
SW-7313-1920-7231 || Caslor, Firefly, はんぞう, イケル
SW-7313-1920-7231 || Caslor, Firefly, はんぞう, イケル || XXXX

Trades (106)

[+] Events (9)
1. Korean G-Max Pikachu for Beast Ball Duraludon, Beast Ball G-Zigzagoon, Beast Ball Timburr, Moon Ball Rufflet /u/Art_0f_War
2. G-Max Pikachu for Heavy Ball and Dream Ball /u/sparcoeve
3. G-Max Pikachu for Level Ball and Lure Ball /u/ManMadeOfGeese
4. G-Max Pikachu for Dream Ball and Lure Ball /u/ClassicStats
5. G-Max Pikachu for Level Ball and Moon Ball /u/julimari
6. G-Max Meowth for 5 Apricorn Balls /u/strife97
7. Eevee Outfit Code (DLC Bonus) for 4 Aprimon Breedjects + 4 Bottle Caps /u/BriarRose29
8. G-Max Eevee and Eternatus for 5 Apricorn Balls /u/ronancowie
9. G-Max Pikachu for 3 apricorn balls /u/nanosystem
[+] Shinies (16)
1. 2 Shiny Love Ball Wooper for 6 Master Balls /u/valere1213
2. 1 Master Ball and 2 Beast Balls for Shiny Vaporeon in a Love Ball /u/roastkumara
3. 2 Master Balls for Den Caught Shiny Linoone and Sableye /u/roastkumara
4. 8 Beast Balls and 7 Dream Balls for Shiny Timburr /u/Kazehara
5. 5 Apricorn Bals for Shiny G-Max Alcremie /u/nathandwalker
6. 2x Beast Ball and 2x Heavy ball for Shiny Raid Togekiss in a premier ball /u/roastkumara
7. 4 Dream Balls for Shiny Den Rotom /u/icemancap16
8. 4 Apricorn Balls for Shiny Dragapult from a den /u/Kazehara
9. 3 Master Balls for Shiny Honedge and Shiny Charizard Gmaz (Both Den Caught) /u/I-MThe1WhoKnocks
10. 5 Apricorn Balls for Shiny Den Caught Eevee /u/ItsSharkMan
11. 2 Master Balls for 2 Shiny Den Caught Honedge /u/I-MThe1WhoKnocks
12. 5 Apriballs for Den Caught Shiny Rotom /u/roastkumara
13. Shiny Hawlucha for 1 MB /u/gone_kamping
14. Shiny Lucario and Morgrem for 2 MB /u/Suburban_Caveman
15. Shiny Lucario, Togekiss, and Gardevoir for 3 MB /u/pkmndan
16. Fast Bal Rotom for 5 Apricorn Balls /u/roastkumara
[+] Competitive / Casual (81)
1. 5 IV Grookey for Lure Ball /u/QBlount1
2. 5 IV Grookey (x2) for leftovers and friend ball /u/The_Midnite_Chalupa
3. 5 IV Grookey for HA Moon Ball Rookidee /u/FuckingFunko
4. 5 IV Lure Ball Croagunk for Moon Ball Dreepy /u/KingCookie80
5. 5 IV Lure Ball Croagunk and 5 IV Love Ball HA Minccino for Heavy Ball Rookidee and Beast Ball HA Axew /u/TheWindShifts
6. 5 IV Friend Ball Trapinch and 5 IV Beast Ball Darumaka for Love Ball Eiscue and Love Ball HA Eevee /u/Saiiku
7. Friend Ball 5iv Hawlucha for Beast Ball HA Mareanie /u/Zaneow
8. 5iv Friend Ball Hawlucha for Beast Ball Larvitar /u/MAGGIC_SPADES
9. 5iv Grookey + Lure Ball 5iv Croagunk for Love Ball HA Ponyta and Love Ball HA Wooper /u/mexican_honey_badger
10. Lure Ball 5iv Croagunk for Beast Ball Combee /u/gamervizion
11. 5iv Lure ball croagunk for Fast Ball Yamper /u/qweligator
12. 5 iv Lure ball Croagunk & 5iv Friend ball Shellos for Moon Ball HA Sableye and Friend ball Seedot /u/LeSplodge
13. 5iv Friend ball Shellos for Level Ball Hippopotas /u/VintageJNCO
14. 5iv Love Ball Eiscue and 5iv Friend Ball Trapinch for Fast Ball HA Pincurchin and Friend Ball HA Chewtle /u/eleemosynaries
15. 5iv Love Ball HA Eevee for 6iv Japanese Ditto /u/bananapancakes102
16. 5iv Lure Ball Croagunk for Dream Ball HA Bounsweet /u/breedjects
17. 5iv Friend Ball Trapinch for 6iv Heavy Ball HA Drillbur /u/PkmnTrainerJulez
18. Beast Ball rotom, Beast ball dreepy, Fast ball noibat for Mild Mint /u/julianrose
19. Fast ball Noibat, Lure ball Ferroseed for Level Ball HA Vulpix, Love ball Vanillite /u/SwagginMomentai
20. Friend Ball trapinch, Lure Ball Croagunk, Friend Ball Hawlucha for Lure Ball Clobbopus, Lure Ball Corphish, Level Ball Farfetch'd (Galarian) /u/BlueRaven506
21. Beast Ball Joltik, Fast ball Electrike, Moon ball roselia, Friend ball Shellos, Love ball Eiscue, Love ball Wooper for Heavy ball Corsola, Moon ball Darumaka, Moon ball Milcery, Fast ball Pumpkaboo, Beast Ball Sableye, and Level Ball Duraludon /u/emeli16
22. Lure Ferroseed and Moon Roselia for Lure HA Shuckle and Friend HA Passimian /u/Weevil_Underwood
23. Fast Ball Elektrike for HA Love Ball Snorunt /u/OMGPIKAJEW
24. Moon Ball Roselia for Bold Ditto /u/kbrund15
25. Fast ball Electrike and Love Ball Minccino for Lure Ball HA Krabby and Heavy Ball HA Swinub /u/PopTartManic
26. Lure Ball Croagunk for Friend ball HA Natu /u/OMGPIKAJEW
27. 2x Master Ball for 4x Lure Ball and 2x Beast Ball /u/alcremiebeanie
28. Lure Ball for Beast Ball HA Squirtle /u/pkmnthrway12
29. UT Zamazenta w/Rusted Shield for Dream, Beast and Lure balls /u/DrSexyMango
30. UT Eternatus for Dream and Beast Balls /u/Androptic
31. Zamazenta with Rusted Shield (Untouched) for Dream Ball x2, Beast Ball /u/Inamity
32. G-Max Eevee (Japanese language tag) for Friend Ball and Dream Ball /u/desssertking
33. G-Max Pikachu (Japanese language tag) for Lure Ball and Level Ball /u/King_Bobo_
34. G-Max Eevee (Japanese) for Lure Ball and Level ball /u/Doublebow7
35. Gmax Pikachu (Japanese) for Dream Ball and Beast Ball /u/Sizzible
36. beast ball gastly, friend ball hawlucha, friend ball trapinch, love ball eiscue for TRs: Thunderbolt, Heat Wave, Iron Defense, Body Press /u/nickyyavellian
37. 2x Gmax Pikachu and 2x Gmax Eevee (both with Korean tag) for 2x Beast Balls, 2x Level Balls, 1x Moon Ball, 1x Fast Ball, 1x Friend Ball, 1x Lure Ball /u/Brocoli_and_cat
38. Zamazenta with Rusted Shield for Master Ball, Beast Ball, Love Ball, and Moon Ball /u/Hobonicklas
39. Untouched Eternatus for Moon Ball and Friend Ball /u/mismo_
40. Custom Zacian w/ Sword for 6 Master Balls /u/TheWorstf0u
41. 1 Master Ball and 2 Lure Balls for 6iv KOR Ditto /u/Brocoli_and_cat
42. Eternatus for 2 Dream and 1 Heavy Ball /u/Spock5211
