
1779-2564-2391 || Alex (ΩR)

Trades (52)

[+] Events (36)
1. GAME Darkrai Code for Serena's Fennekin /u/APikachuNamedSparky
2. 1 x Darkrai code for WCSK Linoone /u/Expo911
3. Redeemed CoroCoro Rayquaza, Scrap Shaymin, Keldeo, Victini for SUM 2014 Heracross, Shinies: Cranidos, Pawniard, Lileep, Houndoor, Gligar /u/chuni_pok
4. Redeemed Arceus for Scrap Code /u/Kobi2604
5. Serena's Fennekin for Comp Shiny Buneary /u/chuni_pok
6. 6 x Serena's Fennekin for Comp Shiny Bagon, Ralts, Gible, Froakie /u/doritoburrrito
7. Lv. 1 Giratina for Darkrai code and Serena's Fennekin language set /u/cubanpete26
8. Darkrai code and Serena's Fennekin for SUM2014 Heracross set (except ENG) /u/Umbra-Profess
9. Serena's Fennekin for Comp Shiny Sableye /u/Kumquatterie
10. Redeemed a Scrap Shaymin for Event Beldum /u/ryan325
11. 2 x Serena's Fennekin for Comp Shiny Misdreavus and Mawile /u/Epoke28
12. Redeemed a CoroCoro Rayquaza for CoroCoro Rayquaza code /u/tretman
13. 3 x Serena's Fennekin for Shiny Gengar Event, Diancie /u/joelrjohnson
14. Redeemed CoroCoro Rayquaza for M18 Arceus /u/StevieO20
15. 2 GAME Charizard codes for Tretta Rotom /u/broccoliYT
16. Serena's Fennekin, GAME Charizard Code for CoroCoro Rayquaza code /u/Section_80
17. Redeemed Arceus for GAME Darkrai, Amaura code /u/Section_80
18. FB Kangaskhan code for M18 Arceus, CoroCoro Rayquaza code /u/Expo911
19. CoroCoro Rayquaza Code for FB Kangaskhan code /u/J-AnideM
20. Scrap Shaymin and Redeem for FB Kangaskhan code /u/xaonmasterofnox
21. CoroCoro Rayquaza for FB Kangaskhan /u/AnimaWish
22. Redeemed M18 Arceus for Redeemed FB Kangaskhan /u/DanielRimee
23. Redeemed 2 CoroCoro Rayquazas for 4 scrap codes /u/Tatertot74
24. 2 scrap codes for 1 GAMEzard code /u/BriarRose29
25. Redemption of Scrap Shaymin and Keldeo for Comp Shiny Shinx and Sneasel /u/annie3d
26. Redeemed Gamerai and Gamezard code for Amaura code /u/Zangoose1
27. 1 scrap code for 1 GAMEzard code /u/Zeck00
28. Redeemed M18 Arceus for 2 CoroCoro Rayquaza codes /u/Glasschild89
29. 4 comp shinies: Houndour, Buneary, Cranidos, Lileep for 1 CoroCoro Rayquaza code /u/endy1102
30. Redeemed M18 Arceus for 2 GAMErai codes, 1 GAMEzard code, 1 Bank Celebi /u/Cobolt
31. 2 Amaura codes for 1 Korean Keldeo code /u/RainFrenzy
32. 2 scrap codes for 1 GAMEzard code /u/Expo911
33. Serena's Fennekin, Steven's Beldum, Comp Shiny Honedge for CoroCoro Rayquaza code /u/PoorLittleGoat
34. Redeemed 4 M18 Arceus with IV SR for 2 Amaura codes /u/togawe
35. 5 Corocoro Rayquaza redemptions for 1 Corocoro Rayquaza codes /u/endy1102
36. 3 Scrap Shaymin Redemptions for 3 GAMErai Redemptions /u/a_casserole
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (12)
1. Dreamball HA/EM Timburr for Dreamball Chimeco and Cherubi /u/radiowarrrr
2. Dreamball HA Spiritomb, Shuppet for Sportball Scyther, Heavyball Lapras /u/awestom
3. Dreamball HA Eevee for 5IV Sportball Technician Scyther /u/Jamey4
4. Eevee with Water Stone for Adamant Self-Dustruct Munchlax /u/Earendil503
5. Focus Sash for Lairon /u/Pictorial-Mew
6. HA Anorith and HA Kabuto for Shiny Dratini /u/Tykuts0
7. Salamencite for Latias with Latiasite /u/ThermalTrickster
8. Choice Specs for 5IV HA Gible /u/alexuchihajr
9. 5IV Scizor for 5IV Mankey /u/Csordas
10. Tradeback to evovle Seadra for Shiny Emboar /u/kniff01
11. Dreamball HA Vulpix and Suppet for Comp Shroomish in Luxuryball /u/pokeanand
12. 2 x Leftovers, Eviolite for Comp Shiny Elekid, Absol /u/Admiral_Fish
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (4)
1. Darkrai code, Scrap code, Comp Shiny: Pawniard, Misdreavus, Gligar for Plasma Deoxys /u/CallMeTub
2. 2 x FB Kangaskhan Redeem for RNG Ho-oh /u/AtomicEleven
3. Scrap Trio Redemption for Ash's Pikachu /u/emeril322
4. Ash's Pikachu for Korean Keldeo Code /u/ajkyle56

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (7)

1. Tradeback for Seadra to evolve /u/Gunslinger1995
2. Kadabra and Machoke /u/Coold2
3. Tradeback for Poliwhirl, Clamperl, Magmar evolutions /u/ArcticWish
4. Traded Egg from different games /u/andrewsailor
5. Porygon to Porygon2 to Porygon-Z /u/SpazzAttaakk
6. Karrablast and Shelmet /u/vi-ruu
7. Scyther evolution /u/bcoax

Misc (0)


RainFrenzy Apr 25, 2015 2:33:47 AM

Traded my Guidebook Keldeo Code for 2 Pokemon Global Link Amaura Codes, patient and fast trader. Will deal with again in the future!

Earendil503 Mar 17, 2015 11:26:24 PM

A prompt and friendly trader with whom I was able to work out a mutually beneficial exchange. Thanks again for the Water Stone! :)

sleepywings's Information


Friend codes:
