel
12. Hatched a shiny Skiddo /u/Tatertot74
13. Hatched a shiny pokemon /u/ArchangelPT
14. Hatched a shiny Marill /u/Kain94
15. Hatched a shiny Bagon /u/eraco
16. Hatched a shiny Zubat /u/J-AnideM
17. Hatched a shiny Tyrunt and shiny Houndour. /u/Arcuslester
18. Hatched a shiny Treecko /u/patchespatch04
19. Hatched a shiny Gastly /u/SalomonG18
20. Hatched a shiny Shellder /u/poliwhirl_sil
21. Hatched a shiny Solosis /u/Teamtoast
22. Hatched a shiny Heracross /u/117jokes

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


princessdaiisy Mar 14, 2016 3:01:58 AM

Great hatcher! My Meowth is perfect. Thank you again. :)

mexican_honey_badger's Information

Friend codes:

  • 4227-2838-1405


  • IGN: Qwambay TSV: 3250