
4511-1069-0164 || ChitinWyvern (S), Nick (SW)
4511-1069-0164 || ChitinWyvern (S), Nick (SW) || 0051

Trades (80)

[+] Events (24)
1. Helen Volcanion, Alexander Hoopa for 15 NA Silvally codes /u/Killer_Whale_Penguin
2. 2011 GAMESTP Shiny Raikou(unproofed), 20th Darkrai, Shaymin, Keldeo for 23 NA Marshadow codes /u/8907
3. 18 Bank ball breedables for 3 NA marshadow codes /u/jumbaju
4. 20th Meloetta, Celebi, Arceus, Darkrai and 3 Master Balls for 16 NA Silvally codes /u/Killer_Whale_Penguin
5. HA Heavy Charmander for 1 NA Silvally code /u/SheikahMan
6. Fast HA Tepig, Dream Togepi, DBHA Slugma, DBHA Magnemite, 1 NA Marshadow code for DBHA Heatmor, DBHA Snorlax, DBHA Emolga, DBHA Doduo, DBHA Munna, DBHA A-Meowth, Moon HA Cleffa, Heavy HA A-Grimer, DBHA Ralts, Moon HA Rockruff, DBHA Pichu, Friend HA Zubat /u/Xcpa9
7. Timid 20th Keldeo for 25 DBHA mons /u/shamaela
8. 1 NA Marshadow Code for 2 NA Silvally Codes /u/TheGooga
9. 12 HA Breedjects for 1 NA Marshadow and 1 NA Silvally code /u/FettuciniGenie
10. Moon HA Froakie for 1 NA Marshadow code /u/lvl_7_Diana_Main
11. Level Electrike, Heavy Larvitar, Love Charmander, Love Piplup, Moon Piplup, Love Froakie for 2 NA Silvally Codes /u/Tygraeya
12. Fast and Lure Sigilyph, Lure Aron, Level and Love Froakie, Moon Skorupi for 2 NA Silvally codes /u/namida7
13. Moon Clauncher, Level, Heavy, Safari Aron, Level Scatterbug, Moon Piplup for 1 NA Marshadow code /u/Miuna
14. Fast Hawlucha, Fast Helioptile, Friend Froakie, Lure Frillish, Heavy Skrelp for 1 NA Silvally Code /u/Jehan5000
15. Moon and Heavy Skorupi, Fast and Level Sigilyph, Moon Golett, Moon and Level Pawniard, Level Litleo, Heavy and Fast Hawlucha for 2 NA Silvally codes /u/CATSsomanycats
16. Fast Helioptile, Level Chimchar, Level Sigilyph, Level Pawniard, Level Litleo for 1 NA Marshadow code /u/genomeeffect
17. Beast HA Phantump, Beast HA Sableye, Friend HA Chespin, Dream HA Spiritomb for 1 NA Marshadow code /u/silverhawk23
18. 35 Bank Ball Breedables for 7 NA Marshadow codes /u/Animekitty421
19. Love Charmander, Love K-Vulpix, Safari A-Sandshrew, Level Pawniard, Fast Ponyta, Moon Golett for NA Marshadow code /u/Cappn_Chronic
20. 9 HA Aprimons for 2 NA Marshadow codes /u/the75th
21. Dream Durant, Beast A-Sandshrew, Moon Aron for 1 NA Silvally code /u/nothumaninside
22. Moon Scatterbug, Lure Skrelp, Beast Larvesta, Level Litleo, Dream Spiritomb, Lure Frillish for 2 NA Silvally Codes /u/FairestTerror8
23. 1 NA UM Dialga Redeem for 1 NA Dialga/Palkia code /u/georgec34
24. Heavy Hawlucha, Heavy Clauncher, Moon Skorupi, Moon Electrike, Moon Zorua for 1 NA Dialga/Palkia code /u/MarioGamer159
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (56)
1. Sport Pinsir, Dream Porygon, Dream Pawniard, Dream Larvitar, Friend Chikorita for Level Eevee, Lure Totodile, Level Togedemaru, Dream Starly, Dream Drilbur /u/ramadistra
2. Level, Moon, Friend Cyndaquil for DB solosis and Roselia, Fast Yanma /u/torchblaziken
3. Level Togedemaru for Safari Shinx /u/Rainy_Days1115
4. Dream Charmander, Dream Turtwig for Level Shroomish, Fast Ponyta /u/NiamLeeson
5. HA Exeggcute, Dream Togepi, Houndour, Dream HA Tangela for Dream Meditite, Safari Heracross, Safari Shroomish, Dream A-Vulpix, Dream A-Geodude /u/scoutchen
6. Level Lotad, Moon Aron, Heavy, Lure Corphish, Beast, Heavy, Love Charmander, Level Squirtle, Heavy Hippopotas, Lure Rotom, Heavy Minccino, Fast Mienfoo, Beast, Fast Larvesta, Heavy Noibat for Level, Friend Froakie, Lure, Level, Moon, Fast Slugma, Love, Lure, Fast, Moon Chansey, Moon, Level Trubbish, Fast, Love Nosepass, Lure, Love, Moon Tauros, Fast, Lure, Moon, Love Carbink, Love, Lure, Fast Petilil, Lure, Moon, Friend Beldum, Moon Solosis, Lure Squirtle, Love Frillish /u/Miuna
7. Dream HA Aerodactyl for Heavy HA Mudkip, Level Charmander /u/das_autist
8. Friend Treecko, Level Chimchar, Heavy Piplup, Fast Shinx, Fast Dratini, Friend Trapinch, Lure Feebas for Moon Ralts, Friend Larvitar, Moon Jangmo-o, Level Honedge, Friend A-Grimer, Friend Fomantis, Dream Cranidos /u/Natswold
9. Friend HA Treecko and Heavy HA Mudkip for Moon Zorua, Friend HA Noibat /u/Ecksel
10. Lure HA Tepig, Level Pinsir, Love Gothita, Heavy Nosepass for DB Solrock, Lure HA Froakie, DB Koffing, DB Misdreavus /u/clockworkarrow
11. 10 Regular Bottle Caps and 3 Rare Candies for Fast, Friend Zubat; Dream, Level Diglett; Sport Venonat, Dream Paras, Safari Oddish, Love, Moon K-Vulpix; Dream Nidoran, Dream, Moon A-Rattata; Love Heracross /u/ClaCoLu95
12. DB Slugma, Safari Seviper, Sandshrew, Rhyhorn, Yanma, Gligar, Aron, Beldum for DBHA Staryu, Spinarak, Igglybuff, Sunkern, Murkrow, Girafarig, Corsola, Smoochum, Tyrogue, Wurmple, Skitty, Lunatone, Kricketot, Shieldon, Maractus, Gothita /u/Hiddeslow
13. Level HA Togedemaru, Heavy HA Skrelp, Love HA Frillish, Heavy HA Noibat, Friend HA Noibat, Fast HA Carbink, Lure HA Carbink, Fast HA Helioptile, Moon HA Helioptile, Lure HA Slugma, Moon HA Slugma for moon wingull, love drifloon, love doduo, friend girafarig, friend surskit, moon poochyena, love magby, moon scatterbug, dream magmar, friend skarmory, level magby /u/goyange
14. Fast HA Fletchling, Fast HA Helioptile, Friend HA Noibat for Fast Rotom, Friend HA Snivy, Fast HA Charmander /u/Aaaight
15. Lure Slugma, Moon Slugma, Heavy Mienfoo, Level Mienfoo, Fast Larvesta, Level Larvesta, Heavy Noibat for Heavy Slugma, Heavy Scatterbug, Fast A-Diglett, Fast K-Rattata, Moon A-Geodude, Level Spinarak, Level Krabby /u/Stiff_Churros
16. Level Rufflet, Level Vullaby, Heavy Dhelmise, Heavy Clauncher, Level Froakie, Heavy Corphish, Moon Electrike, Moon Aron, Lure Chansey, Moon Chansey, Fast Staryu, Love Tauros, Lure Tauros, Fast Yanma for Safari Pachirisu, Safari Cacnea, Safari Houndour, Safari Machop, Safari Roselia, Lure Gulpin, Fast Mimikyu, Moon Flabebe-W, Moon Larvitar, Moon Ponyta, Moon Pidgey, Love Ponyta, Love Teddiursa, Friend Ekans /u/goyange
17. Level HA Larvesta for Love Rotom /u/doodapad
18. Lure Chansey, Moon Chansey, Level Lotad, Heavy Skorupi, Heavy Minccino, Fast Mienfoo, Moon Mienfoo, Level Froakie, Heavy Clauncher, Heavy Noibat for Moon Mareanie, Lure Skrelp, Lure Sigilyph, Lure Salandit, Lure Aron, Love Skrelp, Level Litleo, Level Aron, Friend Scatterbug, Friend Cutiefly /u/pkmntrainers
19. 57 Bank ball mons for 57 DB mons /u/OrganicTank
20. 3 Apricorn Balls for Dream Onix, Sport Kricketot, Safari A-Rattata, Safari A-Sandshrew, Safari A-Diglett, Dream A-Diglett, Fast A-Geodude, Fast Venonat, Safari Gastly /u/Gazier
21. Level Squirtle, Level A-Vulpix, Friend A-Vulpix, Level Exeggcute, Safari Yanma, Fast Yanma, Lure Rotom, Lure Tepig, Level Froakie for Heavy Phantump, moon dratini, heavy cubone, heavy fomantis, heavy togedemaru, fast chimecho, fast jangmo-o, fast elekid, fast barboach /u/Yelena25
22. 23 USUM HA Aprimons for 23 HA Aprimons /u/OrganicTank
23. Love, Lure Skrelp, Fast, Moon Helioptile for Fast, Level Sigilyph, Level Electrike, Heavy Hawlucha /u/Miuna
24. Level Mienfoo for Love Buneary /u/ArchdukePanda
25. Level Exeggcute, Lure, Love Tauros, Level Litleo, Heavy Clauncher, Level A-Vulpix for Moon Skorupi, Lure Scatterbug, Lure Turtwig, Lure Frillish, Heavy Shuppet, Level Rotom /u/Zablek
26. Level HA Litleo, Level HA Mienfoo, Lure HA Skrelp, Moon HA Helioptile, Moon HA Scatterbug for Heavy HA Qwilfish, Friend HA Slugma, Fast HA Sandile, Fast HA Pineco, Safari HA A-Sandshrew /u/Hawksmack
27. Heavy Clauncher, Lure Sigilyph for Moon Girafarig, Heavy Baltoy /u/Monkeyfuzz_
28. Fast Ponyta, Fast Helioptile, Lure Skrelp, Moon Scatterbug for Level A-Diglett, Level Fennekin, Heavy Aron, Level Baltoy /u/Natswold
29. Lure, Love Skrelp, Heavy Clauncher for Love, Heavy K-Rattata, Lure A-Diglett /u/Stiff_Churros
30. Lure Rotom, Fast, Moon Mienfoo, Heavy Skrelp, Friend Noibat, Level Litleo, Level Aron, Level Froakie for Love Mudkip, Moon Corphish, Heavy Turtwig, Friend Scraggy, Lure Oshawott, Heavy Riolu, Moon Elgyem, Lure Klefki /u/Monkeyfuzz_
31. Lure, Fast, Level Sigilyph, Moon Corphish, Lure Aron, Level Electrike, Love, Lure Skrelp, Heavy Hawlucha for Moon spinarak, Friend Ledyba, Safari, Love Marill, Level Hoppip, Love Snubbull, Safari, Level Heracross, Phanpy /u/OrganicTank
32. 14 Ability Capsules and 9 USUM aprimons for 51 aprimons /u/Gazier
33. 15 USUM aprimons for 15 aprimons /u/MixQQ
34. 14 USUM aprimons for 14 aprimons /u/MixQQ
35. Level Aron, Level Scatterbug, Fast Chimchar for Level, Fast, Lure Clauncher /u/system_chronos
36. Lure, Heavy Scatterbug, Level Pawniard, Heavy Mienfoo, Love Slugma for Love Snover, Love Minccino, Level Hippopotas, Safari Surskit, Friend Larvesta /u/system_chronos
37. Love HA Charmander for Moon Clauncher /u/mist0624
38. Level Doduo, Heavy Krabby for Beast Druddigon, Beast Clauncher /u/system_chronos
39. 8 XL candies for 8 Meltans /u/TheFreshness95
40. Love Snover for Fast A-Sandshrew /u/Shad0wees
41. 14 Aprimons for 17 Aprimons /u/AtlasTheWorldHolder
42. 20 HA aprimons for 20 HA aprimons /u/Mill4291
43. 28 Aprimons for 6 icy snow scatterbug eggs, 6 high plains scatterbug eggs, 10 aprimons /u/jessiehuff
44. Moon Zorua for Lure Shinx /u/Annuation
45. 17 aprimons for 17 aprimons /u/hgperez678
46. Beast Togepi for Dream Venipede /u/Klondike232
47. 5 aprimons for 5 aprimons /u/RoseradeFan
48. Love K-Rattata for Beast Bulbasaur /u/Letztes
49. 36 HA aprimons for 41 HA aprimons /u/hgperez678
50. Love Larvesta for Friend Mareanie /u/19011901
51. 7 HA aprimons for 7 HA aprimons /u/Roseradefan
52. Sport HA Venonat for Sport HA Caterpie /u/Lord_of_dragon
53. 7 Aprimons for 7 Aprimons /u/UltrazordKush524
54. 8 aprimon for 8 aprimon /u/jessiehuff
55. 4 aprimon for 4 aprimon /u/zakski
56. 13 aprimon for 13 aprimon /u/Mill4291
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (2)

1. Hatched and nicknamed a Froakie egg /u/Q10609
2. Hatched Shiny Honedge /u/imthorrbo2

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


ninjaslayr's Information


Friend codes:

  • 4511-1069-0164


  • IGN: ChitinWyvern TSV: 0051