
SW-6974-5213-0900, 3068-0328-9118 || Andy (αS, US, SW)
SW-6974-5213-0900, 3068-0328-9118 || Andy (αS, US, SW) || XXXX

Trades (11)

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1. 6IV JPN Ditto RNG'd in Pokemon White by myself for Meltan /u/DrSexyMango
2. Level Ball Stunfisk (Galar) with four egg moves for Level Ball Toxel with all 3 egg moves /u/Bowood29
3. Heavy HA Sinistea, Lure HA Impidimp, Moon HA Falinks for Moon HA Sinistea, Lure HA Hatenna, Love HA Impidimp /u/providence-
4. Friend Ball HA Indeedee with egg moves for Friend Ball Stonjourner with egg moves /u/SCRK16
5. Rolycoly in Lure Ball +Egg moves and Blipbug in Heavy ball +Egg moves for Dreamball Slowpoke (Galar) with egg moves & Beastball Cramorant with egg moves /u/Ryu_Girl
6. Lure Ball HA Arrokuda w/ 4EMs for Beast Ball HA Applin w/ 4EMs /u/buddhax
7. DBHA Clobbopus & Lureball HA Hatenna for Beast HA Sizzlipede & Beast HA Clobbopus /u/ExiledSeven
8. Friend HA Dreepy, Level Morpeko, Level HA Sizzlipede, Lure HA Sizzlipede, Fast HA Snom, DBHA Impidimp, Level HA Rookidee for Heavy HA Meowth, Heavy Skwovet, Moon Nickit, Love Wooloo, Love Yamper, Dream HA Milcery, Heavy HA Pinurchin /u/IceFangs
9. Lure Cramorant, Lure Mr. Mime (Galar), Lure HA Rolycoly for Dream HA Indeedee, Heavy HA Arrokuda, Fast HA Pincurchin /u/csf09
10. Dream Ball HA Rolycoly 4EM, Beast Ball HA Toxel 3EM, Moon Ball Cramorant 4EM and Lure Ball HA Mr. Mime 4EM for Fast Ball 4EM HA Arrokuda, Level Ball 4EM HA Blipbug, Beast Ball 4EM HA Blipbug and Level Ball 2EM Stonjourner /u/blah12629
11. Beast Ball HA Farfetch'd (Galar) for Beast Ball HA Duraludon /u/Soul_Reaper_RiRi
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