
0533-8868-6426 || Lina (αS)
0533-8868-6426 || Lina (αS) || 1792, 2895, 2864, 1232

WARNING: This user is banned.

Trades (39)

[+] Events (27)
1. 1 PAL Darkrai code for 1 NA Mew code /u/fadx
2. 1 masterball & 1 lucky egg for NA GF Mew (redemption + mon) /u/celestialskylar
3. 1 Hope 4IV Diancie for 5 x NA Arceus codes + 1 JPN Gardevoir code /u/SnootHead
4. 7 + 1 in-game obtainable legendaries for PAL Trio HA Birds codes ( 3 codes total) /u/natures_organics
5. 2 NA Arceus codes for 2 JPN Gardevoir codes /u/FullMetalPanda78
6. 2 x NA Arceus codes for 1 x Shiny Xerneas code /u/v3220
7. 1 Hope Diancie for 2 Darkrai codes, 1 Arceus code and 1 mew code /u/hadezeus
8. 1 JPN Gardevoir code for redemption + 1 NA Arceus code for 1 redeemed Shiny JPN Gardevoir /u/doritoburrrito
9. 1 NA Arceus code for 1 Articuno code /u/BillyStickley7
10. 1 hope Diancie for 2 x Arceus codes + 2 x Darkrai codes /u/fettin
11. 1 self redeemed Darkrai for 1 x PAL Arceus code /u/vysaro
12. 1 PAL Darkrai code for 1 NA Darkrai code /u/Acidsplasher
13. 1 NA Mew code, 4 NA Arceus codes, 1 HA PAL Articuno code for Present Serperior and Emboar /u/luhuh
14. 10 DBHA mons for 2 x NA Darkrai codes /u/danghoang
15. 9 DBHA pokemon for 3 x PAL Darkrai codes /u/serotine
16. 1 hope Diancie for 2 PAL yveltal codes, 4 PAL HA bird codes /u/HHuuzzaa
17. 1 PAL Darkrai code for 1 NA darkrai code /u/4ourtytwo
18. 1 Galileo Rayquaza for 1 XY Torchic /u/greendaygx
19. 1 PAL shiny Xerneas (code redemption + custom nature) for 1 JPN gardevoir code /u/GodzillaInAPokeball
20. 1 x 2014 Electabuzz for Bank Regi trio, pr serperior, Tough Bug Heracross SUM2014, Pokeball Vivillon SUM2014 /u/Malinhion
21. 3xPAL HA Aldora Bird codes + 2x FRE SUM2014 Vivillon for 1x Jolly Skytree Rayquaza /u/anaking06
22. 1x PAL Yveltal code for 1x JPN Gengar code /u/sazae3
23. 1x JPN Gardevoir code, 1x NA Arceus code & 1x PAL Arceus code for 1 redeemed custom date JPN Gengar /u/Akhione
24. Naive, Hope Diancie for 1 SG Pika code /u/TeeZeee
25. 6x SR'ed Happy Hour Meowth for 1 KOR Giratina /u/go4ino
26. 1x Sly Zoroark, 2x HO SR'ed Meowth for 1x Whitney's Miltank /u/crazy-cat-prince
27. 1x Lance's Dragonite for 2x scrap raw Eevee codes /u/berzerkoz
[+] Shinies (2)
1. 1 perf 5IV Minun + 1 perf 5IV Plusle for trophy shiny audino /u/ItsAndrewBabe
2. Shiny Ralts for 1 x Arceus code /u/maximumcrumb
[+] Competitive / Casual (3)
1. Mewtwonite Y for Shiny Tranquill /u/Maxin88
2. HA spritzee, larvitar and shellder for 2 PAL Darkrai codes /u/Serotine
3. 1 x leftovers for 5IV dratini /u/Valdemar2002
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (7)
1. 2 JPN Gardevoir codes + 1 NA Arceus code for 1 Wshmkr Jirachi /u/TailsMegamanX
2. 1x OCT2014 Diancie for 1 redeemed JPN scrap Eevee /u/vincentasm
3. SPR2015 Charizard for 1 redeemed scrap Eevee /u/Celtic_wolf23
4. Manesh Hoopa & Galileo Ray for Dog trio event (Raikou, Suicune, Entei) /u/ITheDynamo
5. 1x OCT2014 Diancie, 1x SPR2015 shiny Charizard, 1x Game 2014 Charizard, 1x Harry Hoopa for 1x WIN2011 Suicune, 1x 2010 Celebi /u/SpartanTJ117
6. 2x Galileo Rayquaza for WIN2013 Keldeo /u/megadog14
7. 2x Summer 2014 Vivillon, 1x GTS Vivillon and 1x Sly Zoroark for 1x Plasma Deoxys /u/MavkaMX

Egg Hatches (15)

1. Hatched an egg lol /u/fersht
2. Hatched a shiny nidoran /u/xyxit
3. hatched a shiny gastly /u/pearistotle
4. hatched a shiny eevee /u/GreyFeatherr
5. hatched 1 shiny honedge /u/mose_cat
6. hatched shiny woobat /u/SnekazZ
7. hatched shiny Skorupi /u/silener0502
8. hatched shiny sandshrew /u/ryanthomas917
9. shiny Ralts /u/Skytrix
10. shiny Larvesta /u/chang0471
11. shiny Ralts /u/JJAY_LOL
12. shiny swablu /u/flautomark
13. shiny Espurr /u/zablek
14. shiny Chimchar /u/MysticHomer
15. shiny aerodactyl /u/MysticHomer

Giveaways/Contests (6 Pokémon given, 10 eggs given)

1. My GA (Sub: SVExchange, 10 given)
2. NA Aldora Articuno GA (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
3. 1 x PAL Aldora Zapdos (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
4. PAL Aldora Moltres (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
5. PAL Darkrai code (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
6. NA Darkrai (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
7. prize: shiny female dbha abra (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (2 threads, 90 given)

1. Checked 30 egg SVs (30 checked)
2. Checked 2 boxes of eggs (60 total) (60 checked)

Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (11)

1. 1 free PAL Arceus redemption /u/menos368
2. free tradeback: Kadabra - Alakazam /u/GinkgoKafka
3. free Evo-tradeback to get Aromatisse /u/drayven3168
4. free evo-tradeback in order to get Gengar /u/bow_and_arrow
5. evo-tradeback to get Scizor /u/Babooobo
6. tradeback dusclops /u/hunterj707
7. tradeback kadabra - alakazam /u/B4107
8. tradeback to get Politoed /u/Alexkw132
9. Evo-tradeback Haunter - Gengar /u/popecarllll
10. evo-tradeback to get politoed /u/InMarkWeTrust
11. eceo-tradeback to get Aromatisse /u/Mulesx

Misc (0)


SnekazZ Aug 20, 2016 5:08:16 PM

Awesome Hatcher! Thank you for my shiny woobat :)

Iviviana Aug 7, 2016 4:32:06 AM

Awesome person! Had the patience to check 60 eggs for me !! :D

Ostfi's Information



Friend codes:

  • 0533-8868-6426


  • IGN: Lina TSV: 1792
  • TSV: 2864
  • TSV: 2895
  • TSV: 1232