
SW-7314-2086-7133 || Mist (US)
SW-7314-2086-7133 || Mist (US) || XXXX

Trades (128)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (13)
1. 5iv level ball diglett, 5iv moon ball houndoor for shiny froakie /u/Khasma
2. 4IV HA Corphish for Shiny relicanth /u/TheHavalooksee
3. 6iv Timid Gastly for Shiny Shuppet /u/thelink955
4. Yvetal for Shiny Mawile /u/smooshie
5. perfect 5iv ponyta for event shiny beldum /u/thelink955
6. HA Bagon HA Zangoose HA Pichu HA Feebas HA Abra HA Riolu (at a later time) Metal Coat Dusk Stone Dawn Stone 2x Moon Stones for Safari Ball Duskull DB HA Ralts, 4EM Shiny Octillery Moon Ball Houndour DB HA Shuckle 5IV Mawile /u/roostersupporter
7. 6iv houndour for Semi-comp shiny venipede /u/tretman
8. 5 Masterballs for Shiny 6iv Oshawott /u/keichunyan
9. Friend Ball Seedot for Shiny Solosis /u/KuraiValo
10. 5IV Jolly HA Tyrunt for Shiny Pikachu /u/St_Grimlock
11. Friendball seedot, Loveball ponyta, and DB HA zubat for Shiny Dratini, 3 Heart Scales /u/nekomaroo
12. 11 Heart Scales for Shiny Chesnaught /u/diegogt98
13. HA Chansey for Shiny Cubone /u/Major_Hikari
[+] Competitive / Casual (115)
1. bonsly, smoochum for zorua, loudred /u/aesdel
2. sentret, emolga, hippopotas, woobat, picharisu, foongus for piplup, bagon, shuckle, swablu, charizard, fletchling /u/SugarRushxd
3. Torchic for Honedge /u/Ezyly
4. Chespin for Serperior /u/RainbowScoot
5. Squirtle for Sigilyph /u/wes2les
6. Choice Band for Gastly /u/jaimeg7
7. Haunter EVO for Love Ball Swablu /u/Hound00med
8. Piplup for 3IV Ditto /u/FrranzeyFriend
9. Male Hoppip for HA Slowpoke /u/kappa23
10. HA Chimchar for 4IV Pawiard /u/Darksteelz
11. Mismagius for Dawn Stone /u/jacob2815
12. 3 Fire Stones for 1 PP Max /u/Caleb
13. 1 Shiny Stone for Heavy Ball HA Magby /u/AnnshiAneko
14. HA Dratini for Chansey /u/ZZXplosion
15. Master Ball for Friend Ball Yanma, Heavy Ball Phanpy /u/jaimeg7
16. Whipped Dream for Shiny Trubbish /u/Quantum15
17. Level Ball Diglett for Friend Ball Barboach /u/Akrisn
18. HA Dratini for HA 4iv Hawlucha /u/TriforceofBacon
19. HA Eevee, Squirtle for HA Shinx, Nidoran /u/Zannettos
20. 5IV HA Corphish for Shiny 2IV Pansear /u/guillerafael
21. Fire, Water, Leaf Stone and Sachet for HP Ice Electrike /u/Herr_Macan
22. level ball Diglett for Friend Ball Sudowoodo /u/gmpsmendes
23. Level Ball Diglett for DB HA Maractus, Shroomish /u/plasmagica
24. Level Ball Diglett for 4IV HA Noibat, DB HA Lotad /u/matthewtunc
25. Level Ball Diglett, Bisharp for Moon Ball Cubone, Level Ball Mareep /u/crystallized
26. 2 Heart Scales for DB HA Eevee /u/Khasma
27. HA Charmander for perfect 5iv Gligar 4EM /u/cjameson83
28. Jolly HA Gible for Perfect 5IV Togepi /u/Euphemisticles
29. 5IV moon ball Female Houndour for DB HA drowzee, joltik /u/captain_lulz
30. Heavy ball phanpy 5IV imperfect for Level Ball Larv 5IV imper /u/uz18
31. Level Ball Diglett for Love Ball Cherubi /u/ShinriNoHikari
32. Level Ball 5iv Diglett for DB HA Exeggcute, Growlithe /u/maquinaazul
33. DB HA Slowpoke for Loveball Mawile /u/Ezyly
34. Slowpoke, pineco, diglett for Snivy HP Rock, Numel Heavy Ball /u/Herr_Macan
35. HA DB Male slowpoke for 3iv HA minccino, 5iv HA venipede /u/CMGuy89
36. Phanpy Heavy Ball perfect 5iv for Pidgey Heavy Ball perfect 5iv /u/Aqudalan
37. Level Ball Diglett, DB HA slowpoke, pineco for Lure Ball Meditite, Magikarp, Heavy Ball Miltank /u/ITZ_LEWIE
38. DB HA pineco, solosis for moon seel with 4em and a moon ball lapras /u/FireMeg
39. HA DB Aron for HA DB Vanillite /u/PokemonTheo
40. Spoink DB HA for Love Ball Chansey /u/PlaygroundofPandas
41. HA Snorant 5IV for Safari Ball Kang 5IV /u/waffle753
42. Houndour Moon Ball Male 5IV for HA bulbasaur 5IV /u/bhjammin
43. Houndour Moon Ball 5IV for DB HA gible, shinx /u/BeaverCat
44. DB HA Vanillite, Drowzee for Moon ball nidoran F, Love Ball chimecho /u/FireMeg
45. Slowpoke (male), Diglett, Shroomish, Luvdisc, Seel, Vanillite (with HA), Kangaskhan (4IV & Early Bird for 7 Master Balls /u/Grilda
46. 5iv kang for ice hp 5iv rotom /u/bankai509
47. female Level Ball Kangaskhan, Love + Lure Ball Meditite, Friend Ball Barboach, and Moon Ball Seel for DB Corsola, Safari Ball Croagunk, Love Ball Ralts, and Safari Ball Teddiursa /u/Parkimus
48. DB Swablu for Vullaby, Slowpoke /u/jef4490
49. HA sableye for 5IV 4EM Machop /u/mauro8342
50. Moon Ball Absol, Leval Ball Kang, DB HA Aron for lure ball horsea, a level ball vulpix, and a moon ball koffing /u/DiamondFarm
51. safari spearow, love meditite, and dream HA pidgey for friend ball natu, love ball ponyta, and love ball slakoth /u/MayoBeam
52. DB vanillite for Heavy Ball Shellder /u/gmpsmendes
53. HA Abra for HA 5iv Tyrunt 3EM /u/Glasschild89
54. love ball ponyta for sport ball nincada /u/crystallized
55. HA sableye for Ferroseed 5iv 2em /u/IGNRafi
56. Moon Ball Ghastly and the Moon Ball Absol, Moon Ball Cubone, DB Meditite, and DB Cherubi for DB HA cacnea, Dratini, Gligar and Shinx, moon ball misdreavus /u/eagle0100
57. HA chimchar for Masterball /u/k_Reign
58. DB HA drowzee for DB HA Mr. Mime /u/wannabe311
59. Love ball ponyta for love ball spoink, db ha hoppip /u/valeskyia
60. Love Ball ponyta for DB HA Corphish /u/Garguns
61. Love ball ponyta for lure ball wooper /u/CJPi
62. DB HA Maractus for DB HA pawniard /u/dosquared
63. 2 Masterballs for DB alomomola, DB Finneon, DB karrablast, love ball snubbull /w 4EMs, safari ball ratata, friend ball seedot, DB HA scyther /u/fxiy
64. DB Maractus for DB Audino /u/PokemonTheo
65. heavy ball miltank for perfect 5 mawile love ball /u/DsrwLetters
66. 5IV HA Gible for 5IV Deino + Heart Scale /u/thunderblood
67. Dubious Disc, Whipped Dream, Up Grade for friendball Skarmory, safari ball Seedot, moonball Ponyta, level ball Mawile Shroomish Starly /u/Righteous_Bread
68. perfect 5iv Snubull, imperfect 5iv Horsea for Safari Koffing, Masterball /u/bankai509
69. 4 Heart Scales for DB HA Drilbur, Emolga, Durant, Scraggy /u/Mandibuzzkill
70. Light Ball for Safari Ball Larvitar /u/jaimeg7
71. Everstone for Moon Ball Meditite /u/jaimeg7
72. 5iv Female Gastly for 2 4IV HA torhics, 1 4IV honedge /u/supertoned
73. perfect Shroomish, Cubone, Kangaskhan, Diglett, Ponyta, Tyrunt for 6 Materballs /u/jacksoncabot
74. 5iv HA tyrunt for 5iv pancham, pawniard + 2 Heart Scales /u/mcqtom
75. Binacle, Kabutops for Moonball Vulpix 5iv /u/linksfan
76. Protector for Fastball Sneasel, Lureball Venonat /u/BritBlitz532
77. Power Weight for love ball pichu, light ball /u/peterpansexuell
78. Level ball Mawile for DB HA Weedle /u/valeskyia
79. Level Mawile, Level Starly, Heavy Miltank, Friend Natu and Love ponyta for 2 Masterballs /u/Yelena25
80. Koffing for 3iv HA Bulbasaur /u/sauritar
81. Love Mawile, Love Ponyta, Level Mawile for Masterball, Dusk Stone /u/Lobke
82. love ball ponyta for DB HA Spearow /u/dieyou44
83. Masterball, Heart Scale for DB HA Aerodactyl /u/EzyLy
84. Lure Sudowoodo, Level Mankey for DB HA Goldeen, Licklitung /u/MayoBeam
85. lure mantine, Safari Zigzagoon and seedot for Lure psyduck, level shinx and dbha oddish /u/LuxrayShiny
86. Moon ball Gastly for Dusk stone /u/CaptNOwen
87. Moonball Houndour for Levelball Corphish /u/liacooper
88. Lure Horsea, Love Mawile for Safari Carnivine, Dusk Stone /u/CaptNOwen
89. Rapidash for Moonball Chatot /u/ScarySwampert
90. Masterball for DB HA Sableye, Munna /u/HolidayInferno
91. HA totodile, cyndaquil, Chikorita for Lure Chinchou, Friend Oddish, Cherubi /u/pupducky
92. HA Geodude, Stantler for 6iv Castform /u/maltrab
93. 4 Heart Scales for Friend Weedle, Poochyena, Shroomish, Gulpin /u/WhisperingHopeAway
94. 4 Heart Scales for Love ball Magikarp, Clamperl, Whiscash, and Stantler /u/WhisperingHopeAway
95. DB HA pineco for DB HA Tangela, DB HA Murkrow /u/Potato_Jello
96. 4 Heart Scale for Love Ball Shuckle, Sudowoodo, Spinarak, Heracross /u/WhisperingHopeAway
97. DB HA electrike, pineco, snover, and slowpoke for DB HA stunfisk, sandile, qwilfish and sneasel /u/Yelena25
98. DB HA drowzee, pineco, shuckle , alomomola for DB HA: poliwag pinsir hoppip Smeragle /u/DuskLordX
99. Horsea for Squirtle /u/Passyve
100. Everstone + Shroomish for Latios /u/titoperaz
101. Timid Treecko, PS Gastly for Zoom Lens, Choice Band, /u/Deanicus
102. Power Bracer for Luxury Charmander /u/alexuchihajr
103. Babiri Berry for Starf Berry /u/Yu-GoBB
104. Level Cubone, DB HA Kang for Level Cleffa, HA Treecko /u/chaosbringer255
105. Lure Mantine, 2 Heart Scales as tip for 2 Female Moon Perfect 5 Sneasels /u/Hengran
106. HA Qwilfish for 5iv Aron /u/Countableshark5
107. DB HA Durant for Heavy Rhyhorn /u/AtomicJellos
108. DB Scyther, DB Durant and DB Gible for Masterball /u/mauro8342
109. HA DB Mr. Mime, Moon Ledyba and Safari Teddiursa for HA DB Dunsparce, Heavy Ekans and Safari Misdreavus /u/crystallized
110. DB HA Mr. Mime + Heart Scale for Sport Pinsir /u/eaglesguy96
111. Dragon Scale for Totodile /u/Raiu638
112. HA DB Scraggy, Ducklett, Moon Gastly for DB HA Kricketot and Marill /u/tasty_crayon
113. Safari Duskull and Safari Koffing Moonball Gastly for level ball shroomish, and lure ball taillow /u/aresm
114. Moon Love Spinarak for Sport Illumise, Paras /u/MayoBeam
115. Safari Spearow, Duskull, Moon Spinarak for Luxury HA Charmander /u/cubanpete26
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (15)

1. Shiny Starly 2029 /u/IAteYourWafflez
2. shiny Honedge 2029 /u/Q10609
3. Shiny Sentret 0876 /u/Propallor
4. Shiny Shuckle 2029 /u/Umbra-Profess
5. Shiny Aron 0876 /u/UmiMizuAi
6. Shiny Omany 0876 /u/Pancham4
7. Shiny Lapras 2029 /u/FreakBurger
8. Shiny Larvesta 2029 /u/Pancham4
9. Shiny Aron 0876 /u/jackspidermonkey
10. Shiny Nincada 0876 /u/eddly
11. Shiny Frillish 0876 /u/Schwarzmilan
12. Shiny Swablu 0876 /u/FreakBurger
13. Shiny Feebas 2466 /u/ssp03454
14. Shiny Meowth 3236 /u/HandsmeBWnderful
15. Shiny Fomantis 3236 /u/Rafat9

Giveaways/Contests (96 Pokémon given, 32 eggs given)

1. HA Squirtle Treecko Charmander Chimchar (Sub: Pokemongiveaway, 27 given)
2. Multiple Breedjects and Starters (Sub: Pokemongiveaway, 26 given)
3. Assorted pokemons for Pokedexes (Sub: Pokemongiveaway, 22 given)
4. Chinese NY Giveaway (Sub: Pokemongiveaway, 21 given)
5. Box Clearing Giveaway (Sub: Pokemongiveaway, 30 given)
6. Adoption Centre, multiple assorted bankball pokes (Sub: pokemontrades, 14 given)
7. Misc Aprimon Breedjects (Sub: pokemontrades, 39 given)
8. shiny charm celebratory giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 43 given)
9. Chinese New Year's Eve GA (Sub: SVExchange, 32 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (3)

1. Kingdra /u/swit4740
2. Dialga, Lugia, Zekrom, Giratina Tradeback /u/BelShazzar
3. Cresselia, Kyogre tradeback /u/Izzacangel

Misc (0)


Mosbyyy Feb 1, 2017 7:06:53 AM

the Mienfoo egg hatched shiny XD thank you so much never have a mienfoo shiny before, this mon is beautiful!

Colev0 Mar 21, 2015 9:16:10 AM

Was exceedingly friendly throughout the trade, in spite of some difficulties on my part. Thanks a bunch!

LeonCecil Mar 20, 2015 6:17:37 PM

Super cool trainer! Fast to respond and has many interesting bank ball pokemons to trade :D 5/5

Pancham4 Mar 14, 2015 1:41:38 PM

Hatched my Omanyte egg. Thank you very much for your time. Take care and have a nice day!

Umbra-Profess Mar 3, 2015 7:26:26 AM

Helped me hatch a Shiny Shuckle. Quick and easy.

mist0624's Information


Friend codes:


  • IGN: Elena TSV: 0876