
SW-6487-3858-7963 || Zoey (VIO, SW)
SW-6487-3858-7963 || Zoey (VIO, SW) || XXXX

Trades (55)

[+] Events (4)
1. Genesect NA Code for Shiny Mareep /u/dshmss
2. Hoopa for Moon Ball Suicune /u/Sorakan
3. Charizard Target code for Gamestop Salazzle code /u/FMRC93
4. Charizard Target Code for Redeemed Salazzle /u/Ricky00130
[+] Shinies (1)
1. 3-moon HA horsea, moon HA lapras, and moon HA stantler for 2-Salandit, shiny fletchling /u/Zaskarel
[+] Competitive / Casual (50)
1. Friend Ball & Spearow for Eevee /u/littlestminish
2. drampa for gastly /u/AceTrainer337
3. 2 for 2 Shellos, Pidgey /u/lexxikoala
4. 2 for 2 Feebas, Drampa /u/Tony_Solo
5. 2 for 2 Timburr & Surskit /u/xSnowCat
6. 4 for 4 - chimecho, magnemite, honedge, vullaby /u/catsandfrogs3000
7. 10 for 10- Marill, Lucario, Bounsweet, Oricorio, Phantump, Swablu, Snivy, Cutiefly, Mareep, and Fletchling /u/artpxp
8. Drampa for MB Oranguru /u/The_polar_bears
9. Drampa for Gible- Moon Ball /u/MaxPecktacular
10. 6 for 6- Poliwag, Abra, Pinsir, Hoothoot, Heracross, and Wimpod /u/C-2S
11. Drampa for Misdreavus /u/AnimeKitty421
12. 2 for 2- shuckle & zigzagoon /u/shamaela
13. 2 for 2- Petilil, Drampa /u/LucasFromStateFarm
14. 2 for 2- Horsea & Morelull /u/dexter228
15. jangmo-o for diglett /u/satirexiphos
16. Scyther for Rockruff /u/effingzubats
17. 2 for 2- Venipede & Bagon /u/MadMatik
18. 5 for 5- Oshawott, Shinx, Cleffa, Cyndaquil, Solosis /u/SamK1001
19. 4 for 4- Zubat, Cyndaquil, Poochenya, Ruffelet /u/DefiantEmpoleon
20. 4 for 4- Grubbin, whismur, gligar, lileep /u/DefiantEmpoleon
21. Delibird for Nidoran /u/CactusCorgi
22. 2 for Girafrig & Staryu /u/Gazier
23. 2 for litwick & Sandygast /u/kungpaochicken123
24. 2 for 1- Fast ball evee /u/bobmidas
25. 2 for 2- FB Chikorita, MB Natu /u/satirexiphos
26. Sandshrew for Cubone /u/gopperman
27. 4 for 4- nidoran, igglybuff, mareanie, koffing /u/plsdontupvote
28. murkrow for togedemaru /u/TheJayggernaught
29. 2- murkrow & sableye for 2- bulbasaur & togepi /u/ramadistra
30. 4- Chimecho, Fletchling, Murkrow, Houndour. for 4- MB Aipom, MB zubat, MB Corsola & LoveB cutiefly. /u/NoItsNotAnAirplane
31. 2 for 5- Snorunt, Chikorita, Wooper, Lapras, & Carvanha, i /u/Wantedshowdown
32. 4-horsea ponyta Heavy ball scyther Friend ball dramapa for 4-Stantler, Drifloon, Mawile, & Larvitar. /u/Kabobs117
33. mareanie & scyther for HA ponyta x2 /u/deoxis233
34. ponyta for nidoran /u/Snoopdawhoop
35. ponyta for squirtle /u/Venus-Gospel
36. fletchling for vulpix /u/Natanaele
37. 2- Moon shellos and growlithe for 2- moon tepig/seedot /u/shamaela
38. 4-Moon HA Staryu, Moon HA Cottonee, Moon K-Diglett, Moon HA Natu for 4- HA Qwilfish, HA Smeargle, Oddish, & HA Wynaut in return. /u/plsdontupvote
39. Moon Ball Stantler for Love ball Bruxish /u/Quantum_Crisp
40. Fletchling & Togepi! for Moon Comfey, Moon Pyukumuku,Moon Minior /u/Peppermint_Gadget
41. Moon Ball HA Murkrow for Love Ball HA Smoochum /u/Dreamslanding
42. Moon HA Shuckle, Moon HA Natu, and Moon HA Lapras. for Friend HA Sewaddle, Safari HA Spinda, and Safari HA Natu /u/qweligator
43. Staryu & Natu for Shroomish & Heracross /u/NicholasOsta
44. Pokerus/Raticate for Charmander /u/pimpmayor
45. Drampa and Minior for Moon Seel & Moon Chatot, /u/mexican_honey_badger
46. Feebas, Pidgey, Cottonee, Staryu, Buneary, and Shuckle. for Love HA Miltank, Love HA Slowpoke, Friend HA Growlithe, BBHA Finneon. /u/TheMaskd
47. Comfey for Aipom /u/xSnowCat
48. morelull & Absol for Aipom /u/movedota
49. lure ball Magikarp and love ball Venipede for Aipom & Morelull /u/Xilar_Void
50. 12- Friend Caterpie, Moon oddish, Moon Diglett, Friend & Moon Growlithe, Moon Poliwag, Moon & Fast Abra, Love Slowpoke, Moon Magnemite, Moon Seel, Heavy Shellder for 12- Rattata, Ekans, Spearow, Bellsprout, Tentacool, Geodude, Shellder, Doduo, Krabby, Tangela, Snorlax & Dragonite /u/Rainewood
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (1)

1. Hatch for Shiny Marrill /u/GigaLint

Giveaways/Contests (124 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Drampa- Free to a Good Home (Sub: pokemontrades, 5 given)
2. Box Clearing Giveaway- Box 1 (Sub: pokemontrades, 15 given)
3. Box Clearing Giveaway #2 (Sub: pokemontrades, 32 given)
4. DBHA Ponyta (Sub: pokemontrades, 17 given)
5. Moon Ball HA Ponyta (Sub: pokemontrades, 23 given)
6. Still more HA Moon Ball Ponyta! (5IV, 4EM) (Sub: pokemontrades, 9 given)
7. Non-HA Apriballs (Sub: pokemontrades, 23 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (4)

1. Tradeback Xerneas/Yveltal /u/Valkassium
2. Helping with Trade evolutions & dex completion /u/zilligster
3. Helping with Hoenn & then National Dex /u/abedsayo
4. traded for legendary trio catching- assisted with Ho-Oh /u/kaito97

Misc (8)

1. Petilil for Jangmo-o
2. Giveaway recipient
3. Giveaway recipient
4. Giveaway recipient
5. Giveaway recipient
6. Giveaway
7. Giveaway recipient
8. Unconfirmed- 4 for 4 Sabeleye, hoothoot, K-Vulpix, MInior


samuraifoxes's Information

Friend codes:

  • 4871-4434-9078
