
2079-6855-7866 || Pyrocat (ΩR, S, Y, US)
2079-6855-7866 || Pyrocat (ΩR, S, Y, US) || 0407, 2717

Trades (129)

[+] Events (65)
1. 8x NA self obtained Genesect codes for XZY event (shiny Yveltal, shiny Xerneas, Zygarde) /u/TheDecimated
2. 4x NA self obtained Genesect Codes for 20th Anniversary Hoopa, Victini (Timid, SPA), Darkrai (Timid) /u/chatiloco
3. 2x NA self obtained Genesect codes for 20th Anniversary Shaymin /u/GoodReplays
4. free for Genesect /u/Lunditry
5. 2014 Pokebank Celebi for Adamant Latias as well as Previous Generations Serious Kyogre /u/muchomanga
6. 4x NA self redeemed Genesect codes for 20 DBHA 4-5IV pokemon /u/repaulyu
7. Garchompite for 20th Anniversary Keldeo /u/twix1456
8. 5x NA self obtained Genesect codes for 20th Anniversary Hoopa (KOR) and Victini (adamant, with proof) /u/Tysiilion
9. 20th Anniversary Hoopa (modest, traded) for Manaphy (timid, Self obtained) /u/nuts2
10. 20th Anniversary Hoopa (quiet, self obtained) for XYZ Shiny Yvetal with proof /u/Puzzlepea
11. 6x self obtained NA Genesect codes for Early Adopter Munchlax (adamant+careful), one Happy Hour Meowth (relaxed) /u/LotsOfProtean
12. 20th Anniversary Manaphy (modest, traded) for 2010 WISHMKR Jirachi /u/hamaluma
13. 3x self obtained NA Genesect codes for 20th Anniversary Celebi (bashful) and XYZ Shiny Xerneas (relaxed) with proof /u/HeyMakoooooooooowoah
14. 20th Anniversary Celebi (modest) for Alexander Hoopa (modest) /u/lorDDonut5430
15. 1x NA self obtained Genesect Code for Volcanion (naive) /u/FlygonKing
16. 20th Anniversary Keldeo (serious) for 20th Anniversary Arceus (calm) /u/TuskenTimeTraveller
17. Keldeo (timid, self obtained) for Ash-Greninja (timid) /u/TofuMapo
18. Alexander Hoopa (modest, traded) for XYZ Shiny Yvetal (naive) /u/jmoreno_32
19. 1x NA Genesect Code for 20th Anniversary Mew (calm) /u/Rocket766
20. 20th Anniversary Celebi (bashful, traded) for Non-event Deoxys, Suicune, Raikou /u/TyrantsInSpace
21. 10x NA Silvally Codes for Pokemon Center Shiny Mimikyu (Jolly, ENG with video proof) /u/jyaroda1995
22. 1x NA Silvally Code for Ash Cap Pikachu (Kalos, with proof) /u/trapinchfissure
23. 1x NA Silvally code for Ash Cap Pikachu (Alola w/proof) /u/UselessBytes
24. 2x NA Silvally codes for 2x Ash Cap Pikachu (Unova ENG, Sinnoh ITA) /u/HermesChild98
25. 8x NA Silvally codes for KOR Wifi Vulpix + Steenee ENG (with proof) /u/rayquaza_black
26. 1x NA Silvally Code for 1x NA Marshadow redeem (jolly, with proof) /u/overworld99
27. 1x NA Silvally code for 1x NA Shiny Silvally redeem (timid, with proof) /u/overworld99
28. 1x NA Silvally code for Hoenn Capchu /u/SkymasterLink
29. Volcanion (naive, traded), 1x friend ball for Midnight Lycanroc (Rocky | 051517, jolly, ENG), Salazzle (Clovis | 080817, timid, ENG) /u/Sorakan
30. 5x NA Shiny Silvally codes for Target Charizard (quirky), Shiny Silvally (bold), Marshadow (Adamant), Salazzle (calm), all redeemed with proof /u/CallistaEve
31. 2x NA self obtained Palkia/Dialga codes for 1x LINE Rotom redeem (ENG, bold) /u/UmiMizuAi
32. 2x LINE rotom codes for 1x LINE Rotom redeem (ENG, Timid) /u/absol_ow
33. 2x KOR Shiny Poipole codes for 1x KOR Shiny Poipole redeem (ENG, modest) /u/UmiMizuAi
34. 3x NA EnteiRaikou codes, 1x NA DialgaPalkia code for 1x Redeemed NA Dialga (calm) /u/Unlucky-Sevens
35. 7x NA E/R codes, 1x NA D/P code for 1x NA Palkia (hasty), 1x Entei (Jolly) redeem /u/v3ntak
36. 1x JPN Poipole Code, 2x NA D/P codes, 3x NA E/R Codes for 1x JPN Poipole Redeem /u/absol_ow
37. 1x 20th Anniversary Darkrai (timid) for 1x 20th Anniversary Shaymin (sassy), 1x Spooky2014 Pumpakboo (frisk, naughty) /u/Whitai
38. 12x NA XY codes for JPN Shiny Kyogre (modest), JPN Scrap Manaphy (timid) /u/Acrylami
39. 1x Shiny Haxorus (non-event, traded) for 2018 Legends Raikou (Timid) /u/Dragonflare25
40. 2x NA XY codes, 1x JPN Poipole Code for Redeemed JPN Poipole (modest nature locked) 5-5-18 ENG tag /u/UmiMizuAi
41. 8x NA XY codes for Harry Hoopa (Brave, GER tag) /u/ZiR1402
42. 4x NA XY codes for Sinnoh Cap Pikachu (ENG tag) /u/AceRene
43. 21x NA ER codes + redeem codes for 2018 Legends Raikou (Timid/Modest), Entei (Adamant/Jolly), Dialga (Timid/Modest), Palkia (Hasty) all ENG tag w/ proof /u/BlobbyMcB
44. 12x NA DP codes for 2015 Present (HA Starters) trio: Timid Serperior, Jolly Emboar, Jolly Samurott ENG tag /u/user1288
45. Mt. Tensei Marshadow, Adamant for OCT2014 Diancie, serious /u/AithePanda
46. Mt. Tensei Marshadow (Jolly, ENG) for Steven's Beldum, Quiet, untoucnhed /u/Whitai
47. 7x NA DP codes for NA Poketopia Set (Pikachu Electivire Magmortar) ENG /u/Trollolly
48. 7x NA ER codes, 2x NA DP codes (+redeem codes) for Sun/Moon (lvl60) 2018 Legends Xerneas (modest), Yveltal (modest), Dialga (timid), Palkia (timid), Raikou (timid), Entei (jolly), and a Sun/Moon demo Ash Greninja (modest) /u/shinybidoof11
49. 4x NA XY 4x NA ER codes for 2x Yveltal (Modest/Rash), 2x Entei (Adamant/Jolly), 2x Palkia (Modest, Timid) redeems /u/cascari
50. 2x NA XY 2x NA ER codes for 2018 Legends Yveltal (naive), Entei (adamant), Palkia (mild) redeems /u/edudlive
51. JPN Shiny Kyogre (Modest), 2018 Legends Raikou (Timid) for Redeemed Fuura City Lugia (Bold) ENG tag /u/CapTainIgloo57
52. Clovis Salazzle (calm) for Melemele Shiny Tapu Koko (timid) ENG /u/deanland328
53. 2x NA XY codes, 2x NA ER codes for Demo Ash Greninja (Timid) ENG tag /u/shinybidoof11
54. proofless 20th Anniversary Arceus (Calm) Victini (Jolly) Keldeo (Timid) for Shiny XYZ Xerneas (Bashful) Yveltal (Naive) with WC proof /u/CapJohnRackam
55. Dream Radar Landorus/Thundurus/Tornadus set self redeemed for 20th Anniversary Celebi (Bold), Genesect (Naive) with proof /u/PhxRising29
56. 2x traded UM Dialga (modest/timid), 1x self redeemed UM Dialga (modest) for JPN Shiny Kyogre (Timid, ENG tag) with proof /u/Aeryllis
57. 14x NA XY codes for JPN LINE Rotom (Timid, JPN tag), Target Charizard (Modest, ENG tag) /u/Super_Fua
58. 2x NA XY codes, 1x Self Redeemed Dialga (Timid) for 2018 Legends Palkia (Modest), Entei (Adamant), Yveltal (Timid) redeems /u/imapikachu1117
59. 20th Anniversary Arceus (Timid) self obtained for Steven's Beldum (Serious) /u/vaporeonx
60. 10x NA Shiny Zygarde codes for JPN PC Shaymin 2018 In-Life (Timid, ENG tag) /u/gills0105
61. 3x NA Zygarde codes for NA Marshadow (Jolly, ENG tag) /u/transcendentyo
62. 3x NA Zygarde codes for JPN PC Tohoku Victini (Hasty, JPN tag) /u/Mushy_64
63. 3x NA Shiny Zygarde codes for NA Marshadow (Jolly, ENG) /u/lycilla
64. 5x NA H/L codes for JPN Daisuke Solrock /u/Foxypuff
65. 10x NA Zeraora codes for MT. Tensei Marshadow (ENG, Jolly, 2017-10-14) /u/brownmunchkin
[+] Shinies (35)
1. 4x NA Self Obtained Genesect Codes for Shiny Kabuto, Shiny Staryu /u/MysticHomer
2. Shiny Gardevoir for Shiny Meowstic, Mawile, Floette /u/Hatter101
3. Tyranitarite for Shiny Seviper /u/vaanrose
4. Shiny Deino for Shiny Fraxure /u/twoclose
5. Shiny Floette for Shiny Blastoise /u/Gooomy
6. Shiny Seviper for Shiny Petilil /u/bajco
7. Shiny Blastoise for Shiny Jolteon /u/Lotadd
8. 5IV Vulpix breeding pair for Shiny Mareep /u/EDW1NYANG
9. Shiny Mareep for Shiny Camerupt /u/CSboarder
10. Shiny Eevee for Shiny Klefki /u/projectkuro
11. Shiny Vulpix for Shiny Honedge /u/InconsistentTurtle
12. Shiny Hippopotas for Shiny Honedge /u/dave6plus
13. Shiny Hippopotas for Shiny Sableye /u/mbachu
14. 7x NA self obtained Genesect codes for Shiny Jolly Gible, Shiny Cyndaquil, Shiny Scizor /u/unanify
15. 2x NA self obtained Genesect codes for Shiny Sylveon /u/UltimateMatrix
16. 2x NA self obtained Genesect codes for Shiny Modest Mareep, 31/31/31/31/31/0 /u/KookyKracks
17. Shiny Sylveon for Shiny Zangoose /u/benweinrib
18. Shiny competitive Cyndaquil for Shiny competitive Charmeleon /u/Kerwerus_V2
19. Shiny Cyndaquil for Shiny Charmeleon /u/Kerwerus_V2
20. LuxBall Murkrow, DBHA Trapinch, Pinsir, Omanyte, Moon Ball Absol and Misdreavus for Shiny Feebas, Rotom, and Sandshrew /u/Crash2Desktop
21. Shiny Staryu (Ryan | 61819) for Shiny Mawile (Jessie | 35488) /u/gatorz77
22. 5x NA self obtained Genesect codes for Shiny Omanyte (Chris | 25867), Mawile (FRE2 | 11102), Staryu (Tom | 23532) /u/LeFishyDerps
23. Shiny Lucario for Shiny Milotic (Charlotte | 48528) /u/Gibicus
24. 1x NA self obtained Genesect code for Shiny Manectric (Relaxed) /u/diddlyd00da
25. 8x NA self obtained Genesect codes for Shiny Dratini, Torchic, Riolu, Tentacool, Abra, Mareep (bold) /u/PikaCuber
26. 6x self obtained NA Genesect codes for Shiny Marill, Litwick, Zangoose, Torkoal, Lickitung /u/gododgers2002
27. 20th Anniversary Shaymin, Arceus, Genesect, Volcanion for Shiny Electrike (timid, hp ice), Skrelp, Pidgey, Shuckle, Clauncher /u/believingunbeliever
28. Nihilego (modest) for Shiny Cubone (adamant, Gareth | 343980) /u/Sovee_
29. Sassy Celesteela for Shiny Grimer (adamant) + 5 aprimons /u/ThatGuyFromAisle5
30. Shiny A-Grimer (adamant, power of alchemy) for Shiny Dhelmise (adamant, steelworker) /u/Shadow_627
31. 5IV HA Morelull holding Choice Scarf for Shiny Magnemite (modest) /u/tringuyen1121
32. 1x NA Silvally code for Shiny Wimpod (Brave) /u/MiguelYx
33. 4x NA Entei/Raikou codes for 2x NA Dialga/Palkia codes, Shiny Shuppet, Lucky Egg /u/lonachu
34. 2x NA Zekrom/Reshiram codes for Shiny Bellsprout (Calm, Chlorophyll Toni | 055821) /u/brownmunchkin
35. 12x NA Zekrom/Reshiram codes, 7x NA Ho-Oh/Lugia codes (2018 Legends) for 12 shinies /u/patchespatch04
[+] Competitive / Casual (20)
1. 5IV Honege for 5IV Phantump /u/LolCakeLazors
2. 5IV Mawile for 5IV Tyrunt /u/pac0723
3. 5IV Mawile breeding pair for 5IV Gligar breeding pair /u/NexVenom
4. 3IV Goomy HA for 2IV Minccino HA Luxury Ball /u/LurkerRex
5. 4IV HA Goomy male/female pair for 6IV and 5IV Bold and Modest Rotom /u/Rygenix
6. Grimer with Pokerus for Sassy Dewpider /u/RebYid
7. Gen7 Jolly Synchronize Abra for Gen7 Timid Synchronize Abra /u/inumika
8. [Gen7] Naive Synchronize Abra for [Gen7] Bold Synchronize Abra /u/Trombung
9. [Gen7] HA Love Ball EM Timid Vulpix for [Gen7] HA Dive Ball Bold Slowpoke /u/xsheimii
10. [Gen7] HA BB Sassy Mareanie for [Gen7] Cubone | Female | Lightning Rod | Admant | 31/31/31/x/31/31 | Egg Moves: N/A | Pokeball /u/KillerVVhale
11. 1x self obtained NA Genesect code for In-game Zekrom (Henry | 47527, quiet) /u/HenryHero321
12. Buzzwole (impish) for Celesteela (careful) /u/pac-mayne
13. Tapu FIni (jpn, timid) for Celesteela (impish) /u/Condoucheus
14. Kartana and Buzzwole for Pheromosa (rash) and Celesteela (impish) /u/DrEsteban
15. Tapu Fini (modest) for Guzzlord (adamant, 100, hyper/ev trained) and Cosmoem (timid) /u/Trolldrome
16. Level ball Jangmo-o for Moon ball Sableye /u/cyandigo
17. 1x NA self obtained Genesect code for BB Sableye, Lure Ball I-Minior, Moon Ball Shelder /u/SonicBlader
18. Aprimon Skarmony + Axem for Moon Ball Sneasel + Love Ball A-Grimer /u/OrganicTank
19. Gen6 DBHA Abra/Lapras for Gen7 Heavy Ball Klink and Moon ball Abra /u/lunarinterlude
20. Impish Celesteela for Sassy Celesteela (JPN) /u/The_Big0
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (9)
1. 20th Anniversary Manaphy (Modest) for 2012MAY Darkrai with proof /u/SpartanTJ117
2. SMR2010 Jirachi for Korean Shiny Diancie and Quiet Renerator Shiny Slowpoke with proof /u/mizudomi
3. 2012MAY Darkrai (no proof, adamant) for SUM2013 Shiny Dialga (no proof, relaxed) /u/Dragynfyre
4. FAL2010 Mew (touched, lvl 21, quiet) for 2008 Gamestp Deoxys (timid, self redeemed, no proof) /u/seraphicmadnug
5. 1x NA Silvally code for Plasma Deoxys w/ proof /u/smugen
6. 20th Anniversary Mew (calm, traded, with proof) for SUM2013 Shiny Dialga (lax, self obtained, with proof) /u/SquidMage
7. 2010 self obtained Pikachu Colored Pichu from Platinum (Jolly, ENG), 2x NA Silvally codes for Lunar Magikarp (from Mushy_64, ENG, jolly), 20th Anniversary Jirachi (from nexussancht, ENG, jolly) PALdora Bird set (from Deadundead GER, Calm, Timid, Modest), all with proof /u/trollolly
8. 2010 GAMESTP Pikachu Colored Pichu (shiny) for JPN shiny Kyogre+Groudon 2018 events, PAL 2018 Legends US/UM Heatran (Modest) Regigigas (Adamant), KOR Shiny Poipole /u/lonachu
9. 2018 Legends Shiny Zygarde (Adamant with redeem proof from skyenicoleee) for 2012 Movie14 Victini (Hasty, ENG, no proof) /u/RoboBass

Egg Hatches (6)

1. Hatched Shiny Shuppet for /u/silversgleaming /u/silversgleaming
2. Hatched Shiny Scatterbug for /u/ImOddish /u/ImOddish
3. Hatched Shiny Croagunk for /u/RBThomas04 /u/RBThomas04
4. Hatched Shiny Eevee for /u/starbunnyfate /u/starbunnyfate
5. Pawniard /u/bmills4263
6. Dewpider /u/giraffe196

Giveaways/Contests (1 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Competitive Yamask giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


pyrocat's Information



Old Reference Thread

TSV thread

Hit me up if you have a Jolly Jirachi

Friend codes:

  • 2079-6855-7866


  • IGN: Pyrocat TSV: 2717