
SW-1432-8109-8420 || Zeref (VIO)
SW-1432-8109-8420 || Zeref (VIO) || XXXX

Trades (36)

[+] Events (12)
1. Shiny magikarp adamant competitive and semi competitive darumaka for pal zapdos code /u/Mega-Mew
2. DB male Shiny mawile for pal zapdos code /u/Nachito625
3. shiny smeargle for pal darkrai code /u/Dearundead
4. EV train after reseting the previus EVs on 3 pokemon for PAL Xerneas code /u/Dearundead
5. db hp water shiny water gastly comp+db stall sableye trophy for pal zapdos code /u/notorious_smite
6. dbha kangaskhan for xerneas code /u/Marcusnees
7. custom hh meowth for shiny fennekin /u/Haunani14
8. db gastly-dbha poliwag-dbha sableye-moon ball-houndour for 1 pal volcanion code /u/Quantum_Crisp
9. safari bagon/safari doduo/safari seedot/heavy gastly/moon houndoum/lure ralts/heavy numel/moon absol/level starly for 3 pal arceus codes /u/Serotine
10. battle ready tyranitar and comp gastly for 1 NA volcanion code /u/crackbeard41
11. aggron+houndoom+heracross mega stones for pal volcanion code /u/notwiththeflames
12. 4 Shinies (jynx,dodrio,vanilluxe,aegislash) for 2 pal genesect codes /u/YaManicKill
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (24)
1. dbha female smeargle for db female gastly /u/Adso25
2. level ball female diglett for dbha female poliwag /u/falconchurr
3. love ball: bellsproud,diglet and spearow for dbha:kangaskhan,mawile,vulpix /u/TriplesWithDip
4. moon ball female gastly for dbha female smearlge /u/shinx47
5. ha foongus breedject for scyther breedject /u/Nathanstevenson92
6. level ball kangaskhan/db drilbur/dbha smeargle/dbha ralts for dbha timburr/dbha absol/dbha feebas/loveball buneary /u/Scarletfire56
7. ha poliwag for Soothe Bell /u/Yotep
8. water stone for Soothe Bell /u/godzillawilli
9. ha foongus for soothe bell /u/mathwizx2
10. level ball gastly for dbha sableye /u/Pikminonfleek
11. tepig and oshawott for soothe bell and shiny stone /u/UnsightedThree3
12. dbha sableye+smeargle for dbha zubat+swablu /u/1234jkvi
13. ha poliwag for ha vulpix /u/LeeThe123
14. db Bagon for bdha Murkrow /u/Th3Fr34k
15. db gastly+dbha sableye for love mawile+safari lotad /u/Piedude139
16. love ball gastly and absol for db misdreavus and premier ha phantump /u/scytherscyther
17. comp: squirtle,froakie,larvitar 4 EMs matching ball for fresh caught Jolly Groudon in Repeat ball /u/Bones_Too_Pick
18. fast ball pawmi for love ball tinkatink /u/BurntPockets
19. ability patch for moon ball ha charmander /u/mildfruit
20. Love Ball Tinkaton Moon Ball Charcdet Fast Ball Pawmi for set of scarlet paradox mons /u/space-c0yote
21. moon ball Charcadet for Auspicious Armor /u/HelixNebula
22. friend ball for moon ball dreepy /u/smarti0704
23. dream ball for moon ball /u/Tedonism
24. friend ball for moon ball /u/BashSwuckler
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (17)

1. Egg hatch /u/PikaCuber
2. egg hatch /u/Wilson1893
3. shiny hatch /u/Phazonrain
4. hatch a shiny phanpy /u/Blackballroom
5. hatched a shiny charmander /u/sharmaopankaj
6. hatched a shiny scatterbug for him/her /u/oohoneydukesoo
7. Hatch a shiny Caterpie /u/nimaineb1
8. hatched a shiny marill /u/jcbQL
9. hatched a shiny magikarp /u/ducktastic24
10. hatch a shiny Fletchling /u/droarellano
11. hatched a shiny minccino /u/PunkCarrots
12. hatched a shiny eevee /u/3Anton3
13. hatched a shiny pawniard /u/Ketzaren
14. hatch shiny tynamo /u/xyxit
15. hatched shiny pawniard /u/IPatan
16. hatched shiny snorunt /u/Naine4
17. hatched a shiny skarmory /u/xyxit

Giveaways/Contests (11 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Giveaway 10 male bulbasaur with ha (Chlorophyll) in nest ball (Sub: pokemontrades, 10 given)
2. Gave away my last arceus code (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (11)

1. tradeback scyther to evolve /u/Halfy__
2. xerneas tradeback for his pokedex /u/Mterror
3. tradeback his spritzee to evolve /u/shr3dz1337
4. latias tradeback for his/her dex /u/burninghotcheese4
5. tradeback for his dex /u/Blasfemia00
6. tradeback to evolve 2 pokemon for him/her /u/Artflop
7. tradeback to evolve his/her gengar /u/Mojeyzone
8. tradeback litleo and pachirisu for his/her dex /u/jkengstrom7
9. tradeback latios for his dex /u/GamerRyan14
10. tradeback to evolve his/her katabra /u/ArkanPacman
11. tradeback to evolve his/her katabra /u/smalahova

Misc (0)


miher1's Information


Friend codes:
