
4785-7287-1325 || Peter (αS)

Trades (15)

[+] Events (13)
1. 4 event pinsir for RNG shiny regigigas /u/basler04
2. event pinsir for tonradus /u/Upper90175
3. 61 event pumpkins for Shiny lake trio, shiny latios and shiny latias /u/Gjones18
4. 7 event pumpkins for shiny 5 iV Feebas and Shiny 5 iV rotom /u/Demosthenes13
5. 3 pumpkaboo events for shiny duoblade, pumpkaboo, and greninja /u/Lenian
6. 2 gengar code for Shiny comp. grow lithe and shiny comp. scythed, also shiny comp. Torchic and PInsir /u/MrIcepick
7. Event Gengar for SHiny comp charzard x /u/I_SEE_U_FAPPING
8. 8 event diancie codes for SHINY RNG Ho-OH and Lugia /u/ek93922
9. redeemed 2 NA Gengars for Shiny Houndoom /u/I_SEE_U_FAPPING
10. Redeemed 1 NA DIancie for shiny horsea /u/NeblisDarkmaker
11. Redeemed 5 NA Diancie codes for shiny 5 iv Vespiqueen and 2 NA diancie codes /u/Rimon-Hanit
12. 1 Na Diancie code for SHiny 5 iv shinx /u/Foxypuff
13. Azelf, Mesprit, Uxie for Diancie Code /u/kurrpteted98989
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (2)
1. Life orb for Latias /u/Tyranitar12
2. Shiny trapinch for blazekinite /u/heavensrayz
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (2)

1. tradeback to evolve
2. trade back so he can complete his pokedex, received a shiny mewtwo for helping


sasuke5a31at's Information


Friend codes:
