
2767-1588-5467 || Shizen (αS, S)
2767-1588-5467 || Shizen (αS, S) || 3176

Trades (89)

[+] Events (4)
1. Hope Diancie for Custom shiny Meditite and Yamask /u/IntentionOfAbyss
2. Festive Delibird Code for ZYX Set /u/ajkyle56
3. Mew Code for Shiny Azumarill /u/Paxin15
4. Lance's Dragonite Code for PAL HA Articuno and Zapdos codes /u/CiccioFriendPokemon
[+] Shinies (6)
1. Imperfect shiny Numel for DBHA Anorith /u/namida7
2. Shiny HA Tyrunt with 6IVs for DBHA Swinub, Venonat, Cottonee, Sentret, Wobbuffet, Magikarp, SafariBall Duskull and HeavyBall Larvitar /u/nyni
3. Shiny HA Female Tyrunt for DBHA Paras, Bellspout, Marill, Spinarak, Slugma, Spheal, Roggenrola and Cubone /u/ProjectROXO
4. NeatBall Shiny Tentacool with 4EMs for Shiny Ralst /u/dvader0
5. 6IVs Shiny Gastly for 2 Mew codes /u/ValkyrieG
6. 5IVs Shiny Gastly for 5IVs Shiny Staryu /u/pologarzanavarro
[+] Competitive / Casual (78)
1. Tyrunt, Meowstic, Cleffa and Kecleon with HA for Competitive Aipom /u/Dskylinker
2. DBHA Hippopotas with 4EMs for DBHA Poochyena with 4EMs /u/BladeTam
3. DBHA Kabuto, Shieldon, Makuhita, Ledyba, Marill, Wooper, Wobbuffet, Remoraid, Phanpy, Meditite, Corphish, Relicanth, Skorupi, Roggenrola and Carnivine for DBHA Omanyte, Combee, Magby, Weedle, Oddish, Diglett, Meowth, Farfetch'd, Onix, Drowzee, Lickitung, Scyther, Dunsparce, Taillow and Wingull /u/neosmies
4. DBHA Seedot, Stantler, Shroomish, Carnivine, Heatmor, Larvitar for DBHA Bidoof, Trapinch, Castform, Nincada, Kecleon, Chimecho, Girafarig and Plusle /u/ValkyrieG
5. DBHA Shellder for DB Slakoth /u/Stevoo299
6. DBHA Anorith and Hippopotas for DBHA Lileep and Alomomola /u/Alan199
7. DBHA Vulpix, Murkrow, Zubat and Carvahna for DBHA Whismur, Seedot, Larvitar and Sableye /u/BladeTam
8. DBHA Growlithe for DBHA Gulpin and Spoink /u/PaperSkirt
9. DBHA Paras, Bellsprout, Doduo, Mareep, Ledyba and Marill for DBHA Nidoran, Psyduck, Gastly, Igglybuff, Sneasel, Carnivine and Finneon /u/Scairus
10. DBHA Lapras, Luvdisc and Mankey for DB Koffing, MoonBall Roselia and Mareep /u/deurim
11. DBHA Luvdisc for DBHA Shellos /u/storm_born_
12. DBHA Stunfisk for DBHA Wailmer /u/neosmeis
13. DBHA Seviper, Zubat, Ducklett and Dratini for DBHA Lotad, Pidgey, Pidove and Meditite /u/Trac777
14. DBHA Remoraid for DBHA Miltank /u/namida7
15. DBHA Karrablast, Corphish and Krabby for DBHA Tentacool, Solosis and Heracross /u/canon252
16. DBHA Karrablast, ZUbat, Absol, Corphish and Lapras for DBHA Slowpoke, Spinda, Sandshrew, Ponyta and Chinchou /u/PaperSkirt
17. DBHA Doduo, Clapmperl and Ducklett for DBHA Sygiliph, Shinx and Vanillite /u/storm_born_
18. LureBall Tentacool for DBHA Snover /u/chuen1672636
19. DBHA Corphish, Misdreavus and Pawniard for DBHA Stunky, Goldeen and Horsea /u/Howlo
20. DBHA Seviper, Sunkern and Ledyba for DBHA Stunfisk, Mantine and Ducklett /u/Fred-AM
21. DBHA Yanma and Karrablast for LvBall Cubone and Ponyta /u/paulabelenda
22. DBHA Yanma, Seviper and Remoraid for DBHA Natu, Munna and Luvdisc /u/agarvin
23. DBHA Stantler and Druddigon for DBHA Timburr /u/ramc5
24. DBHA Sunkern, Karrablast, Ledyba and Qwilfish for DBHA Croagunk, Corsola, Smoochum and Zigzagoon /u/sl15221
25. DBHA Rattata, Krabby and Sudowoodo for DBHA Kabuto /u/storm_born_
26. DBHA Riolu and Aipom for DBHA Pinsir, Starly, Snorunt and Axew /u/Jorellana2334
27. DBHA Machop for DBHA Growlithe /u/Strafingfire
28. DBHA Machop for MoonBall Spinarak and Meowth /u/sl15221
29. DBHA Lapras, Mankey, Rattata, Zubat, MrMime and Poliwag for DBHA Riolu, Cacnea, Remoraid and Shuppet /u/ValkyrieG
30. DBHA Lapras and MrMime for DBHA Dratini and Murkrow /u/aldhinn
31. DBHA Doduo for DBHA Illumise /u/Cokean1
32. DBHA Machop, Yanma, Sudowoodo,Remoraid, Phanpy, Snantler, Wurmple, Makuhita, Electrike, Torkoal, Zangoose, Seviper, Sunkern, Qwilfish for DBHA Sableye, Cranidos, Doduo, Durant, Joltik, Barboach, Maractus, Seel, Relicanth and Togepi /u/mipanda3
33. Snubull and Swirlix Eggs for DBHA and LuxuryBall Roselia /u/Sono-chan
34. DBHA Stantler and Qwilfish for DBHA Spiritomb and Buizel /u/Jorellana2334
35. DBHA Poliwag, Tangela, Krabby, Druddigon for Moon Gastly, Safari Pinsir, Heavy Rhyhorn and Sports Scyther /u/erwincole
36. DBHA Carvahna, Sudowoodo, Seviper, Zangoose, MrMime, Lapras, Wooper and Yanma for DBHA Zubat, Rattata, Aerodactyl, Heavy Onix, Love Lickitung and Cherubi /u/knightshade17
37. DBHA Shieldon for DBHA Tirtouga /u/winnie9004
38. PremierBall Winter Derling for PremierBall Gastly /u/twwilde
39. DBHA Heatmor and Bellsprout for DBHA Nosepass /u/winnie9004
40. DBHA Plusle, Bidoof and Safari Aipom for Safari Bagon, DBHA Vulpix and Sports Nincada /u/Scairus
41. DBHA Bidoof, Girafarig, Plusle, Minun, Gastly. Level Ball Pidgey for DBHA Snorlax, Tympole and Dewbble /u/neosmies
42. FriendBall Larvitar and MoonBall Houndour for DBHA Skarmory and DB Duskull /u/namida7
43. Rare Candy for Timid Syncronizer /u/NandolSFCI
44. Dive Ball HA A-Vulpix for Nest Ball Exeggcute /u/Clearin
45. Dive Ball HA Vulpix for 5IVs Magikarp /u/Desper
46. Mudsbray with EMs for HA Mareanie /u/GaryMuhfuknOak
47. Duskball Mimikyu for Breedject Salandit /u/MarioPol
48. Evolving Chargabug for HA A-Geodude /u/ShepardShepard1929
49. HA Mareanie for 5IV Wimpod /u/swescrane
50. Adamant Buzzwole for Adamant Pheromosa /u/efaj
51. Destiny Knot for Beast Ball Minior /u/ThePokeChamp2002
52. HA Dive Vulpix 4EMs for HA Friend Bounsweet 4EMs /u/34loppyXsoko
53. BB HA Rattata 4EMs for MoonBall HA Rockruff 4EMs /u/jb1218
54. HA Rockruff and A-Geodude for EM Cutiefly and Stufful /u/ROLFMAOLAB
55. MoonHA Jangmo-o and BBHA A-Ratatta for BBHA Murkrow and Dusk HA A-Grimer /u/NsDra
56. BBHA A-Ratatta for Love HA Mareanie /u/Jublusion
57. Moon HA Rockruff for 4EMs Popplio /u/Magic_Salesman
58. HA Jangmo-o for Ha Gible /u/expiredjellybean
59. Friend HA Bounsweet for Lure Totodile /u/JanJulius
60. BBHA Ratatta for BBHA Mareanie /u/Baequaza
61. Moon HA Rockruff for BBHA A-Sandshrew /u/nche1997
62. MoonHA Rockruff and FriendHA Bounsweet for BB Wimpod Friend Minior /u/Mystica_
63. Dusk HA Grimer and Friend HA Bounsweet for Love HA Cutiefly and EMs Litten /u/ValkyrieG
64. BBHA Murkrow for Friend HA Comfey /u/TheRiyria
65. BBHA Murkrow and Sandshrew for BBHA Feebas and Sableye /u/Kresslia
66. Friend HA Bounsweet for Love A-Vulpix /u/acramacru
67. Moon HA Rockruff for BB Totodile /u/luigy12
68. Dusk HA A-Grimer, Moon HA Jangmo-o for Lure HA Dewpider /u/MadBase
69. Moon HA Rockruff for High IVs Pichu /u/TommySkywalker11
70. BBHA Murkrow for Love HA Eevee /u/honkkon
71. BBHA Murkrow Dusk HA A-Grimer for Love HA Formantis /u/clockworkarrow
72. BBHA A-Sandshrew, Friend HA Bounsweet, Luxury Mudsbray, Heal Stufful, DuskHA A-Grimer and Moon HA Jangmo-o for BB Wishiwashi and Wimpod, BBHA Cubone and A-Geodude, Moon HA Vulpix and Moon Mimikyu /u/slowerthanzero
73. BBHA Ratatta for BBHA Bagon /u/HansSoloed
74. Love HA Mareanie for Rapid HA Togedemaru /u/cloudypeak
75. BB Grubbin, BBHA Ratatta, MoonHA Lycanroc and Jangmo-o for Moon Meowth, BB Minior and Dhelmise, HeavyHA Sandshrew /u/Loe151
76. HeavyHA A-Sandshrew, FriendHA Comfey and Bounsweet for LureHA Bruxish, LevelHA Sandygast, LoveHA Morelull /u/flaw1ess1994
77. Friend HA Comfey, Lure HA Dewpider, Love HA Morelull for Moon HA Riolu, Lure Wishiwashi, HEavy Komala /u/34loppyXsoko
78. HA Love Eevee for HA Friend Eevee /u/guilty-star
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (1)
1. NA Mew Code for Whismkr Jirachi /u/Clubman_and_Bludgeon

Egg Hatches (10)

1. Hatched 6IVs Axew /u/infiniteshadow
2. Hatched a 5IVs Slowpoke /u/wingzerocats
3. Hatched 5IVs Mawile with a Nick /u/EternityRing
4. Hatched 5IVs HP Fire Eevee /u/wingzerocats
5. Hatched shiny Goomy /u/blankhaven
6. Hatched Shiny Nidoran M /u/MisterLenz
7. Hatched Shiny Fletching /u/capnsafetypants
8. Hatched Shiny Zorua /u/lunarcallisto
9. Hatched Shiny Fletching (Another one) /u/capnsafetypants
10. Hatched Shiny Goomy /u/Wizli

Giveaways/Contests (15 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Giving some Duskball Numels, NeatBall Tentacools and HA Tyrunts (Sub: pokemontrades, 15 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (4)

1. Evolving a Kadabra /u/leapra88
2. Evolving Solgaleo and tradeback legendaries /u/T3hPhish
3. Evolging Electabuzz and Machoke and giving a Passimian /u/futurechirostudent
4. Tons of trade evos /u/fanAdict

Misc (0)


shizen11037's Information


Friend codes:
