
0490-6760-4632 || Pankaj (ΩR, X, M, US)
0490-6760-4632 || Pankaj (ΩR, X, M, US) || 1966, 1354, 2425

Trades (109)

[+] Events (12)
1. shieldon,paras,snorunt,geodude,smeargle,glameow,dratini,abra,pidgey for 2 Darkrai Codes /u/Dearundead
2. Abra x 2 for Darkrai x 2 /u/The-Tempest-22
3. Kangaskhan, Pidgey, Munchlax for Darkrai Code /u/bezj44
4. tirtouga, petilil, growlithe for zapdos, articuno, moltres /u/littletaebaby
5. Shiny Aerodactyl for NA Mew Code /u/norman250
6. Shiny Chimchar, Shiny Charmander for 2 x Arceus Codes /u/iBoje
7. shiny charmander for Event Jirachi /u/AFKarel
8. Shiny Chimchar for Happy Hour Meowth /u/NafonC
9. 2x chikorita, 2x totodile, 2x cyndaquil, Swinub for 2 x Happy Hour Meowths, 5 x Whismur /u/sonicmanic
10. 4 Shinies ( 3 HP Shinies, 1 F Fossil) for 2 PC Magikarp (JPN & FRE tag) /u/MerryFellows
11. 9 Custom Shinies (Mudbray) for Sly Zoroark, M18 Arceus /u/endy1102
12. 13 Shinies ( 4 HP + 9 Custom ) for Pokemon Lab Bulbasaur /u/flaw1ess1994
[+] Shinies (16)
1. 3 Chikorita and 1 cyndaquil for shiny gastly and shiny sklerp and 2 non-shiny pokemon /u/pandaglassjaw
2. Shiny Charmander for Shiny Scyther /u/Adso25
3. beldum for sneasel /u/Velideon
4. Shiny Chimchar for Shiny Inkay /u/savannah_allie
5. shiny charmander for shiny bagon /u/dvader0
6. Shiny Charmander, Venonat, Paras for Shiny Mareep, 2 others /u/mdizzie
7. shiny carvanha for shiny scatterbug /u/s_10
8. shiny chikorita for shiny honedge /u/SpaceV
9. shiny beldum for shiny porygon /u/flaw1ess1994
10. shiny rotom for shiny dratini /u/dmasterfunk
11. shiny chatot for shiny weedle /u/theflamesof
12. shiny swinub for shiny growlithe /u/GingaSmash2096
13. Shiny Klink for Shiny Tepig /u/MRBlobbable
14. Shiny Aerodactyl, Shiny Rotom for Shiny Eevee, magikarp /u/deltalaser99
15. Shiny Corphish for Shiny Phanpy /u/savannah_allie
16. Shiny Swinub, Shiny Magikarp for Shiny Bulbasaur /u/flaw1ess1994
[+] Competitive / Casual (80)
1. clauncher for goomy /u/Braviary12
2. porygon for poliwag /u/flamezone
3. pidgey for buneary /u/Chance_Lo
4. shinx for bulbasaur /u/Dearundead
5. pidgey for pidgey, lucario /u/falconchurr
6. porygon for wurmple /u/NightXTrain
7. buneary, pidgey for kangaskhan, Sigilyph /u/StardualDragon
8. kangaskhan for dratini /u/Pikazilla123
9. Pidgey for Eevee /u/Litfiba
10. dratini for remoraid /u/Howlo
11. Pidgey, Dratini, Remoraid for Nidoran♀, Kricketot, Pichu /u/Bumpynoggin
12. Goomy, Kangaskhan for Lapras, Trapinch /u/NORM_RN
13. riolu, kangaskhan, dratini, remoraid for munchlax, munchlax, exeggutor, bulbasaur /u/fedefire
14. Riolu, Dratini, Pidgey, Porygon for Abra, Starly, Dratini, Scyther /u/lale796
15. remoraid for nincada /u/kirakori
16. riolu and 4 others for paras, glameow, Snorunt, Geodude, Smeargle /u/Moonlightcat18
17. Snorlax, Remoraid, Nidoran♀, Lapras, Cranidos for Relicanth, Growlithe, Shieldon & 2 others /u/TriplesWithDip
18. Snorlax for Cranidos /u/lavaburst14
19. Dratini, Smeargle, Nincada for Aerodactyl, 2 others /u/Mintcinno
20. cranidos for chikorita /u/Litfiba
21. cranidos for cyndaquil /u/Spawty
22. Lileep for Chikorita /u/creoix
23. Nincada, venonat, kricketot for Kabuto & 2 others /u/Dearundead
24. eevee & 1 other for treeco, mudkip /u/almond7
25. relicanth for cyndaquil /u/PKMNTrainerKayla
26. kabuto, cyndaquil for Tirtouga, chikorita /u/TeaRadio
27. cyndaquil for braxien /u/kitchinho
28. poliwag for Murkrow /u/TheRandomDitto
29. kabuto,shieldon for omanyte,cranidos /u/Moonlightcat18
30. Chikorita for Tirtouga /u/MaverickHunter11
31. dratini for mudkip /u/skyway05
32. anorith for lileep /u/supergardevoir79
33. shieldon for tirtouga /u/supergardevoir79
34. ralts for gible /u/BhavukBhandula
35. tirtouga for totodile /u/lavaburst14
36. Lileep, Chikorita for Kabuto, Tirtouga /u/Ridry
37. tirtouga for kabuto /u/Regigigas29
38. relicanth for combee /u/saywhatwhit
39. totodile, kabuto & 1 more for 2 x cyndaquil, chikorita /u/MegaArticuno
40. smeargle, snorunt and paras for Anorith & 2 others /u/RUMandCOCK
41. pidgey for onix /u/JadioGCity
42. 2xTirtouga, Kabuto, Lileep for 2xAerodactyl, Kabuto, Cranidos /u/Bumpynoggin
43. Lileep for Cyndaquil /u/mdizzie
44. kabuto for shieldon /u/Stormzeer
45. remoraid for ekans /u/Raish0
46. Abra for Elekid /u/sirweiss
47. chikorita for chikorita /u/Dark-2-Light
48. petilil for pichu /u/Shiruet
49. relicanth for combee /u/Moonlightcat18
50. lapras for mawile /u/theflamesof
51. aerodactyl, lileep for omanyte, kabuto /u/VEONFROMTHEPACK
52. anorith, shieldon for 2xTotodile /u/pandaglassjaw
53. 2xTotodile for 2xCranidos /u/MaverickHunter11
54. chikorita for charmander /u/Aarux
55. geodude for feebas /u/Cognito17
56. froakie for ditto /u/bladenight23
57. totodile x 2, cyndaquil x 3, chikorita, kabuto, aerodactyl, 2 x cranidos, tirtouga for 2 x omanyte, kabuto, aerodactyl, lileep, 2 x anorith, 2 x cranidos, shieldon, weedle /u/HKG_Teddy
58. remoraid for chatot /u/Tralliz
59. Pichu for Carvanha /u/bumbalicious
60. omanyte x 2, lileep, anorith, cranidos, cyndaquil, 2 x shieldon for 3 x aerodactyl, anorith, totodile, 3 x lileep /u/TriplesWithDip
61. Chatot for Magikarp /u/Skandu
62. pichu for lickitung /u/asphyxiati0n76
63. shieldon for totodile /u/Hare_vs_Tortoise
64. kabuto for kabuto /u/creoix
65. kabuto for snivy /u/Monkeyfuzz_
66. riolu for rotom /u/TeamRocketTyler
67. lileep for goomy /u/Lundrity
68. shieldon for tirtouga /u/HKG_Teddy
69. Chikorita, Anorith, Cranidos, Shieldon, Tirtouga for Shieldon, omanyte, aerodactyl, anorith, cranidos /u/MegaArticuno
70. chimchar for gligar /u/GingaSmash2096
71. lileep for corpihsh /u/Tyung999
72. chatot for swinub /u/Radekore
73. anorith for shellder /u/asphyxiati0n76
74. pidgey for swablu /u/Lundrity
75. aerodactyl, tirtouga for 2 x chikorita /u/MegaArticuno
76. cyndaquil, shieldon, anorith for chikorita, cranidos, tirtouga /u/HKG_Teddy
77. aerodactyl for totodile /u/Leon_zz
78. growlithe, pidgey for 2 x totodile /u/PKMNTrainerKayla3265
79. 5IV Chatot for 5IV Amaura /u/Lundrity
80. 5 IV Lure Ball Chatot for 5 IV Love Ball Zubat /u/Harshul1
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (1)
1. Shiny Snivy, Shiny Charmander for Wshmkr Jirachi /u/TailsMegamanX

Egg Hatches (20)

1. Shiny pichu /u/Sunstreaky
2. shiny ralts /u/TheProblemSleuth
3. Shiny Snover /u/AlbertSoa
4. shiny fletchling /u/colspan
5. Shiny Charmander /u/littletaebaby
6. Shiny Larvesta /u/JOBOalthor
7. Shiny Shinx /u/F4ngDragon
8. Shiny Gastly /u/MysticHomer
9. Shiny Machop /u/mipanda3
10. Shiny Axew /u/3Anton3
11. Shiny Litwick /u/xyxit
12. Shiny Kangaskhan /u/Kevael
13. Shiny Gible /u/Strafingfire
14. Shiny Venipede /u/DracoRiff
15. Shiny Flabébé /u/sskies91
16. Shiny Lapras /u/s_10
17. Shiny Feebas /u/Kmlzb4-Mekare
18. Shiny Ralts /u/Darjian
19. Shiny Skarmory /u/WenSnake
20. Shiny Rattata /u/Terrorist1904

Giveaways/Contests (97 Pokémon given, 143 eggs given)

1. Gave away 9 DBHA 2EM F Buneary (Sub: pokemontrades, 9 given)
2. HA Chimchar giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 13 given)
3. Female Lure Ball Chatot Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 19 given)
4. Giveaway of various eggs (Sub: SVExchange, 136 given)
5. various DBHA pokemon giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 19 given)
6. Gen II starters GA (Sub: pokemontrades, 23 given)
7. Giveaway of dbha smeargle & carvanha (Sub: pokemontrades, 14 given)
8. Golett Egg GA (Sub: SVExchange, 7 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (3 threads, 36 given)

1. Checked TSV of the user azullia (1 checked)
2. TSV & ESV checked for user SnakesNSerpents (5 checked)
3. Eggs Checked for user (30 checked)

Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (11)

1. Helped in evolving user's Poliwhirl /u/TheRandomDitto
2. user was helped in evolving pumpkaboo /u/SainteRita
3. Trade evolution of seadra /u/Cobnorg
4. trade evolution of rhydon /u/EpicGabriel11
5. trade evolution of seadra /u/bkm142
6. Pokemon Tradeback for Pokedex completion /u/EvenFrog
7. Pokemon Tradeback for Pokedex completion /u/skeptlc
8. Pokemon Tradeback for Pokedex completion /u/Letusia
9. Trade evolution of Magmar /u/rwblair94
10. Trade evolution of machoke /u/ManicFirestorm
11. Trade evolution of Haunter /u/Alexjiahao

Misc (0)


MerryFellows Dec 31, 2016 3:59:17 AM

A polite trader which is quick to reply, organized and overall a great person to interact with. Thank you for the trade!

WenSnake Nov 1, 2016 1:51:08 PM

Quickly replied to my hatch request and hatched my Skarmory shiny for me!

sharmaopankaj's Information


I love playing Pokemon, have loved it all my life. It is a great refuge from the demons crawling the dark streets of my life. #pokemonforlife

Friend codes:

  • 0490-6760-4632


  • IGN: Pankaj