
5370-1564-9659 || Pipeboy 64 (US), Pipeboy (αS), F (UM)
5370-1564-9659 || Pipeboy 64 (US), Pipeboy (αS), F (UM) || XXXX

Trades (100)

[+] Events (1)
1. 4 languaje sets of wifi NA Zoroark for 27 female HA in shopballs (transfer only) /u/squarekantobadge
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (99)
1. Luxury HA Hippopotas, Dive HA Basculin Blue, and Dusk HA Sentret. (all female) for female Repeat HA Lileep /u/iPippy
2. female Net HA Kabuto for female Dusk HA Basculin Red /u/SebiPwned
3. female Ultra Ball Shieldon for female Heal Ball HA Kangaskhan /u/PKMNTrainerKayla
4. A lot of female HA Basculin and 1 Qwilfish in shop-balls for females HA: Repeat Aerodactyl, Great Lileep, Timer and Dusk Basculin Blue /u/Yu-GoBB
5. 7 female HA Fossils and 4 others female HA, all in transfer only balls for 25 female HA high female rate, in transfer only balls /u/ZeroPointLibra
6. female and HA: Repeat Snorlax and Ultra Tirtouga for female and HA: Repeat and Quick Tirtouga /u/Yu-GoBB
7. Healball Castform for NetBall HA Qwilfish /u/Dracojuwel
8. Charmander with Air Cutter, Counter and Beat-Up for female HA Snorlax in NestBall /u/Yu-GoBB
9. Luxury HA Blitzle & Scatterbug for BeastBall HA Vullaby & DBHA Qwilfish /u/valere1213
10. DreamBall HA Delibird for BeastBall HA Petilil /u/Skreya
11. 11 shopball fossils for 11 DBHA (7 starters + 1 Pichu + 3 Elemntal monkeys) /u/ValkyrieG
12. Luxury Furfrou & Repeat HA Kabuto for Dive HA Piplup & Level HA Kangaskhan /u/valere1213
13. 6 Johtoball pkmn + 2 for 6 shopball starters + 2 /u/moomooreporter
14. 8 ShopBall (6 HA +2) Fossils for 8 Shopball HA (3rd & 4th gen) Starters /u/Vanity333
15. DBHA Remoraid for Dive HA Mudkip /u/SirMexican
16. Netball HA Kabuto for Nestball HA Turtwig /u/Derjaxxx
17. Levelball Houndour & DBHA Mantine for Lure & Friend ball HA Eevees /u/DysenteryDingo
18. DB Houndour & DB Seedot for MoonBall Pancham & FastBall Fletchling /u/sakudono
19. 13 bankballs for 13 johtoballs pkmn from Sun/Moon /u/xSnowCat
20. 5 bankball pkmn for 5 johtoball pkmn from sun/moon /u/Knightinkodes
21. DBHA Marill for Friend Dewpider /u/atm831711
22. HeavyBall Numel for FriendBall Sewaddle /u/shamaela
23. 31 ShopBall Fossils for 31 ShopBall Starters /u/The_Unown
24. 3 ShopBall Lileep for 3 ShopBall Starters /u/ab3960018
25. 3 ShopBall HA Fossils + 1 LuxuryBall HA Karrablast for 4 JohtoBall HA pkmn /u/valere1213
26. 3 HA pkmn for 3 aprimons /u/Sage_of_Gwylim
27. 4 Premier (3 HA) Fossils + Premier HA Shroomish for 5 aprimons (2 HA) /u/BlackBlade15
28. HA Frillish for DB Basculin Blue /u/Falconium_ms
29. 2 ShopBall HA Fossils for 2 JohtoBall HA Kangaskhan /u/JasmineofWinter
30. Tyrunt for Roselia /u/The_Kindlegarden
31. DreamBall Skitty & Luxury HA Blitzle for Cherubi & Quagsire /u/bapscap
32. 4 ShopBall Fossils (1 HA) for 3 JohtoBall HA Chanseys + Kling /u/TheRiyria
33. 3 HA pkmn for 3 JohtoBall HA pkmn /u/flightofmog16
34. 3 PremierBall Fossils (1 HA) for 3 JohtoBall pkmn (1 HA) /u/gregariousHermit
35. Lure Goldeen + Moon Barboach + DBHA Snorunt for Heavy Torkoal + Friend Trapinch & Grubbin /u/Memorisia
36. Synchronize Timid Ralts for Bidoof /u/Masterfromclash
37. 11 Spanish breedjects for 11 differents OT for LivingDex /u/happyjolteon
38. FastBall Relicanth + Female Archen for HeavyBall HA Gible /u/Tony_Solo
39. DBHA Delibird for FastBall HA Kangaskhan /u/system_chronos
40. 37 breedjects for 6 aprimons + 31 pkmn for LivingDex /u/happyjolteon
41. Premier HA Sentret for Friend Solosis /u/gregariousHermit
42. Repeat HA Sentret for Pumpkaboo with Everstone /u/helenaneedshugs
43. LoveBall Mawile for MoonBall Pinsir /u/frostyfawn
44. Friend Abra, Fast & Lure Relicanth for Friend Komala, Heavy Mimikyu & Love Cottone /u/system_chronos
45. HA Lux Zebstrika, Lux HA Basculin, and HA Frillish for Love Oranguru, Friend Passimian & Level HA Litwick /u/catsandfrogs3000
46. 11 BeastBall pkmn (10 HA) for 11 JohtoBall HA pkmn (5 Vullaby, 3 Petilil, 3 Beldum) /u/TheRiyria
47. fast HA Spheal, fast HA Axew & heavy HA Solosis for Friend, Level and Heavy HA Phantump /u/Nightcore12
48. 4 SafariBall pkmn + 2 SportBall pkmn + 2 DBHA pkmn for 8 Aprimon (5 HA) /u/SonGoku1992
49. 9 aprimons (7 HA) for 9 Aprimons (7 HA) /u/ErnestoBen
50. 32 Shopball HA fossils + bonus for 33 Johtoball HA pkmn /u/valere1213
51. 22 Johtoball pkmn for 22 Johtoball pkmn /u/shamaela
52. 25 ShopBall Starters (24 with HA) + 5 ShopBall HA pkmn for 30 JohtoBall HA pkmn /u/valere1213
53. Lure HA Pancham, Heavy HA Snivy & Lure HA Snivy for Love HA Morelull, Love Crabrawler & Level HA Stufful /u/qweligator
54. Fast HA Axew for Love Pinsir /u/MeridiumLeVagabond
55. FriendHA Cutiefly for HeavyHA Togedemaru /u/123alexis123
56. 3 SB starters + 3 aprimons for 7 aprimons /u/xSnowCat
57. 4 aprimons + 3 beastballmons for 7 aprimons /u/kirakori
58. Heal HA Mudkip & Lux HA Blitzle for Love HA Finneon & Roggenrola /u/buckembarnes
59. 8 Aprimons + 4 HA apriball Beldum for 8 HA aprimons /u/Miuna
60. Lure Horsea for Heavy Oragen-Minior /u/log94
61. 16 aprimons for 13 aprimons (3 with HA) /u/transcendentyo
62. Timer Kabuto for Level Wimpod /u/0n1x
63. Friend HA Beldum, Safari HA Duskull, Repeat Mudkip & Repeat HA Piplup for Lure HA Fletchling & Moon HA Klefki /u/ElenaPic
64. 10 aprimons for 10 aprimons /u/shamaela
65. Safari Carvanha & Fast Nidoran F for Fast & Level Klink /u/TheRiyria
66. 2 Apriball Spheal for 2 Apriball Sandile /u/Minua
67. Friend Baltoy for Level Tynamo /u/ZombiesAreNotOkay
68. Heavy Yellow Minior, Heavy Orange Minior, Level Violet Minior, Fast Indigo Minior for Love/Fast/Level Wishiwashi, Love Klink /u/qweligator
69. 2 aprimons for 20 aprimons /u/system_chronos
70. Gigadrain Larvesta (6th gen tutor) for Heavy Green-Minior /u/Ianej
71. 2 Shop HA starters, 3 Shop (2HA) Fossils, 11 Aprimons & 1 Luxury HA Spiritomb for 16 jothoball Miniors & 3 FriendBall mons /u/Bendiez
72. HealBall HA Tauros for 3 LoveBall Miniors /u/PKMN-Trainer-Mimi
73. DBHA Clefa for Voltorb with restricted OT /u/Pikapower1884860
74. Lure Ball Oranguru & Drampa for Klank & Whismur for my LivingDex (restricted OT numbers) /u/fernnifer
75. Heavy HA Bagon for Solosis /u/IHidan
76. Dream Cottonee with Beat Up for Horsea /u/meltedmochi
77. DBHA Magnemite for Krokorok (restricted OT numbers) /u/UBahn1
78. White-Flabébé in PremierBall for Nosepass from pkmn Pearl /u/pixielf
79. DBHA Karrablast & Emolga for Woobat from White (restricted OT numbers) /u/AlexFreebird
80. Premier Adamant Groudon for Deoxys /u/dbrown24
81. Timid Tornadus for Lucky Egg /u/vader34mt
82. 10 DBHA + 4 Moon pkmn for 2 Lucky Eggs /u/foxayee
83. Custom (ball/nature) Ho-oh & Palkia for 2 Lucky Eggs /u/trollolly
84. 6 breedjects (4 HA aprimons + 1 aprimon + 1 HA safari) for 3 HA aprimons /u/Quazord
85. 2 Shopball HA Fossils for Love HA Smoochum /u/buckembarnes
86. 14 HA aprimons for 14 HA aprimons /u/pakfron
87. 3 HA shopball fossils (1 female + 2 males) for 4 HA apriball Goletts /u/QuoteMissy
88. 30 rareball at-hand + 8 HA aprimons for 19 aprimons (16 with HA) + 1 BB Voltorb /u/Puibmka23
89. 6 aprimons for 3 HA aprimons /u/cooee64
90. 4 DBHA mons for 2 apriball rotom + heavy HA aron /u/spacez52
91. DB Hippopotas for Loveball Rotom /u/Theblueo
92. Love HA A-Vulpix for Level Chimchar /u/aeverdi213
93. 6 SBHA fossils + fast Tynamo for 6 HA aprimons + fast Rotom /u/buckembarnes
94. 16 bankballs (12 no-HA + 4 HA) for 10 aprimons (9 HA + 1 no-HA) /u/Puibmka23
95. 34 Shopball Fossils (12 with HA) for 16 Apriball starters (14 with HA) /u/theshyghost
96. 7 aprimons + 1 bestball swablu for 9 aprimons /u/valere1213
97. 13 aprimons + 1 safari magnemite for 7 HA aprimons /u/Puibmka23
98. 53 aprimons (1 HA) for 27 HA aprimons /u/Puibmka23
99. 11 aprimons (4 with HA) for 11 HA aprimons /u/rufusdrumknott
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (1 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. NA Latios/Latias Code (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


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