
SW-1188-5301-9911 || Neoh (VIO)
SW-1188-5301-9911 || Neoh (VIO) || XXXX

Trades (60)

[+] Events (43)
1. Slugma, Remoraid, Phanpy, Trubbish, Raticate, Bronzor, Litwick, Wingull, Surskit for 3 NA Darkrai codes /u/mdizzie
2. Snivy, Machop, Growlithe for 3 NA Arceus codes /u/Scientific_Railgun
3. HA Nidoran male for NA Arceus codes /u/MABY842
4. Growlithe for NA Arceus code /u/JRidley
5. Mr.Mime+Kelpsy Berry for NA Arceus code /u/GLa5s
6. Buneary for NA Arceus code /u/AJBliz
7. Drilbur, Timburr, Trubbish, Dratini, Nidoran Male, Roselia, Audino, Omanyte, Cleffa, Cubone, Mr. Mime, Rhyhorn, Scyther for 7 PAL Arceus codes /u/Valkassium
8. Larvitar and Ferroseed for NA Arceus code /u/stealthunlocked
9. Tyrunt, Ghastly, Dratini, Klefki for 2 NA Arceus codes /u/ChowSoCold
10. Charmander, Tepig, Torchic, Chimchar, Snivy, Totodile, for 3 NA Arceus codes /u/TheGamerExchange
11. EU Arceus code for NA Arceus code /u/roukie5
12. Emolga for PAL Arceus code /u/maximumcrumb
13. Gastly, Absol, Froakie, Gible, Eevee, Houndour for 3 NA Arceus codes /u/Xoirun
14. Shiny Ralts for NA Mew code /u/dshmss
15. 2 NA Darkrai codes for Shaymin and Manaphy /u/seanddward
16. Gible for JPN Shiny Gardevoir Redemption /u/radioactive28
17. Turtwig, Throh, Sawk, Woobat, Pansage, Panpour, Pansear, Lillipup, Patrat, Darumaka, Klink, Zorua, Purrlion, Relicanth, Shieldon, Carnivine, Finneon, Tauros for 7 NA Arceus codes /u/mdizzie
18. NA Arceus code for JPN Chymia Gardevoir Redeem /u/patchespatch04
19. 2 Eevees, 2 Charmanders, 2 Ralts, Litwick and Feebas for XY Xerneas and Yveltal code /u/littletaebaby
20. 2 Starlys, 2 Bidoofs, 2 Carnivines, 2 Chimechos, 2 Buizels for 10 NA Arceus codes /u/Threexbb
21. 6 NA Arceus codes for 3 PAL Articuno codes, 3 PAL Zapdos codes /u/antoniocesarm
22. SG Cafe Pikachu redemption for 3 NA Arceus codes /u/GrimClawTigrex
23. SG Cafe Pikachu redemption for Happy Hour Meowth /u/funkymonk2481
24. NA Arceus code for 2 NA Darkrai codes /u/Namenamenamelol
25. Shiny Zubat for 4 NA Darkrai codes /u/capnsafetypants
26. NA Arceus code for 2 NA Darkrai codes /u/Pyxzure
27. 8 NA Arceus codes for 8 NA Mew codes /u/4ourtytwo
28. PAL Zapdos code for PAL Moltres code /u/Zeck00
29. Growlithe, Pineco, Teddiursa, Piplup, Turtwig, Swinub for PAL Yveltal code /u/wookieatemyshoe
30. Shiny Marill for 3 HH Meowths /u/Pyrexial255
31. Shiny Honedge for PAL redeems for Xerneas, 2 Yveltal, 2 Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres /u/Dreubian
32. Shiny Eevee, Charmander, Ralts, Klefki, Honedge, Bagon, Torchic, Swinub for Taiwan Mighty Hoopa /u/LWish
33. Shiny Chimchar, Snivy, Klink, Fennekin, Treecko, Mudkip, Remoraid, Piplup, Fennekin, Treecko for 2 N's Darmanitan codes /u/infiniteshadow
34. Redemption of SG Cafe Pika, Mew, 3 Darkrais for Bank Regi Trio /u/CyanideShotgun
35. Shiny Noibat, Pinsir, Scraggy, Drilbur, Swirlix, Bronzor for N's Darmanitan Code /u/qweligator
36. 19 Pokemon for PGL Garchomp code, 4 Breedables /u/Threexbb
37. 6 PAL Arceus codes, Misdreavus for 4 HH Meowths, Articuno and Zapdos redeem /u/ActuallyAZoroark
38. 22 Victinis for Jarvis Gengar, Sly Zoroark, Hope Diancie, PAL Hoopa /u/bi-cycle
39. 18 Shiny Pokemon for Spring 2015 Shiny Charizard /u/mizudomi
40. Shiny Growlithe, Mudkip, Noibat, Oshawott for XYZ Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde /u/CukiieMonstaa
41. 14 Victinis for Manesh Arceus /u/Laer_Uial
42. Shiny Scraggy, Snover, Litwick, Timburr, Frillish, Foongus for PGL Darmanitan code /u/norman250
43. 7 Keldeos for Galileo Rayquaza /u/Laer_Uial
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (15)
1. HA Mudkip with 4em for HA Tepig /u/HalJordan052
2. HA Mudkip and Drilbur for HA Totodile and Turtwig /u/MixQQ
3. DBHA Wingull, DBHA Natu, Friend Hoppip and Sport Nincada for Hawlucha, Phantump, Skrelp and Swirlix /u/JuliusPrime
4. Rhyhorn for Aerodactyl /u/cladeus
5. HA Patrat for Fennekin, Honedge, Poochyena, Snubull, Squirtle /u/34loppyXsoko
6. Lure Ball Gible for Love Ball Finizen /u/kkozue
7. Friend Capsakid for Dream Slowpoke /u/shadylocko
8. Ability Patch for Dream Bramblin, Fast Larvesta, Love Fidough, Moon Foongus /u/annie4664
9. Level Varoom, Love Fidough, Dream Bramblin and Friend Cetoddle for Friend Shroodle, Beast Glimmet, Love Wattrel and Dream Nymble /u/Lost_Bartonius
10. Fast larvesta, Level Varoom and Level Magnemite for Beast Cyclizar, Beast Klawf and Level Rellor /u/mist0624
11. Lure Wingull for Level Scorbunny /u/clintron_
12. Lure Wingull and Love Fidough for 1 Friend Ball and 1 Dream Ball /u/Zingerburgerkfc1
13. Aprimon (Squawkabilly (White) and Toedscool) for Aprimon (Capsakid and Varoom) /u/theJexican18
14. Moon Foongus & Dream Flamigo for Aprimon Mankey and Hatenna /u/Bs_Hs
15. moon sneasel and moon foongus for Beast Impidimp /u/ShameCaker
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (2)
1. 2 NA Arceus codes for WHSMKR Jirachi /u/TailsMegamanX
2. 8 Shinies(3 eevees, Charmander, Deino, Ponyta, Porygon, Froakie) for WIN 2011 Suicune and Entei /u/metodst

Egg Hatches (21)

1. Hatched Shiny Zorua /u/Raesear
2. Hatched Shiny Bergmite /u/jinju0396
3. Hatched Shiny Lotad /u/Baldomaro
4. Hatched Shiny Beldum /u/littlefabi
5. Hatched Shiny Nidoran♀ /u/favocr
6. Hatched Shiny Magby /u/karo-chi
7. Hatched Shiny Shinx /u/Yerlany
8. Hatched Shiny Gible /u/ArchangelPT
9. Hatched Shiny Eevee /u/EvilPastry
10. Hatched Shiny Growlithe /u/Oizyxx
11. Hatched Shiny Torchic /u/MysticHomer
12. Hatched Shiny Tyrogue /u/schwing-
13. Hatched Shiny Smeargle /u/bubblegumgoblin
14. Hatched Shiny Noibat /u/Kmlzb4-Mekare
15. Hatched Shiny Pichu /u/kojicarlos
16. Hatched Shiny Snover /u/-Garou
17. Hatched Shiny Scyther /u/Tacanacy
18. Hatched Shiny Charmander /u/GamerTehness
19. Hatched Shiny Pidge /u/DaneERS
20. Hatched Shiny Snivy /u/Gen7TSV2073
21. Hatched Shiny Oricorio /u/log94

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Help someone get his Diancie dex entry /u/crazyinabottle

Misc (0)


neoh99's Information


Friend codes:
