
5429-7310-5755 || Wheel (αS)
5429-7310-5755 || Wheel (αS) || 3972

Trades (59)

[+] Events (47)
1. breedables for 3 shiny wifi beldum event /u/Yeahman12
2. shiny ralts for event celebi /u/Cirrusoul
3. shiny numel,shiny magickarp and shiny abol for 2 event celebi /u/Alkar188
4. HP ice shiny eevee for 2 event celebi /u/Roguedaddy
5. game magmar for breedables: female hp ground eevee and female hp fire snover /u/Fad1990
6. US shiny event gengar for 3 custom shinies (pidgy, mudkip, numel) /u/Ho-ohsMeMoney
7. shiny goomey and shiny hawlucha for us event shiny gengar code /u/actionjaxon77
8. 5 ut event Celebi and 2 ut event Torchicks for RNGed shiny Raikou /u/TJPoobah
9. 10 HA dreamball females for event Magmar /u/dutchjojo
10. shiny scizor and shiny trevenant for event Magmar /u/bswal1
11. shiny trapinch and shiny magickarp for 4 event celebi /u/cubanpete26
12. shiny bulbasaur, cleffa and one event celebi for event Electabuzz /u/valenzjo
13. shiny houndour for ut event torchick /u/Aqua_Duck
14. two event celebi and 1 US poke viv for shiny HP fighting litwick /u/believingunbeliever
15. 3 ut event celebi for custom HP shiny numel /u/underpantscannon
16. shiny hondour and shiny aerodactyl for 1 scrap code /u/MisterCelric
17. SR NA Diancie for 2 scrap codes one scrap shaymin code /u/MudkipBeats
18. event magmar and event electabuzz for 2 scrap codes /u/Broadsword117
19. hp ground shiny eevee and a female diveball eevee for one scrap code /u/Jozcef
20. 3 ut event Celebi for 1 scrap code /u/Broadsword117
21. 5 comp breedables and 1 6iv shiny onix for 1 game darkrai code /u/Rook0r3
22. 5 ut X/Y Torchick with stone for 2 scrap codes /u/iIIidAn
23. 9 semi comp shinies for scrap redemption for victini, keldeo and shaymin /u/BBerry02
24. 5 comp breedables and one comp shiny swablu for 1 game darkrai code /u/kparadine
25. one event celebi for redemption of game darkrai code /u/Dan202903
26. one fancy viv and one NA pumkaboo for redemption of a game Darkrai code with good ivs /u/Xenial6
27. 1 X/Y torchcik 2 bank celebi and 1 scrap shaymin code for SR Raikou with good ivs /u/Turtlesrock5
28. a kalos caught mewtwo and a comp shiny hawlucha for a Game Darkrai code /u/sangafox
29. comp shiny starmie, comp shiny clefable and comp shiny vulpix for 1 NA Diancie code /u/Colev0
30. NA fancy viv and shiny chikorita for good iv redemption of game Darkrai /u/Scarshield
31. 1 scrap code for scrap set redemption and with some extra iv love to the Victini /u/ParaQuant
32. oras caught average HP ice Raikou for 1 bank celebi /u/Galamidor
33. scrap set from para for three M18 Arceus /u/GodOfGhosts
34. custom shiny viv for serenna's fennikin /u/Onizuak31
35. amaura code for 2 cocro ray codes as well as redemption /u/ENDY1102
36. NA gengar for redemption of a game charizard /u/xBsh3rx
37. comp shiny 6iv HP ice numel, shiny venonat and shinyhoundoom for 1 game charizard code /u/kparadine
38. NA shiny gengar event for redemption for my facebook kangaskhan code /u/Broadsword117
39. 4iv NA Diancie for Game shiny Charizard code /u/Zahard77
40. NA shiny gengar event for redemption of game charizard /u/Alpha-jd
41. game charizard for XYZ set /u/Great_Plattsby
42. scrap code for custom shiny HP ice trick room litwick /u/Epoke28
43. comp shiny Begmite, Swinub and Espurr for brave nature SR Mac Hoopa /u/tcbp
44. game darkrai for PGL Delibird /u/PastyIsTasty
45. shiny blazekin for NA mew code /u/electricwheelz
46. 2 mew codes for 1 korean Giratina /u/dark_lucario
47. 2 comp shines (6iv horsea and piplup) and 5 breedables for 5 Mew codes /u/daytonwork
[+] Shinies (9)
1. ludicolo for gilgar /u/RamsayRidgeRunner
2. Ralts for Pinsir /u/Schwarzmilan
3. cleffa for lapras /u/livezinshadowz
4. flechling for poliwag /u/sentony93
5. Heliolisk for Hariyama /u/patchespatch04
6. staryu for Piplup /u/hahapedrox
7. semi-comp shiny pawniard for item transfer /u/Hungranion
8. comp. ralts (gallade build) for Comp. vulpix /u/Kfloria
9. shiny mawhile for NA game Mew code+ redemption /u/chrunchydango
[+] Competitive / Casual (1)
1. 2 female breedables for 1 HP fighting ymask /u/aresm
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (2)
1. RNGed shiny Eevee for Event Gengar and us pokeball Viv /u/lord_of_flood
2. RNG Vulpix for scrap redemption /u/bberry02

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


Erotophonophilia Jan 14, 2015 7:27:42 AM

Quickly corrected a minor issue for me, 10/10

velosarahptor Dec 15, 2014 9:09:35 PM

Traded bankball females with /u/pikamonn (FlairHQ); easy to trade with, quick to breed my pokemon and get back to me. Would definitely trade with again :)

Cirrusoul Dec 12, 2014 5:06:57 AM

Traded my event Celebi for their shiny Gallade-build Ralts (and was patient with me hounding them about it for a couple of days)--thank you so much!!

pikamonn's Information


Friend codes:
