
4141-2938-7039 || Sarah (X), Sarah (αS)
4141-2938-7039 || Sarah (X), Sarah (αS) || 0081, 2419

Trades (6)

[+] Events (2)
1. 7 SR'd Hope Diancie for FB Kangaskhan /u/xtakeru
2. 5IV (0 Speed), 3 EM Ferroseed for Dragonite Code /u/dusts00
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (3)
1. Purugly for Breedject Swablu /u/Firate
2. HA Venipede for Cobalion /u/Smarter_than_that
3. Comp Ferroseed, Comp Dragonair, 5IV Imperfect Feebas, 4IV Ferroseed, 4IV Skarmory for 4IV Buneary, Marill, Larvitar (x2), Swablu /u/PowerfulStache
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (1)
1. Nearly Perfect Hope Diancie for SPR2013 Meloetta, WISHMKR Jirachi, 6th Gen Arceus /u/lavaburst14

Egg Hatches (6)

1. Shiny Aron, 0081 /u/CapsFan1989
2. Shiny Scatterbug, 0081 /u/infiniteshadow
3. Shiny Honedge, 2419 /u/kandenian
4. Shiny Larvitar, 2419 /u/Jozcef
5. Shiny Eevee, 0081 /u/s_10
6. Shiny Machop, 0081 /u/erublack

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (3)

1. Tradebacked a handful of legends + Gliscor /u/Mineralvand
2. Transferred a handful of Pokemon from his Y to his OR /u/CWTyler
3. Traded some pokemon from his Y to his OR part 2 /u/CWTyler

Misc (0)


raventhefree's Information


Friend codes:
