
2509-1061-2787 || Okami (X)
2509-1061-2787 || Okami (X) || 1343

Trades (66)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (66)
1. Gastly for Totodile /u/SNB43
2. Snorunt for Swablu /u/AJay07014
3. Frillish, Swirlix for Shinx, Slowpoke /u/kyralith
4. Gible for Noibat /u/blinddread
5. Kangaskhan for Carvanha /u/Lamanoid
6. Pawniard for Whismur /u/SNB43
7. Snorunt, Cottonee for Abra /u/Ho-ohsMeMoney
8. Anorith for Mudkip /u/Jka22419
9. Dratini, Kangaskhan for Riolu, Torchic /u/Silver_snake7
10. Snorunt for Numel /u/maltrab
11. Snorunt, Dratini for Mareep, Joltik /u/Garmaleon
12. Ralts for Slowpoke /u/The10Force
13. Chimchar, Cottonee for Swablu /u/chadvutruong
14. Dratini for Scyther /u/David_721
15. Anorith for Ditto /u/StoriesForBedtime
16. Mawile for Eevee /u/ominousfire
17. Houndour for Tympole /u/Jerry510
18. Skarmory for Buneary /u/NianCat
19. Anorith for Chikorita, Sneasel /u/Pangotron
20. Mawile, Tangela, Phanpy, Scraggy for Totodile, Cyndaquil, Pidgey /u/arjada
21. Koffing for Skiddo /u/basemania3
22. Tangela for Swablu /u/Silver_snake7
23. Dratini for Oddish /u/ImagineLeft
24. Rotom for Duskull /u/supernino
25. Snorunt for Rhyhorn /u/RonHKA
26. Lotad for Sableye /u/Lunenin
27. Snorunt, Marill for Cacnea /u/BAckwaterRifle
28. Rotom for Buneary /u/GuardianOfEden
29. Skarmory for Togepi /u/Synaesthesia-
30. Kangaskhan for Scyther /u/themadridi
31. Abra for Zubat, Scatterbug /u/ImagineLeft
32. Kangaskhan, Feebas, Skarmory for Venipede, Lapras /u/OnyxtheRoc
33. Mudkip for Machop /u/Iceish
34. Skarmory, Abra, Kangkaskan for Horsea, Machop, Exeggute /u/Cu4utl3
35. Sneasel for Skrelp /u/Meowstics
36. Zubat for Vulpix /u/NarutosLilBro
37. Bidoof for Nidoran /u/OkayKoay
38. Anorith for Meowth /u/Propallor
39. Dratini for Tropius /u/gootarts
40. Shroomish for Porygon /u/CubeRooted
41. Totodile, Sneasel, Houndour for Magnemite, Swinub, Gligar /u/DynamicDexter
42. Anorith for Absol, Nidoran /u/ImagineLeft
43. Sneasel, Growlithe, Phanpy, Mawile for Aipom, Bergmite, Misdreavus, Scyther /u/NuKlein
44. Tangela, Phanpy for Ralts, Hippopotas /u/Dilmah93
45. Anorith, Phanpy for Cottonee /u/ponpon_patapon
46. Abra for Slowpoke /u/steelfather
47. Skarmory for Wooper /u/bak-chor-mee
48. Snorunt for Weedle /u/maquinaazul
49. Goomy, Lotad for Chespin, Litleo /u/blessed80
50. Zubat, Dratini for Whismur, Wingull /u/agarvin
51. Feebas for Petilil /u/Neazriel
52. Zubat for Ferroseed /u/som3a4
53. Ralts, 2 Ferroseeds for Larvesta, Amaura, Foongus /u/KaitoGL
54. Cherubi for Deerling /u/velosarahptor
55. Corsola, Shellos for Cacnea, Skrelp /u/Kobi2604
56. Bagon for Rotom /u/arctichicken
57. Aerodactyl, Corsola, Munna, Hoothoot for Omastar, Sentret, Deino, Drillbur /u/mm245
58. Lileep, Cacnea, Shellos, Drifloon, Goldeen, Smoochum for Zorua, Alomomola, Shinx, Espurr, Maractus, Solosis /u/plasmagica
59. Mareep for Relicanth /u/Metaboss84
60. Bergmite, Caterpie, Yanma for Mantine, Skitty, Chimecho /u/crystallized
61. Anorith, Yanma for Porygon, Seedot /u/CJPi
62. Duskull, Cubone for Phantump, Swinub /u/pikamonn
63. Frillish for Cleffa /u/phoebeboey
64. Corsola for Spheal /u/wannabe311
65. Swablu for Spoink /u/valeskyia
66. Shellos for Shellder /u/crawver
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (6)

1. Hatched Shiny Fletchling /u/manaty_poke
2. Hatched Shiny Kangkaskhan /u/Filraen
3. Hatched Shiny Swablu /u/Wizli
4. Hatched Shiny Dwebble /u/left13
5. Hatched Shiny Axew /u/UmiMizuAi
6. Hatched Shiny Tyrunt /u/ThomazSDA

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


CJPi Feb 19, 2015 10:39:40 PM

Very nice to trade with :)

Filraen Jan 7, 2015 12:23:04 AM

Hatched a Kangaskhan to me. Very quick and reliable.

velosarahptor Dec 22, 2014 2:20:11 AM

Traded db shellos for moon ball swablu; once again, great to trade with :D

coffeefiend Dec 20, 2014 10:34:01 PM

Really quick and effortless trade! =)

velosarahptor Dec 16, 2014 10:52:18 PM

Traded bankball females with /u/okamihakumei (FlairHQ); awesome trader, very friendly and easy to sort out the trade with. Would gladly trade with again :D

I_Probably_Think Dec 11, 2014 10:36:59 PM

Gave helpful information, and was very quick (... and very online XD)!

OkayKoay Dec 6, 2014 10:04:57 PM

Male-Nidoran for a bidoof. Extremely pleased with the trade :)

AgentKiwi Dec 2, 2014 9:45:39 PM

Traded five of my breedables for five of okamihakumei's breedables. Received all Pokemon with the correct stats and moves as promised; thanks for the trade! :)

okamihakumei's Information


Friend codes:
