
4468-1099-7712 || Sly (Y)
4468-1099-7712 || Sly (Y), Sly (αS) || 1328, 2021, 3606

Trades (0)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (0)
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (82)

1. Gangsterious' /u/Gangsterious
2. Timburr /u/Pancham4
3. Cacnea /u/Skore_Smogon
4. Shinx /u/Anasky
5. Frillish /u/Dximus
6. Geobomb's /u/Geobomb
7. Honedge /u/Rayzen_M
8. Chansey /u/sentony93
9. Bulbasaur /u/Beardandfeared
10. Rotom /u/OctopusLime
11. Charmander /u/Alinzko
12. Porygon /u/Clubman_and_Bludgeon
13. Elgyem /u/awiec
14. Bulbasaur /u/Geistowl
15. Weedle /u/KaitoGL
16. Pichu /u/xLira03
17. Chimchar /u/hadouz
18. Hoothoot /u/Treyshadows
19. Eevee /u/junior8686
20. Charmander /u/ShadowEvilHero
21. Ralts /u/Umbra-Profess
22. Shroomish /u/bi-cycle
23. Charmander /u/suzakutrading
24. Purrloin /u/eddiy
25. Shroomish /u/Animoshumon22
26. Pidgey /u/Soukiri
27. Feebas /u/Ohtrahddis
28. Shelmet /u/frox_is_okay
29. Ralts /u/snowflake139
30. Sandshrew /u/Hubbymon
31. Ratata /u/Propallor
32. Froakie /u/dhkim613
33. Chimchar /u/smmac135
34. Honedge /u/royalphoenix
35. Fletchling /u/ski6388
36. Zubat /u/UmiMizuAi
37. Carvanha /u/Nokkelborth
38. Shroomish /u/MooseORAS
39. Squirtle /u/fliippyy
40. Buneary /u/GLopez2171
41. Cyndaquil /u/Propallor
42. Zubat /u/Eddiy
43. Gastly /u/BanetteShaaan
44. Cranidos /u/Pancham4
45. Remoraids /u/matthewtunc
46. Shroomish /u/johnsonWWW
47. Tepig /u/ourcertifiablegenre
48. Ralts /u/eddiy
49. Pidgey /u/iWarnock
50. Sunkern /u/Tanith5
51. Snivy /u/erublack
52. Poochyena /u/Akrisn
53. Dratini /u/ShinyD3
54. Goomy /u/ShisenAkarui
55. Pawniard /u/JACKIE_CLAMP
56. Squirtle /u/emchun
57. Buneary /u/Zigglief
58. Scyther /u/fliippyy
59. Spiritomb /u/Bouncer2085
60. Shuppet /u/infiniteshadow
61. Kangaskhan /u/qweligator
62. Frillish /u/sugar8bay
63. Honedge /u/patchespatch04
64. Marill /u/_broseph_
65. Honedge /u/Lecockolli
66. Vulpix /u/derpingtoaster
67. Sandshrew /u/ryanthomas917
68. Deino /u/kewligirl95
69. Pawniard /u/Clyde_AOD
70. Houndour /u/infiniteshadow
71. Trapinch /u/Miraxine
72. Ghastly /u/MrVexual
73. Numel /u/KaiTheLoneWolf
74. Honedge /u/Kmlzb4-Mekare
75. Shuppet /u/imp3rf3ct
76. Honedge /u/baudtack
77. Chatot /u/BlackoutSLM
78. Poliwag /u/Tacanacy
79. Riolu /u/Strafingfire
80. Slowpoke /u/ephramisnthere
81. Gible /u/willster191
82. Torchic /u/Tacanacy

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 76 eggs given)

1. ESV Giveaway - Ralts and Froakies (Sub: SVExchange, 16 given)
2. ESV Giveaway - Froakies, Goomies and Marills (Sub: SVExchange, 60 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (6 threads, 111 given)

1. Battle Checks (55 checked)
2. Battle Checks (51 checked)
3. Battle Checks (2 checked)
4. Battle Checks (1 checked)
5. Battle Checks (1 checked)
6. SAV Checks (1 checked)

Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


infiniteshadow Jun 16, 2015 9:59:36 PM

Hatched a poke for me. Very pleasant. Thanks!

Bouncer2085 Jun 9, 2015 7:52:27 PM

Hatched a shiny Spiritomb for me and was quick to respond. Thanks again!

ShinyD3 May 7, 2015 9:38:52 PM

Hatched a shiny Dratini for me. Thanks again!

Pancham4 Mar 22, 2015 2:41:28 PM

Thank you for your time and for hatching my Cranidos egg. Take care and have a nice day/evening.

Nokkelborth Feb 25, 2015 5:40:49 PM

Hatched a shiny Carvanha for me, thanks again!

slycopperr's Information


Friend codes:

  • 4468-1099-7712


  • IGN: Sly TSV: 1328
  • IGN: Sly TSV: 2021
  • IGN: Linpac TSV: 3606