
4081-5844-6383 || Joseph (ΩR, M)
4081-5844-6383 || Joseph (ΩR, M) || XXXX

Trades (29)

[+] Events (1)
1. Shaymin for Volcanion /u/sskies91
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (28)
1. 5IV Ralts and 5IV Eevee for 6IV Gastly /u/ader108
2. Shiny Feebas for 5IV Snivy, 5IV Treecko, 5IV chikorita /u/ibygtr
3. Zorua for Chimchar /u/Muddbat
4. Zorua for Shinx /u/Northcold
5. Totodile for Honedge /u/Jurmer
6. Swinub for Pawniard /u/Foxlery
7. 2 Chespins for Lileep and Anorith /u/Gazier
8. Gible for Spinarak /u/huubie
9. Lileep and Anorith for Onix, Heracross, Misdreavus, Absol, Drifloon, and Axew /u/Chissoff
10. Skarmory for Mawile /u/Gazier
11. Eevee for Eevee /u/Framaximo
12. Karrablast for Gligar /u/Dragweird
13. Skarmory and Kangaskhan for Buizel and Exeggcute /u/texaspokemon
14. Absol and Heatmor for Mareep and Sneasel /u/Aaaight
15. Heatmor for Dratini /u/EcoJamie
16. Exeggcute and Grimer for Ralts /u/Zedka728
17. Heatmor for Snorunt /u/TurtlesAllTheW4yDown
18. Anorith, Exeggcute, Heatmor, Absol, and Karrablast for Eevee, Gible. Chansey, Drillbur, and Poliwag /u/Hailstate253
19. Phantump, Misdreavus for Gastly, Absol /u/miher1
20. Seviper for Sandshrew /u/Aaaight
21. Wimpod for Alolan Vulpix /u/Dqmo
22. Phantump for Alolan Sandshrew /u/Reapernub
23. Wimpod for Mareanie /u/DiRTIUNIQUE
24. Wimpod for Feebas /u/overScheduled
25. Wimpod for Mareanie /u/snoe63
26. Wimpod for Vulpix /u/Squidswell
27. Wimpod for Dratini /u/wheredidthespidergo
28. Wimpod for Fomantis /u/HeirOfRavenclaw
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (80 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. unique giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 80 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


scytherscyther's Information


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