
0104-3015-1186 || Hanna (Y)
0104-3015-1186 || Hanna (Y) || 0550

Trades (29)

[+] Events (1)
1. 18 Pokemon for Hoopa /u/DanielBranco
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (28)
1. Bank Ball Misdreavus, Buneary for Bank Ball Scyther, Slowpoke /u/ThisisVinnyC
2. Tradeback on 6 Pokes for Tradeback on 4 Pokes /u/david8anderson
3. Leaf Stone for HA Snivy /u/haisiah
4. 2 Dusk Stones for Charizardite X and Y /u/Spartan7790
5. Sandstorm Vivillon for HA Female Vulpix /u/bswalsh123
6. Dragalge lv 35 for Milotic /u/gobearsoras
7. HA Dratini with Extreme Speed for Mew /u/OG_Boogie
8. DBHA Riolu for Bankball Corphish, Larvitar, Taillow /u/ThePokeChamp2002
9. 4 evo stones for Heavy Ball Skarmory, Love Ball Lapras /u/xDawilly
10. DBHA Riolu for DBHA Pachirisu, Miltank, Kangaskhan /u/rmeinerz
11. Fast Ball Swinub, Moon Ball Ekans for DBHA Burmy, Gible. /u/Theduskwolf
12. Safari Ball Aron for DBHA Abra /u/chaobreaker
13. Lure Chinchou Safari Sandshrew Safari Wobbuffet DBHA Slowpoke Heavy Murkrow Love Marill for Moon Shellder, Moon Growlithe, Heavy Cubone, DBHA Vulpix, DBHA Sandshrew /u/AngelRose_xO
14. DBHA Riolu for HA Chimchar /u/jwise1985
15. Escavalier for HA Durant /u/Knocking
16. Fast Swinub, Fast Drowzee, Safari Drowzee for DBHA Druggidon, Lapras, and Shroomish /u/HKG_Teddy
17. 2 PPMax, 5 PPUp for Nest ball Chikorita and Lileep /u/alan1589
18. Dive Nidoran F, Moon Snorunt for DBHA Corsola and Dratini /u/cathyespino
19. DBHA Yanma and Vulpix for DBHA Shuppet and Tangela /u/KingGC
20. Heavy Ball Honchkrow for DBHA Clamperl /u/storm_born_
21. Love Ball Snubbull for DBHA Mawile /u/Jtpk88
22. Level Ball Spearow for DBHA Stunky /u/snowkae
23. Shiny Marowak for Heavy ball Slakoth, Pineco, Relicanth, and Moon Starly /u/granite_grizz
24. DBHA Snorunt for DBHA Ralts /u/Senor_Sensei
25. HA Cyndaquil, Spiritomb for Adamant and Modest Sych Ralts /u/Nemirin
26. Shiny 5IV Eevee for DBHA Anorith, Audino, and Shelmet /u/trollin4ever
27. Shiny Hippoptas for Fast Ball and Friend Ball Burmys /u/granite_grizz
28. Dive Ball Totodile for Net Ball Chikorita /u/creoix
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (2)

1. hatched shiny magikarp /u/Pinguinsx
2. hatched shiny Froakie /u/Wizli

Giveaways/Contests (3 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Gave away 2 NA gamestop Darkrai codes (Sub: pokemontrades, 2 given)
2. gave someone a HA Snivy (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (2)

1. free Chikorita /u/Ricekake12
2. Phantump evo tradeback /u/BordyDogue

Misc (0)


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Friend codes:
