
3712-1959-8453 || Ricardo (M)
3712-1959-8453 || Ricardo (M) || XXXX

Trades (101)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (101)
1. 2 rare candies for Moon Ball HA Absol /u/I_AM_THE_REAL_GOD
2. Passimian for Oranguru /u/pink_strawberry
3. 2 Rare Candies for Wimpod and Carvanha /u/I_AM_THE_REAL_GOD
4. Thick club for Lure Ball Dratini /u/kailahx
5. Light Clay for Trick Room Oranguru /u/ShinyCrab
6. Thick club, Metal coat and Light Clay for HA Marearnie, BB Marill and HA Gible /u/VergilXV
7. Thick club for Destiny knot /u/Rydaro
8. Thick club for BB Adamant Beldum /u/LethalTexture
9. Ditto for Ditto /u/Sl3asy
10. Thick Club for Gyaradosite /u/Thenatural1991
11. Perfect 5IV Bold Porygon for Sharpedonite /u/PorkTrading
12. 3 Berries (Kelpsy, Qualot and Grepa) for Litten and Rowlet 4EMs /u/SkairulGames
13. Silver Bottle Cap for Popplio 2EM /u/Axcel_94
14. Thick Cub for Mmimikyu with EMs /u/Skreya
15. Thick Cub for HA Torchic /u/bnhershy
16. 2 4IV Dittos for HA Froakie and HA Turtwig /u/zackg132
17. HA Absol and EM Charmander for DBHA Puplip and DBHA Chimchar /u/NightLight1777
18. EM Charmander for DBHA Treecko /u/HansSoloed
19. Perfect 5IV Charmander for Perfect 5IV Zorua /u/asentret
20. Thick Cub for Komala /u/ConceptrunAway
21. 5IV Zorua for 5IV Miltank /u/TheMaskd
22. Charmander and Zorua for Abra and Gastly /u/BraxyBoy
23. 4IV Squirtle for 4IV Charmander /u/KevinTF
24. Charmander for Riolu /u/Only_Nemesis
25. 5IV Zorua for 5IV Larvesta HP Ice /u/inumika
26. 5IV Zorua for 5IV Ferroseed /u/SocksMittens
27. 5IV Zorua for 5IV Snivy /u/The_Big0
28. HA Skrelp 4IV for EM Zorua 4IV /u/Crotenis
29. Perfect 5IV Zorua for DBHA Bunneary and Aron Breedject /u/CarlosMBS12
30. 5IV Zorua for 5IV HA Love Ball Goldeen /u/Vallixe
31. 5IV Zorua for 5IV Mudkip /u/123alexis123
32. 4IV BB Wimpod for 4IV Pidgey /u/123alexis123
33. 5IV Perfect Charmander for 5IV Perfect HA Mawile /u/RedFerrari1998
34. HA Gligar 4IVs for Zorua 4IVs /u/jemoril
35. Perfect 5IV 4EM Zorua for DB 5IV Poochyena /u/wannabe311
36. Breedject 5IV EMs Zorua for Breedject 4IV HA Noibat /u/HansSoloed
37. 4IV 4EM Breedject Zorua for BB Gible /u/OxfordHustle
38. 5IV Perfect 4EM Zorua for DB 5IV Perfect HA Spiritomb /u/dbrown24
39. Zorua for Fennekin /u/Colorless_Ink
40. 5IV Breedject Zorua for 5IV Breedject Houndoom /u/oomps62
41. Timid Zorua 4EM for Full set of EV-enhacing items /u/Suffixes
42. 4IV Charmander for 4IV HA Gligar /u/KickBoxCube
43. 5IV Jolly Charmander, Bold Porygon and Pikipek Skill Link for Moon Ball Cubone, Bagon and Dewpider /u/enRinto
44. Silver Bottle Cap for 4IV HA Foongus /u/sbig6458
45. Perfect 5IV Zorua for BB Totodile with Salamancite /u/ZECROM334
46. HA Carvanha and Zorua for HA Shroomish and HA Sableye /u/vinfox
47. Perfect 5IV Zorua for Perfect 5IV Larvitar /u/GropeAPanda
48. Zorua and HA Carvanha for Sandygast and HA Fomantis /u/Cairne61
49. 5IV Breedject Zorua for 5IV Breedject Cutiefly /u/crazedcatguy
50. 5IV Zorua for 5IV Yamask /u/TheOnlyTurdis
51. 4IV HA Froakie for 4IV Starly /u/cptking23
52. HA Absol and HA Lureball Carvanha for Bounsweet and DBHA Swablu /u/PinkOveralls
53. Perfect 5IV Zorua for Power Weight and Sablenite /u/TheAwesomeMan123
54. 5IV Zorua Breedject for 5IV Torkoal Breedject /u/junesong2077
55. 4IV Breedject Zorua for DBHA Emolga /u/michaelsaurs90
56. 5IV Breedject Zorua for 5IV Perfect Honedge /u/Silverstar00
57. 5IV Breedject Female Zorua for Absolite /u/Jncf
58. A-Sandshrew for Lunatone /u/NebulonsStyle
59. HA Carvanha for HA Wooper /u/valere1213
60. 4IV Zorua for HA Drilbur /u/HippoLowercase
61. HA Froakie and Zorua for HA Stufful and HA Geodude /u/SamK1001
62. Zorua 5IV Breedject and Silver Bottle Cap for A-Grimer Perfect 5IV /u/zwn7
63. 5IV Breedject Porygon for 5IV Breedject Grubbin /u/starman375
64. Thick Club for HA Pichu /u/KSchinck
65. Bottle Cap for Sport Ball HA Weedle /u/zwn7
66. 5IV Zorua Breedject for HA Venipide /u/ljhartman
67. Zorua and DBHA Mawile for Passimian and Mudbray /u/lutzaum
68. 6IV Love Ball Bounsweet for Starf and Lansat Berries /u/Rebelli07
69. Pidgey for HA Minccino /u/Shuleek
70. Sport Ball HA Weedle and Cap for Oricorio and Bruxish /u/WorstPostsEva
71. HP Fire Popplio for 6IV Chandelure /u/NEEEEEEEEEEERD
72. HA Squirtle and HA Bulbasaur for Pinsir and HA Eevee /u/SmithKurosaki
73. Silver Bottle Cap for Friend Ball Calm HA Morelull and Heavy Ball Adamant HA Crawbrawler /u/SamK1001
74. 6IV Absol for 6IV Absol /u/SamK1001
75. 5IV Perfect Sport Ball HA Weedle for 6IV HA Togedemaru /u/Xamarqand
76. HA Weedle for HA Yungoos /u/Shipwrecked_Pianta
77. Pidgey for Salandit /u/Zaskarel
78. 4IV Ferroseed for DBHA 5IV Breedject Torchic /u/2210-2211
79. 5IV Porygon for HA Totodile /u/notsamire
80. DBHA Mawile, Moon Ball HA Absol, DB Poochyena, Thick Cub, Magmarizer and Ice Stone for DB Tyrogue, DB Numel, Phione, HA Oshawott, HA Tepig and HA Cyndaquil /u/rmenegaldo
81. 4EM Litten for HA A-Vulpix /u/Quantum_Crisp
82. Thick Club for 5IV Breedject Meditite /u/lindoo1
83. Pidgey for HA Fennekin and HA Drilbur /u/wyau90
84. 5IV Breedject Zorua for Silver Bottle Cap /u/Chofli
85. DBHA Mawile and HA Minccino for HA Chespin and Deino /u/ObeisanceProse
86. Adamant Abra Synchronizer for DBHA Skorupi /u/Sebster21
87. HA Bulbasaur for HA Joltik /u/NutellaRaichu
88. Hondew Berry for EMs Bruxish /u/Radicaledward76
89. 5IV Perfect Absol for Pyukumuku and Wishiwashi Breedjects /u/jkengstrom7
90. Ferroseed for HA Farfetch'd /u/zyrianer
91. Ferroseed for SB Shuckle /u/valere1213
92. Togedemaru for A-Meowth /u/firey_109
93. 2 Rare Candies for HA K-Vulpix and DBHA Ponyta /u/icemage27
94. HA Riolu for HA Dratini /u/Feezi-
95. HA Togedemaru for Move Tutoring Services /u/Naturewiz
96. Togedemaru for Move Tutoring Services /u/fatskateboarder
97. 6IV Zorua for Move Tutoring Services /u/Ziatoro
98. Meowth for Nidoran /u/ububyuyu
99. HA Poochyena for Movo Tutoring /u/FettuciniGenie
100. Poochyena for Clauncher /u/Puibmka23
101. Breedjects for Move tutoring /u/Thedirectinator
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (3)

1. Porygon tradeback /u/LethalTexture
2. Porygon for my part, Porygon and Poliwhirl for the other part /u/Neobond83
3. Rhyperior Tradeback /u/thest1ckyband1t

Misc (0)


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