
SW-7806-5719-7381 || Riccardo (SW, SP, VIO)
SW-7806-5719-7381 || Riccardo (SW, SP, VIO) || XXXX

Trades (123)

[+] Events (11)
1. 20th Keldeo for Descartes Zygarde /u/TinChiP
2. HH Meowth for DB Scyther, DB Shelmet and Xerneas /u/bwalsh123
3. PAL Genesect for NA Genesect code /u/MSakuEX
4. Donation Pikachu code for Shiny Tapu Koko code /u/koto_om
5. Donation Pikachu code for Donation Pikachu and Shiny Tapu Koko redeem /u/KookyKracks
6. 20th Genesect for DBHA Lunatone, Solrock, Tentacool, Remoraid, Shieldon, Ralts, Gible, Aerodactyl, Safari Riolu and Level Sudowoodo /u/Regigigas29
7. Heavy Ball + Steelixite and Pidgeotite code for WISHMKR Jirachi /u/ConquestofGaul
8. Helen Volcanion for Shiny Tapu Koko code /u/thekudagitsune
9. Tapu Koko code for Shiny Lunar Magikarp /u/Miss_LadyRed
10. 20th anniv Shaymin for Helen Volcanion /u/ThstCommie
11. Love ball code for WISHMKR Jirachi /u/ConquestofGaul
[+] Shinies (4)
1. Shiny Litten for Shiny Wimpod /u/dharlette
2. Shiny Mudbray for DBHA Skorupi, Axew, Karrablast, Solosis, Timburr, Igglybuff, Piplup, Mantine /u/catsandfrogs3000
3. Shiny Furfrou for Shiny Fomantis /u/Xianthia
4. Shiny Dhelmise and Mimikyu for Magearna /u/Karpthehobo
[+] Competitive / Casual (108)
1. Magikarp for Carvanha /u/Spanksaurus
2. Ditto for Ditto /u/34loppyXsoko
3. Dewpider for Honedge /u/bountyforcash
4. Jolly Kartana for Hasty Pheromosa /u/WiiGoGetter
5. Moon Ball Jangmo-o for Love Ball Stufful /u/Blaze132
6. Cubone for Vulpix /u/Pain4567
7. Shellder for Mimikyu /u/BRBrutus
8. Jangmo-o for Rockruff /u/ntgardner
9. Psyduck for Mimikyu /u/Mikito132
10. Bagon for Geodude /u/AnchorWeight
11. Jangmo-o for Feebas /u/nandawin
12. Lure ball for Drampa /u/justineji
13. Fennekin for Parasect /u/YaBoiChrimera
14. Snivy for Dratini /u/camval94
15. two bottle caps for Skarmory and Torchic /u/BBallHunter
16. rare candy and larvitar for squirtle and charmander /u/Vanity333
17. Meowth for Kadabra /u/BBallHunter
18. DBHA Riolu for Safari Ball Larvitar /u/mimikyu3
19. oranguru w/ lansat berry for Level Ball Sandygast /u/Dark39
20. Beast Ball HA Snivy for DBHA Pachirisu /u/Svad
21. wacan and tanga berry for occa and charti berry /u/EstrellaDeLaSuerte
22. DBHA dratini and charmander for HA Skrelp and DBHA Omanyte /u/Mykoloth
23. DBHA Porygon, Tyrogue and Pachirisu for DBHA Omanyte and Houndour, and Heavy Ball Taruos /u/123alexis123
24. Lure Ball Dhelmise for DBHA Rotom /u/ububyuyu
25. Safari Ball Larvitar for DBHA Lileep /u/jurado281
26. DBHA Riolu for DBHA Geodude /u/Vanity333
27. DBHA Charmander and Torchic for Moon ball Deino and Lure Ball Bruxish /u/troysmith
28. DBHA Pachirisu and Safari Ball Larvitar for Friend Ball Grimer and Level Ball Sandile /u/Milady_Snowdrop
29. Safari Ball and Moon Ball Larvitar for Fast Ball Abra and Lure Ball Goomy /u/Mycotoxicjoy
30. DBHA Lapras and Kabuto, Sport Ball Scyther for DBHA Swablu, Mudkip and Gligar /u/meowzerz0598
31. Sport Ball Scyther and Level Ball Pikipek for Lure Ball Wishiwashi and Heavy Ball Roggenrola /u/X_Savier
32. safari ball larvitar, heavy ball geodude, moon ball jangmo-o, friend ball grubbin, love ball bounsweet for DBHA Treecko, Heracross, Moon ball Gastly, Friend ball Chikorita and Level ball Cyndaquil /u/mist0624
33. DBHA Burmy, Bottle Cap and Moon Ball for Sport Ball Pinsir, Safari ball Ponyta, Aron and Kangaskhan /u/Vanity333
34. Sport Ball Scyther, Paras and Caterpie for Heavy Ball Rhyhorn, DB Chansey amd Fast Ball Togedemaru /u/ArbitraryJam
35. DBHA Shroomish and Pachirisu, Heavy Ball Tauros for Safari Ball Geodude, Lure Ball Psyduck, Heavy Ball Magnemite /u/jemoril
36. Heracross for 6IV Porygon /u/MagnusTheBest
37. DB Numel and Tyrogue, HA Cyndaquil, Oshawott and Tepig, Phione for Moon Ball HA Absol, DBHA Mawile, DBHA Poochyena, Thick Club, Magmarizer and Ice Stone /u/richiguada
38. HA Scyther for DBHA Hoppip /u/zericherry
39. HA Ohawott for DBHA Chimchar /u/Kabobs117
40. Silver bottle cap for destiny knot and focus sash /u/AlolaSun
41. Safari Ball Geodude and Fast Ball Togedemaru for Fast Ball Tepig and Safari Ball Shuppet /u/valere1213
42. DBHA burmy and hoppip for Heavy Ball Sandshrew and Lure Ball Chinchou /u/NeonDoof
43. Heavy Ball Skarmory ad Fast Ball Pichu for Maranga and Petaya berry /u/enRinto
44. Sport Ball Pinsir and Heavy Ball Mawile for Salac and Pinap Berry /u/Memorisia
45. DBHA Dratini, Poliwag, Gothita, Gligar, Houndour for DBHA Togepi, Igglybuff, Swablu, Slowpoke and Drilbur /u/effectiveduck
46. Lansat Berry, DBHA Geodude and Shuckle for Starf Berry, DBHA Natu and Sigilyph /u/Knightinkodes
47. Safari Shuppet, Heavy Tepig, Love Clamperl for DBHA Torkoal, Zangoose and Safari Shinx /u/Xamarqand
48. HA Skrelp for Porygon /u/Zisor
49. DBHA Lotad, Heracross, Dratini for Lure Wailmer, Heavy Pineco, Friend Tangela /u/angleeeat
50. Love Oranguru for Heavy Turtonator /u/HollowScarlet
51. friend ball for friend crabrawler and feebas /u/littlestminish
52. Moon Trevenand for Level Vullaby /u/Velideon
53. DBHA Geodue and Lotad for Safari Corphish and Yanma /u/Skatinmark
54. Lure Wingull for DBHA Turtwig /u/Cruxx55
55. Safari Larvitar for Heavy Salandit /u/Tomek900
56. 20th PAL Genesect redeem for Lucky Egg and Life Orb /u/trollolly
57. Love Weedle, Friend Crabrawler and Safari Shuppet for DBHA Drifloon, Safari Hoppip, Level Baltoy /u/CRZLobo
58. 6 Bottle Caps for Friend Spheal, Moon Vanillite, Fast Buizel, Safari Croagunk, Level Pancham, Lure Dunsparce /u/ububyuyu
59. DB Omanyte for Lure Wimpod /u/SynergizerSyd
60. Dhelmise, Passimian, Turtonator, Hakamo-o, Bruxish for 5 random pokemons /u/modelmass
61. Happy Meowth for Zygarde /u/trollolly
62. Safari Hoppip for Fast Venipede /u/Gazier
63. Bottle Cap for DBHA Aron /u/lost0200
64. Safari Croagunk and DB Omanyte for Level Pinsir and Moon Rufflet /u/UniLune
65. DBHA Porygon and heavy Magnemite for Friend Pyukumuku and Scyther /u/Th3Unkn0wnn
66. Love and Sport Weedle, Love Mawile, friend Chikorita, Heavy Caterpie for DBHA Weedle, Onix, Bronzor, Psyduck and Starly /u/DragonFeatherz
67. Safari Shuppet, Croagunk, Corphish for Safari Geodude, Pidgey, Pinsir /u/artpxp
68. Fast HA Buizel, Heavy HA Swinub, Heavy HA Onix, Love HA Bounsweet, Moon HA Vanillite, Moon HA Phantump, Safari HA Shuppet, DBHA Mantine, DBHA Igglypuff, DBHA Skorupi, DBHA Aerodactyl, DBHA Tentacool for Steelixite+Pidgeotite code /u/Milady_Snowdrop
69. two Bottle Caps for DBHA Snover and Meditite /u/Morgan-Meme-Machine
70. BBHA Snivy, Vulpix-A and Dratini for Lure Meowth-K and Sableye, Fast Wimpod /u/valere1213
71. Friend Grubbin for Lure Bagon /u/LettieT
72. DBHA Sigilyph, Torkoal and Remoraid for DBHA Grimer-A, Shellos and Pidgey /u/own3d_pL0x
73. Lure Wimpod for DBHA Feebas /u/Cruxx55
74. DBHA Tropius and Safari Shinx for DBHA Lickitung and Sawk /u/grave03
75. Level Sandile for Friend Snorlax /u/brandon21486
76. DBHA Shroomish and Pachirisu for DBHA Spiritomb and Pawniard /u/deoxis233
77. Lure Wimpod and Minior, Friend Crabrawler for Friend Plusle and Minun, Lure Geodude-K /u/shugo405
78. DBHA Timburr and Tyrogue for DBHA Joltik and Machop /u/Ronk325
79. Moon Phantump for Lure Goomy /u/123alexis123
80. Friend Spheal and Crabrawler for DBHA Magby and Diglett /u/WelchsBerries
81. Friend Sphealand Crabrawler, Sport Pinsir for DBHA Shelmet, Audino, Stunky /u/WooperIsGod
82. DBHA Houndour, Axew, Shelmet, Karrablast, Zangoose, Machop, Pawniard, Safari Geodude, Pinsir, Shuppet, Fast Abra for Sport Venonat, Nincada, Combee, Paras, Illumise, Safari Bagon, Gible, Rattata, Diglett, Heracross, Magby /u/ShinMaplhurr
83. Love Miltank and Level Sandygast for Moon Vulpix and Riolu /u/wheatr
84. DBHA Sawk for DBHA Sentret /u/Milady_Snowdrop
85. Safari HA Croagunk for DBHA Scrafty /u/Morgan-Meme-Machine
86. DBHA Kecleon for Moon Rockruff /u/PC15_Cloize
87. Sport Venonat and Combee for Lure Miltank and Fast Dewpider /u/nattipun
88. Lure Meowth, Geodude, wailmer, Friend slakoth and spheal, heavy caterpie, level komala, moon rufflett and vanillite for Fast Aipom, Level Mareep, Lure Weedle, Dewpider, Shellos, Carbink, Cutiefly, Pikipek, Friend Clefairy /u/shamaela
89. Whipped Dream for Sneasel /u/HollowScarlet
90. Bottle Cap for Lure Poliwag /u/lost0200
91. HA Sandygast for Lure Totodile /u/C-2S
92. Karrablast for Togekiss /u/CockemFockemRobots
93. Masterball in gen 6 for Masterball in gen 7 /u/YFnepc
94. HA Mareep, Houndour, Hoppip, Mantine for Lure Slowpoke, Drifloo, Level Teddiursa, sport Volbeat /u/TheGreenDecidueye
95. 1 Golden Bottle Cap, 2 Bottle Caps for Heavy HA Heracross, Heavy HA Swinub, Fast HA Elekid, Heavy HA Whismur, Friend HA Bagon /u/Jhueller
96. Safari Shinx for DBHA Tirtouga /u/jayk1406
97. Friend Cleffa, Level Teddiursa, Lure Dunsparce, Miltank, Safari Magby, Pidgey for Safari Barboach, Gulpin, Hippopotas, Kecleon, Ledyba, Tangela /u/Gazier
98. Safari Shuppet for Safari Tropius /u/satirexiphos
99. Friend Bagon for Safari Dratini /u/xchasex
100. Lure Carbink, Moon and Heavy Rufflet, Lure Miltank, Friend Crabrawler for Safari Doduo, Slowpoke, Zangoose, Spinda, Krabby /u/qweligator
101. Friend Feebas, Spheal, Snorlax, Heavy Tauros, Level Pinsir, Love Trapinch, Miltank, Lure Wailmer, Carbink, Drifloon for Safari Spearow, Ekans, Sandshrew, Nidoran-F and Nidoran-M, Zubat, Paras, Psyduck, Poliwag and Abra /u/MeridiumLeVagabond
102. DBHA Geodude and hippopotas for Safari Scyther and rhyhorn /u/Animekitty421
103. Heavy Mawile and Lure Wingull for Safari Starly and Houndour /u/C-2S
104. Fast Buizel and Friend Crabrawler for Safari Murkrow and Gligar /u/Mannicroft
105. Fast Togedemaru for Safari Onix /u/Masterfromclash
106. Shiny Fomantis, Dhelmise, Snorunt, Sandshrew, Fast Aipom, Heavy Caterpie, Lure Geodude for 25 Safari pokemon /u/valere1213
107. Stufful for Safari Illumise /u/NoItsNotAnAirplane
108. Safari Pinsir and Moon Phantump for Friend Snivy and Moon Drampa /u/Grayoso
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (23)

1. Hatched a shiny Geodude /u/vinefire
2. Hatched a shiny Drampa /u/jacopouggeri
3. Hatched a shiny Bergmite /u/patchespatch04
4. Hatched a shiny Seedot /u/Strafingfire
5. Hatched a shiny Sneasel /u/savannah_allie
6. hatched a shiny Honedge /u/Osagras94
7. Hatched a shiny Marill /u/WenSnake
8. Hatched a shiny eevee /u/savannah_allie
9. hatched a shiny Pichu /u/MarkPrimo
10. hatched a shiny salandit /u/Rafat9
11. hatched a shiny geodude /u/Joeldstar
12. hatched a shiny Rattata /u/Pepito91
13. Hatched a shiny Gligar /u/Azniard
14. Hatched a shiny Solrock /u/MaxInve
15. hatched a shiny bergmite /u/patchespatch04
16. hatched a shiny seedot /u/Strafingfire
17. hatched a shiny honedge /u/Osagras94
18. hatched a shiny sneasel /u/savannah_allie
19. hatched a shiny marill /u/WenSnake
20. hatched a shiny eevee /u/savannah_allie
21. hatched two shiny Cleffas /u/jhey-zone-bee
22. hatched a shiny Larvesta /u/Reshiramoo
23. hatched a shiny Magnemite /u/shinhojung0814

Giveaways/Contests (131 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. mixed giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 34 given)
2. apri/dream/beast ball giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 61 given)
3. Moon Rockruff giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 16 given)
4. Moon rockruff and Drampa giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 20 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (10)

1. gave the user a free oval stone /u/emeril322
2. tradaback of a milotic /u/Agletka
3. traded Solgaleo for Lunala /u/orbifant
4. gave a free Lileep /u/zigazav
5. gave a free abra /u/Lemonglob
6. tradeback of celesteela /u/MadMatik
7. tradeback of Celesteela /u/spermpoop
8. tradeback of celesteela, guzzlord, necrozma, magmortar, scizor, slowking, electivire /u/SupaFlyBirdy
9. Taught Worry Seed to Shiftry /u/robdy
10. tradeback of Shelmet and Karrablast /u/MisterSirCaptain

Misc (0)


WenSnake Oct 24, 2016 2:31:35 PM

Made time to meet up for my hatch request and hatched my Marill shiny for me! Also was given the requested nickname!

rmenegaldo's Information


Friend codes:

  • 0319-1434-1025


  • IGN: Ash TSV: 1911
  • IGN: Ash TSV: 3784