
SW-0623-7864-8890 || Maddy (SCA)
SW-0623-7864-8890 || Maddy (SCA) || XXXX

Trades (25)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (25)
1. HA sprigatito for HA fuecoco /u/Nonamepleasehelp
2. skrelp for dreepy /u/whoisaeilis
3. flutter mane, scream tail, and great tusk for iron valiant, iron moth, and iron thorns /u/UnhappyApplication42
4. quaxly for fuecoco /u/Krayor
5. scizor touchtrade for gholdengo touchtrade /u/WelkyndSunnabe
6. 5iv level ball adamant scyther for 5iv Magikarp with shiny stone where sp atk is missing /u/PandaCamanda
7. dreepy, lotad, karrablast and cutiefly for dream HA squirtle & bulbasaur, fast HA eevee, dream HA munna /u/madooner2810
8. XL candies for gastly, jangmo-o, larvitar, and swinub /u/da40kNoob
9. perfect 5iv love ball eevee for ha blip bug /u/YepImStephen
10. Moon Duskull, Fast Hawlucha, Fast and Level slowpoke for Level sableye, Dream Koffing & Heavy Drilbur /u/Zireael_OW
11. beast seedot for beast ha 4em krabby /u/Boomish159
12. DBHA Cutiefly, Goomy, Bounsweet for DBHA Dreepy, G-Ponya and Snom /u/OoFirePrinceoO
13. DBHA Cutiefly for pincurchin /u/qweligator
14. Beast Ball Toxel for Moon Ball Slowpoke /u/SalaciousDi
15. passimian for sweet apple /u/357847
16. Love Ball Morpeko, HA Level Ball Timburr & Moon Ball HA Passimian for clobbopus, zigzagoon, and farfetchd /u/Endophin_
17. HA Dream cutiefly, Love Caterpie, and HA Lure Woooper for HA dream ball togedemaru, HA dream ball morelull, and dream ball HA gothita /u/CtKairos
18. heavy slowpoke and a candy for wooper and oddish /u/Bridgebbb
19. charmander HA and solosis HA for drilbur, hawlucha, and timburr /u/jwchoy
20. Ferroseed and Torkoal for Goomy and Axew /u/silentspeedy
21. 4iv HA heavy rookidee for shuckle /u/mooshbirb
22. perfect 5iv beast ball axew for lotad /u/72ain
23. love ball slowpoke for beast ball slowpoke /u/LochnessH
24. perfect 5iv HA dream ball goomy for sableye /u/Socks99
25. HA solosis moon ball for HA darumaka /u/Maughlin
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (190 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. 5IV HA EM Dream Ball Goomy (Sub: pokemontrades, 60 given)
2. 5IV Beast Ball Axew (Sub: pokemontrades, 50 given)
3. 4-5IV Beast Ball Charmander (Sub: pokemontrades, 50 given)
4. 3-5iv friend ball togepi (Sub: pokemontrades, 30 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Armarouge touch trade /u/stefand35

Misc (0)


mildfruit's Information


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