
SW-4486-6589-8482 || Matt (SP)
SW-4486-6589-8482 || Matt (SP) || XXXX

Trades (14)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (14)
1. Light Ball for Salac and Petaya berry /u/HufflepuffinDank
2. Light Ball for Liechi and Ganlon Berry /u/HufflepuffinDank
3. Moon Stone for Skull Fossil /u/Yandhi1
4. Light Ball, Magmarizer for Spelon Berry, Magost Berry, Apicot Berry, Belue Berry /u/repkin1551
5. Magby for Ekans /u/wdlizcano
6. Heracross / Spoink for Caterpie / Seal /u/Tatertot74
7. Thunder Stone, Water Stone for Pamtre Berry /u/hubertyao
8. Kabuto, Sandshrew, Seviper, Lunatone, Weedle, Lotad for Shroomish, Keckleon, Seedot, Exeggcute, Yanma, Stunky /u/mr477
9. moon stone/larvitar/eevee/kabuto/omanyte for Durin, Cornn, Nomel, Rabuta, Magost Berries /u/eeembeee
10. Lileep, Kabuto, Charmander for Aerodactyl, Plusle, Minun /u/Different_Good6234
11. Yanma for Gligar /u/Hunts_Mayhem
12. Exeggcute for Kanghaskhan /u/staumann
13. Bagon, Elekid for Dunsparce, Makuhita /u/hard9649
14. Spoink, Yanma, Sableye for Pidgey, Slakoth, Mawile /u/chelsea8012
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (3)

1. Electabuzz tradeback for Scyther /u/LephanGames
2. Palkia for Dialga /u/hopkinsdrums
3. Tradeback Porygon and Scyther /u/Caelum_Scriptor

Misc (0)


redtailblackshark's Information


Friend codes:
