
0516-8396-9086 || Nyni (ΩR, Y), Terrence (X)
0516-8396-9086 || Nyni (ΩR, Y), Terrence (X) || 1168, 0636, 3614

Trades (43)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (3)
1. Gligar, Sableye, Chansey, Starly for Phione, Corsola, Dratini, Buneary /u/capnsafetypants
2. HA Tyrunt for Trophy Shiny Mareep /u/ben93t
3. Unhatched Totodile Egg matching users TSV for Already Hatched Perfect Shiny Totodile /u/x-astrogrrl-x
[+] Competitive / Casual (40)
1. DBHA female Magikarp and DBHA female Feebas for DBHA female Swablu and DBHA female Sigilyph /u/DeathMasterRed
2. HA Totodile for Overcoat Mandibuzz /u/crocsalad
3. DBHA female Dratini for DBHA female Drifloon /u/Izil13spur
4. DBHA Swirlix and DBHA female Drilbur for Pokedex Filler Pokemon /u/Kylewitstyle
5. Gligar, Joltik, Noibat, Shinx, Purrloin, Skrelp, Sewaddle and Spritzee for Starmie, Lombre, Cacnea, Seviper, Lunatone, Mothim, Klang /u/Captain_Maggy
6. Love Ball Horsea, Dusk Ball HA Venipede, Timer Ball Ferroseed for DB Cottonee, HA Zubat, Dusk Ball Gastly /u/TheOriginalPaulyC
7. HA Snivy for HA Trevenant /u/crocsalad
8. HA Piplup, HA Turtwig for HA Barbaracle, HA Camerupt /u/Rad-Throwaway
9. HA Snorunt for HA Tyrunt /u/mikavalentine
10. Tyrunt, Froslass for Mareep, HA Espurr /u/accieyn
11. HA Snorunt for HA Pichu /u/brandoli
12. Contrary Luxury Ball Inkay, DBHA Sandile, Safari Ball Croagunk for HA Zubat, Moon Ball Gastly, DBHA Roselia /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
13. Male HA Drifloon and Male Guts Hercross for DBHA Munna and DBHA Karrablast /u/Vanaeus
14. HA Swirlix for HA Purrloin /u/VenusGuy
15. HA Mudkip for HA Lileep /u/w5310
16. HA Totodile for HA Lapras /u/00Morph
17. DBHA Sandile, Magikarp, Pachirisu, Skitty, Stunfisk, Swinub and Pidgey for Sableye, Venonat, Dratini, Gible, Starly, Gligar and Buneary /u/BladeTam
18. HA Turtwing for shiny Politoed /u/KKG13
19. HA Piplup for HA Turtwig /u/evinrude12
20. Rotom, HA Treecko, HA Snorunt for HA Carvahna, HA Chikorita, DBHA Sableye /u/CageTheFear
21. Safari Ball Croagunk and DBHA Sableye for HA Skrelp and Ferroseed /u/RazzleDazzle42
22. Phione, DBHA Gligar, Jolly 5IV Heracross for 26 pokedex fillers /u/xDawilly
23. HA Piplup for HA Durant /u/Batchel91
24. Turtwig for Chikorita /u/Genkai-Senpai
25. HA Cyndaquil for HA Totodile /u/94geckoboy
26. DB female Hoppip for DBHA Aipom /u/pokesol
27. Dragonite Code for Shiny Competitive Goomy /u/Piedle1
28. HA Nidoran for 4 IV Trapinch /u/cosmocreation
29. 4EM HA Noibat, 4EM Goomy, 4EM HA Riolu, 4EM Inkay for DB Pawniard, DBHA Swablu /u/gmpsmendes
30. DBHA female Skitty for DBHA Caterpie+Petaya berry /u/Jamey4
31. DBHA male Swinub for female Frillish /u/sifirst
32. DBHA female Gligar for Premier Ball HA female Foongus /u/Interfectrix
33. DBHA female Qwilfish for Dive Ball female Foongus+Life Orb /u/namida7
34. Dawn Stone+female 3IV Pawniard for Dubious Disk+female 5IV Electrike /u/_gumball_
35. DB Perfect male Swablu and Dusk Ball Perfect Venipede for Perfect female Petillil and Perfect female Shroomish /u/SlowBruh21
36. HA Swinub for Lotad w/ EMs /u/AbyssToaster
37. DBHA female Murkrow for HA Pinsir /u/Ribo19
38. Dusk Ball HA Female Venipede for DBHA Female Cottonee /u/sabishyryu
39. HA Mudkip for Premier Ball Female Marill /u/Gabsart
40. Two DBHA Female Murkrows for Female DBHA Karrablast, DB Female Sneasel /u/Mowghli
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (13)

1. I hatched a shiny Ralts egg for them /u/nachjo
2. I hatched a shiny Abra for them /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
3. Hatched a Cottonee /u/jinju0396
4. Hatched a Rotom /u/dhgkrtn
5. Hatched a Trapinch /u/Potato5lyfe
6. Hatched a Drilbur /u/MakeshiftEarthquake
7. Hatched a Glameow /u/sinneraki
8. Hatched Shiny Bunnelby /u/flautomark
9. Hatched a Shiny Kangaskhan /u/Restia_poke
10. Hatched Shiny Numel /u/MysticHomer
11. Hatched Shiny Gastly /u/kitemmuo90
12. Hatched Shiny Eevee /u/Filraen
13. Hatched Shiny Totodile /u/mahoang

Giveaways/Contests (2 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Gave a HA Tyrunt (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
2. gave a HA Tyrunt (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (2)

1. I helped /u/iblizzer evolve these 8 pokemon: Poliwhirl -> Politoed • Scyther -> Scizor • Porygon2 -> Porygon Z • Electabuzz -> Electivire • Magmar -> Magmortar • Onix -> Steelix • Swirlix -> Slurpluff • Spritzee -> Aromatisse. /u/iblizzer
2. I helped the user trade a Durant between their Y and AS games /u/Bearselleh

Misc (0)


IAMADeinonychusAMA Oct 11, 2015 10:58:41 PM

Thanks for the shiny hatch! :D

BladeTam Sep 4, 2015 10:37:04 PM

Very dedicated trainer. Spent the better part of a day breeding 7 DBHA Pokémon to trade me. :) Would definitely do business with again!

IAMADeinonychusAMA Aug 28, 2015 4:14:55 AM

Thumbs up. I traded a breedable for their Dragonite code, and the code ended up not working. Instead of just leaving it at that and chalking it up to bad luck, they went above and beyond to find me a new code, which gave me a very positive impression that I thought warranted a comment here.

nyni's Information


Friend codes:
