
0448-0292-3614 || salas (S), salasy (UM)
0448-0292-3614 || salas (S), salasy (UM) || 1211, 1927

Trades (6)

[+] Events (1)
1. PAL Dialga/Palkia Code for Totem Lurantis /u/Fockereller
[+] Shinies (1)
1. Shiny Rotom for Shiny Ralts /u/silverhawk23
[+] Competitive / Casual (4)
1. 3 bottlecaps for 1 choice scarf, 5 IV DBHA mawile /u/nattipun
2. 2 bottlecaps for Powe belt, power weight, power band /u/nutellaraichu
3. 1 kartana 1 nihilego for 1 pheromosa 1 celesteela /u/Junomane
4. HA mareanie for west sea shellos /u/may1939
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (18)

1. hatched shiny tepig /u/shinybidoof11
2. hatched shiny poliwag /u/robyn_herbert
3. Hatched shiny pokemon /u/paria06
4. Hatched shiny bulbasaur /u/fernnifer
5. hatched shiny scatterbug /u/Myo-yeon
6. hatched shiny abra /u/RobbyJohnson
7. hatched shiny chikorita /u/log94
8. hatched shiny lileep /u/rfreixo
9. hatched shiny caterpie /u/ogreel
10. hatched shiny ralts /u/tinchys
11. hatched shiny spheal /u/imapikachu1117
12. hatched shiny frokie /u/imapikachu1117
13. hatched shiny abra /u/brownmunchkin
14. Hatched shiny shellos /u/MaximumOptimizer
15. Hatched shiny frokie /u/PutItBack
16. hatched shiny riolu /u/TwinVGC
17. hatched shiny glameow /u/junior8686
18. hatched shiny larvesta /u/imapikachu1117

Giveaways/Contests (49 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Give awey of some Breedject (Sub: pokemontrades, 21 given)
2. Give away of some breedjects (Sub: pokemontrades, 8 given)
3. rotom giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 20 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. tradeback for evolution of machoke /u/Waberjack

Misc (0)


salasy's Information


Friend codes:

  • 0448-0292-3614


  • IGN: salas