43. Eternatus, G-Max Pikachu and G-Max Eevee for Friend, Lure, Level, Dream X2, Beast, and Heavy /u/SkyrimRulez327
44. G-Max Pikachu and G-Max Eevee for 2 Beast, 2 Dream, and 2 Heavy Balls /u/Stridel
45. G-Max Pikachu and G-Max Eevee for 3 Beast, 1 Love, 1 Love, 1 Heavy /u/shapopo
46. G-Max Pikachu for 1 Level, 1 Friend, 1 Heavy /u/xShache
47. Type:Null x2 for Level and Fast Balls /u/Spock5211
48. Type:Null for Moon Ball /u/Stridel
49. Toxic Orb for Light Ball /u/moneytree247365
50. Master Ball for Jolly and Adamant Mints /u/Inamity
51. Master Ball for Jolly and Careful Mints /u/penaba
52. Zamazenta + Rusted Shield for Beast Ball + Ability Capsule /u/plz_hold_me
53. Master Ball for Modest and Jolly Mints /u/Doublebow7
54. Master Ball for 3 Bottle Caps /u/a_lonely_exo
55. 3x Master Ball for 3 Ability Capsules, 2 Lure Ball, 1 Friend Ball /u/Diooo
56. Flame Orb for Fast, Love, Moon, and Friend Balls /u/Jellypenguin54
57. Dream Ball Eternatus for 2x Love Ball and 1x Fast Ball /u/shapopo
58. G-Max Eevee for Friend, Fast and Love Balls /u/Keithchen7537
59. Moon Ball Zacian w/ Sword for 9 Apricorn Balls /u/shapopo
60. G-Max Eevee (JPN) for 2x Lure Ball and 1x Friend Ball /u/attilavgc
61. 2 eviolite, 1 rocky helmet, 1 heavy duty boots, 1 umbrellas, 2 safety goggles, 3 choice bands, 2 choice scarfs, 2 air balloons, and 2 king's rock for 25 Bottle Caps /u/EEK_Oh_a_shadow
62. Rocky Helmet for 2 Bottle Caps /u/BattleSchnitzel
63. 2 Random Eggs for 6IV HA Love Ball Alolan Vulpix /u/SirKnight18
64. Breeding Service (Yamask with JPN tag) for Fast Ball and Bottle Cap /u/96Liverbird96
65. Beast Ball for Sport Ball Nincada, Beast Ball Bulbasaur, Beast Ball Gossifleur, and Beast Ball Goomy /u/WhisperingHopeAway
66. Lure Moon and Level Balls for Master Ball /u/JokerX6
67. Level Dream and Friend Balls for Master Ball /u/IN_DARKEST_NIGHT
68. Heavy Moon and Love Balls for Master Ball /u/nickyyavellian
69. G-Max Eevee and G-Max Pikachu for 3 Love Balls, 2 Heavy Balls, and 1 Beast Ball /u/raiko39
70. G-Max Pikachu (GERMAN) and Eternatus (JAPANESE) for 2 Master Balls /u/JokerX6
71. 1 Lure Ball and 1 Level Ball for 2 Bold Mints /u/akralex
72. 1 MB and 16 Apriballs for Perfect Gmax charizard, snorlax and alcremie. /u/attilavgc
73. Friend Ball for Light Ball /u/cwise07876
74. G-Max Pikachu and Eevee for 2x MB and 1 Fast Ball + 1 Love Ball /u/pkmndan
75. Lvl 100 G-Max Eevee and KOR G-Max Pikachu for 3 MB /u/ZeusTheGreat7
76. G-Max Eevee (KOREAN) for 1 MB and 1 Dream Ball /u/Umbreon5828
77. 6iv Torrent Beast Ball Squirtle for 6iv Safari Ball Larvitar /u/mblakew21
78. G-Max Eevee + Pikachu for 2MB and 2 Friend Balls /u/raiko39
79. 4 Aprimon for 4 Aprimon /u/FoiledFeline
80. 4 Aprimon for 2 Aprimon + 1 Max Mushroom /u/Chandelure_K
81. 5 Aprimon for 5 Aprimon /u/tjd212
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