
1993-8650-8417 || Adam (X, αS, M, UM)
1993-8650-8417 || Adam (X, αS, M, UM) || 3282, 0438, 0873

Trades (153)

[+] Events (140)
1. Sly Zoroark with ENG language and Timid nature with 11/24/2015 for shiny luxio and Dwebble /u/DirtyDan257
2. Timid Sly Zoroark for Shiny Horsea and Shiny Manectric /u/tinymacaroni
3. Timid male Sly Zoroark for He redeemed my Galileo Rayquaza and SR for Jolly /u/lawtrafalgar02
4. Naive Sly Zoroark for Shiny Larvesta and shiny Murkrow /u/Schwarzmilan
5. 1 mchoopa for 1 xyz set /u/wendhere
6. 5 custom mchoopas for 1 custom xerneas, yveltal, and zygarde events /u/endy1102
7. Darkrai Code for Timid 20th anniversary Shaymin /u/KeVeTeX
8. mareep, sentret, Inkay, Swirlix, Pancham, Flabébé, Deino, Mienfoo, Tynamo, Foongus, and Trubbish for 1 NA Volcanion code /u/Zomfgitsdark
9. iron fist Monferno for 5iv Timid Infiltrator Noibat /u/Stuartdjspence
10. Terrakion,Palkia,Regirock, and Cobalion for 1 NA Volcanion code /u/Devilbulldoggs
11. 4 volcanion and 4 genesect for 8 Arceus /u/HashG8
12. Hoopa for Shiny Tapu koko /u/Sorakan
13. 20th Meloetta for 20th Arceus /u/koishomefromschool
14. Sly Zoroark for 1 turtonator code /u/SimoxxGb
15. Turtonator code for Pal Shiny tapu koko /u/HRyujii
16. Modest Volcanion for Diancie /u/Ursotender
17. 6 NA Lycanroc Redeems for 3 NA Lycanroc Codes /u/Hyperion-OMEGA
18. NA Shiny Tapu Koko for 2 Mega stones /u/Leafs_kmy
19. 4 Lycanrocs event redeems and one shiny tapu koko for 5 lycanroc codes /u/Killer_Whale_Penguin
20. NA gamestop salazzle code for shiny wishcash /u/Clancy2232
21. 5 NA Gamestop Salazzle codes for 4 shiny oricorios and 1 shiny Alola Meowth /u/GigaLint
22. NA Gamestop Salazzle code for Shiny exeggcute /u/NielfarSylvian
23. 2 NA GameStop Salazzle codes for Shiny alola vulpix and a shiny fomantis /u/Morgan-Meme-Machine
24. 4 NA Salazzle Codes for 1 Sakuji Solrock and 1 Sakuji Lunatone /u/Nluck7
25. 2 NA GameStop Salazzle Codes for Shiny Karablast and Shiny corphish /u/fabiorodrigues1
26. 4 NA Gamestop Salazzle codes for 2 Magearnas /u/snuffles24
27. 9 NA Gamestop Salazzle codes for 2 RNGed Pheromosa and 1 RNGed Celesteela /u/henrxv
28. 1 NA Gamestop Salazzle Code for Jolly Landorus in a Luxury Ball /u/Supernewb52
29. 12 NA Gamestop Salazzle codes for 12 Trophy Shinies /u/endy1102
30. 1 NA Gamestop Salazzle Code for Hoopa /u/emiliaFR
31. 2 NA Salazzle codes for 1 7/11 Charizard Code and 1 7/11 Piplup Code /u/kopoke
32. 4 Salazzle codes for 1 7/11 Lucario Code /u/XecoX
33. 1 Timid volcanion for 1 Adamant Sumer 2014 pinsir /u/Rhaikaan
34. movie14 Victini for Keldeo and XY&Z Gardevoir /u/henrxv
35. Modest Volcanion for JPN Turtonator /u/Lightning00
36. 1 naive Volcanion for VC Celebi Code /u/ArmlessReindeerMan
37. 1 XY&Z Zygarde and 1 Sly Zoroark for 2 custom ash hat pikachus /u/Supernewb52
38. 3 custom hat pikachus for 1 rng'ed Solgaleo /u/Jonathan_1997
39. 2 NA Shiny Tapu Kokos for 1 Dahara City Giratina /u/ObliviousLush
40. 1 lycanroc w/ proof for Custom original Ash hat pikachu /u/ogron2358
41. 1 NA VC Celebi Code for 1 JPN Movie Volcanion /u/RickSanz
42. 1 Pal VC Celebi Code for 1 Nintendo HK Shiny Jirachi and 2 Trophy Shinies /u/bi-cycle
43. 1 NA VC Celebi Code for 2 Pal VC Celebi Codes /u/Aleksander3702
44. NA Lycanroc Event for Custom Ash Hat Pikachu /u/jaysan06
45. 2014 Heracross, the present mon (Serperior,samurott,emboar), and sly zoroark for 4 Charizard Codes /u/wheatr
46. 2 NA Charizard Codes for 3 Custom sinnoh Hatchus /u/log94
47. Self obtained liberty garden victini for 8 charizard codes /u/Killer_Whale_Penguin
48. 2 Hat Pikas for 1 solrock 1 lunatune event /u/snuffles24
49. 20 NA Marshadow codes for 1 PC Sylveon /u/philvpham10
50. zoroark + female DBHA Shelmet, Gligar, Drifloon, and Nidoran F for 1 hat pikachu /u/Larexna
51. 2 NA marshadow codes for 3 Custom hat piakchus /u/maxrexpower1
52. 8 hatchus for 1 PC Espeon /u/philvpham10
53. 1 Wishmaker Jirachi for NA Marshadow code /u/Greenfulten77
54. 2 Marshadow Codes for 3 Sinnoh Hat Pikachus /u/ogron2358
55. 1 Shiny Tapu Koko, 1 Magearna and 5 Ash Greninjas for all legends from As /u/1chazz1
56. 1 Marshadow Code for 2 AHat Pikachus /u/VersatileArsenal
57. Alola Trio Event Emboar,Serperior, and Samurott for Ash Hat PIkachu Language set /u/Supernewb52
58. Nebels Volcanion for 1 NA Celebi code /u/Jonesin05
59. 4 Celebi Codes for 1 Shiny Diancie /u/xtakeru
60. 3 NA Shiny Silvally Codes for Marshadow /u/AlEDeR14
61. XYz gardevoir and a Dahara city Giratina for 16 Ash Hat pikachus /u/CallistaEve
62. 20th meloetta and 20th Keldeo for 2 NA Celebi Codes /u/sbig6458
63. 2 Charizard codes, 1 Silvally code, and 2 marshadow codes for 5 zard Redeems /u/3Anton3
64. 6 silvally codes, and 6 Marshadow codes for 8 marshadow codes redeemed, and 8 silvally codes redeemed /u/3Anton3
65. 1 NA Palkia redeeem for 1 Marshadow redeem and 1 Sivally redeem /u/DanTortuga
66. 4 Marshadow code for 4 Marshadow redeems and 4 Silvally Redeems /u/BlobbyMcB
67. 3 20th anniversary Pokemon for 1 Meloetta code and 1 Manaphy Code /u/howshang1517
68. 1 NA Celebi Code for 1 Coro Coro Arceus /u/t3345678
69. 3 Marshadow codes for 3 Shiny SIlvally code redeems /u/Krauser_X
70. 3 rare candies, 1 PP max, 1 PP up for 9 shinies; Lombre, Audino, Barbaracle, Chanseys, Swellow, Crustle, Magcargo, Grumpig /u/kylo_den
71. Volcanion and Mac Hoopa for All Shiny; A-Rattata,Granbull,Starly,Heliolisk,Fletchling Mimikyu,Wimpod,Plusle,Purrlion,Deerling (W) /u/Stiff_Churros
72. NA Target Charizard for 3 Shiny zygarde Codes /u/beatlynx
73. 5 K/G Codes for JPN Shiny poipole /u/Mizudomi
74. redeemed 1 entei and 1 zygarde for 4 TT codes /u/Billymaier
75. redeemed 5 TT codes for 7 TT codes /u/King-Eaglez
76. redeemed 5 Yveltals for 5 NA Zygarde Codes /u/Ebondragonx
77. JPN Solrock and Lunatune for 4 zeroara, 4 ho-oh/lugia and one poipole redeems /u/cpgupta561
78. NA Celebi code, victini, and volcanion for 4groudon and 3 Kyogre redeems, and 10 poipole redeems /u/cpgupta561
79. 17 NA Zeraora Codes for Shiny Bidoof Froakie Mimikyu Sentret Shinx /u/londeros
80. self-redeemed Modest Alexander Hoopa's, Proofed ENG jolly marshadow and modest volcanion for 2 sets of Zarude and shiny celebi codes /u/ron0213
81. Self obtained Marshadow and volcanion for Star Shiny Gmax-Pikachu, Star Shiny Gmax-Eevee, Square Shiny Gmax-Charizard and shiny zeraora /u/MaRcEsCeNt
82. alexander Hoopa and Gamestop Marshadow for NA Shiny Zygarde and NA shiny Lunala /u/valere1213
83. self obtained Modest Helen Volcanion, OT:Helen, ID:10016 self obtained Hardy Original Ash Pikachu, OT:Ash, ID:090898 for Secret Shiny Necrozma /u/BurrfootMike
84. Event NA shiny Beldum for Eclipse Shiny Solgaleo | 60 | Full Metal Body | Jolly | anarchy579 > me (on pokemonexchange) | Self-obtained by anarchy579 | Wonder card | OT: Eclipse | ID: 100419 | BANK (gen 7) | ENG tag /u/ron0213
85. kiawe's turtonator, sakuji lunatone/solrock set for home Zeraora, shiny celebi/zarude code+redeem /u/Greenevers
86. NA Marshadow for Shiny Celebi event /u/NiceGuy7
87. NA Mt tensei Marshadow for Zarude and Celebi redeem Set /u/pat_e_cakes319
88. self obtained Baik Jongyoon's Amoonguss for Meowth, copperajah, sinister, chipped pot, sport and masterball /u/ShaikhAndBake
89. Self obtained Ash greninja for shiny celebi code /u/ArcticRedDevil
90. fula city zeraora and Marshadow for Korean Ash's Charizard and Korean Mewtwo Code Set /u/Evthe420
91. - Fula City Zeraora - Kyogra, Groudon, Lugia Ho-Oh, of the 2018 legends for 1 set codes (M/C) and 1 Mewtwo code /u/Crasteos88
92. 2018 groudon, Kyogre, NA shiny Poipole, Spooky NA Pumpkaboo, Salazzle, Charizard, ho-oh, and shiny tapu koko for 5 sets of mewtwo/charizard codes /u/raviteja101
93. Self Obtained Pokeball Vivillon for Eevee Birthday Code /u/Evthe420
94. 2018 legends ho-oh, lugia, and 20th meloetta for 1 Z/C code /u/MaRcEsCeNt
95. Shiny Tapu Koko for Z/C code set /u/chaoticdopamine
96. Aldora bird trio set for 2 sets of Z/C codes /u/CCTWW
97. NA marshadow and alexander Hoopa for 2 sets of Z/C codes /u/___Jay__
98. 1 NA Event shiny poipole for 2 hat Pikachu sets /u/SwitchShape
99. RNG'd Pheromosa-Naughty and NA Event Shiny Poipole for 4 sets of hatchus gen 8 /u/Greenevers
100. 20th Jirachi 20th Meloetta for 6 charizard and 2 mewtwo redeems /u/Pyrobut11
101. 1 mewtwo code for 3 mewtwo redeems /u/avs6134
102. Marshadow MT. Tensei 100917 Genesect GF 11016 Volcanion Helen 10016 for 2020 jpn scrap set /u/PanKake-Chief
103. Midnight Lycanroc for two hatchu sets /u/MercuryEnigma
104. Victini-GF 09016 Self Obtained, Keldeo-GF 10016 Self Obtained, Genesect-GF 11016 Self Obtained and Meloetta-GF 12016 Self Obtained for Mac Hoopa, and Hope Diancie (GER) /u/kpd5105
105. event shiny celebi for 3 hatchu sets /u/Yoda2107
106. 2018 legends Ho-oh, 20th Anniversary Celebi, 20th Anniversary Darkrai for full set of 6 scrap codes (24 pts) /u/incorrigiblemess
107. hoopa for 20th shaymin /u/hkgrice
108. JPN PC sylveon for 1 donut chansey code /u/Sachinator13
109. NA Shiny Poipole for 21 pokemon leveled up to 100 /u/eddiespaghetti1234
110. Charizard (Gen 7 Events, any row #35-39) 3Anton3 Redeemed For Me (A-Button) Shiny Tapu Koko (Gen 7 Events, row #15,#16, #90) Self Redeemed (Redemption Proof+No A-Button) for 6 custom shines /u/dempom
111. Bullseye 100117 Charizard, Modest Clovis 080817 Salazzle, Timid Ultra 091718 Shiny Poipole, Modest GF 10016 Keldeo, Timid Original Cap Pikachu, Ash 090898, Hardy Hoenn Cap Pikachu, Ash 091303, Hardy Sinnoh Cap Pikachu, Ash 060407, Hardy Unova Cap Pikachu, Ash 021211, Hardy Kalos Cap Pikachu, Ash 011814, Hardy Alola Cap Pikachu, Ash 120516, Hardy Fula City Zeraora, Fula City 100118, Jolly for entire shiny legend SoulSilver set, complete with 3 sinjoh dragons. /u/TedDoesPokemon
112. shin celebi code for custom ot shiny hapiny /u/notyourmama12
113. 1 M/C set for 9 Z/C code sets redeemed, 1 Eu zarude redeemed, 1 GVM set redeemed /u/Terryus1
114. self redeemed mac hoopa no proof for self-redeemed ENG-tagged Dada Zarude (OT/ID: Jungle/201225),self-redeemed event Shiny Toxtricity, and 12 bottle caps /u/TwisterPika
115. self redeemed shiny poipole for 8 coalossal redeems /u/Terryus1
116. original ash cap pikachu for Shiny event Toxtricity /u/poparrot
117. Bank HA Johto Starter Set. for Feb 2015 Darkrai /u/Evthe420
118. event shiny zygarde and event mewtwo for 6 tsv shiny eggs /u/kakesu
119. 1 set of dmax codes (Pikachu and Eevee) for x2 zamazenta and x1 zacian code /u/Phil_Gardevoir
120. 1 eevee and 1 pikachu dmax code for 2 redeemed zacians and 1 zamazenta code /u/Slight_Disaster_2579
121. 1 Mewtwo 박사 200930 for 5 sets of redeems (shiny Celebi,Dada zarude, zacian) + 1 set of gmax pikachu/eevee /u/PopTartManic
122. event shiny poipole and original cap pikachu for 20 z/z redeems /u/Stridel
123. 1 Self Redeemed Zacian for 7 sets of zamazenta/pikachu/eevee redemptions /u/shikaskue
124. 1 RNG Solgaleo for 3 zacian codes redeemed /u/sam_553
125. 2018 kyogre and groudon for 9 manaphy eggs from bdsp /u/poperday1
126. 20th meloetta for 8 manaphy eggs and 8 jirachis /u/123CrimsonRain
127. 3 ash greninjas and 2 shiny poipoles for 1 happiny code and 2 piplup code sets /u/hgem0406
128. shiny silvally event for 1 happiny code and 2 piplup code sets /u/sallgag1
129. charizard+Mewtwo set for 16 victini redeems /u/CrazyNek0
130. 1 2018 shiny zygarde for 10 dragonite and 10 gengar redeems /u/gibbspip
131. 1 donut chansey for 12 Event Gengar+ 12 Event Sirfetch'd /u/LiteShadow93
132. 2 event shiny galarian zapdos and 2 event shiny galarian articuno for "movie14 darkrai 20th Darkrai May2012 Darkrai 1 Happiny code (SW/SH) Jirachi +latias code + Pikachu code" /u/KaitoGL
133. 20th arceus for 12 Lucario + 1 Gengar + 1 Sirfetch’d + Dragonite (Ash's Dragonite, OT サトシ, ID 200126, self-obtained, video proof) /u/bencebardos
134. 1 shiny silvally for 4 eternatus codes and 1 happiny code /u/-Shiny_Star-
135. 1 shiny event toxtricity for 3 tsv shinies /u/OnePointPi
136. 1 birthday eevee and Z/Z set for Event Fennekin and krabby /u/valere1213
137. 1 ash dragonite for 1 eternatus code /u/thik88
138. M/C Set for 18 eternatus redeemed /u/LiteShadow93
139. 1 eternatus code for 3 rng mon /u/electrsaturator
140. 1 manaphy egg for 10 breedable eggs /u/bwo0
[+] Shinies (1)
1. 10 pp ups for shiny ambipom /u/pancham4
[+] Competitive / Casual (10)
1. 5 iv egg move Deino for 31/0/31/31/31/31 Modest Ditto /u/Gatsby25
2. Power band for Zygarde /u/thejjustinj
3. Machoke, Weepingbell, Lickitung, Volbeat, Torkoal for Shiny tepig /u/IntentionOfAbyss
4. Smeargle with dark void for Dream ball Hidden Ability Nidoran /u/PikaCuber
5. smeargle with dark void for DBHA Gligar,shroomish, and shelmet /u/Mikelpmr
6. 6 DBHA Mon for Adamant Entei and a jolly Terrakion both in a luxury ball /u/Supernewb52
7. 1 Luxury Ball HA Froakie for 5 bottle caps /u/DarkBlastoise09
8. DBHA Joltik for Toxic Spikes Froakie /u/superavo4
9. Moon ball for 3 Ribbon and 2 Berry sweets /u/piccololover
10. Heavy and Friend ball for 2 Ribbon and 4 Star sweets /u/kitten1422
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (2)
1. 2 mchoopas 1 eng 1 ita for timid hidden power fire shiny rng latias /u/Admiral_Fish
2. hasty mchoopa with 31 ivs in Atk, SpA and Spe. for movie14 victini /u/HamRager

Egg Hatches (44)

1. helped him hatch a honedge to make it shiny /u/h2002y
2. helped him hatch a Marill to make it shiny /u/d0gun87
3. Helped him hatch a Zorua to make it shiny /u/LuxrayShiny
4. helped him hatch larvitar to make it shiny /u/ozone-poke
5. helped hatch his absol to make it shiny /u/beekachuu
6. helped hatch his ekans to make it shiny /u/Tacanacy
7. helped her hatch her totodile to make it shiny /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
8. helped hatch hippopotas to make it shiny /u/wuyi317605
9. hatched a shiny eevee /u/histronics
10. Hached a shiny gastly /u/EternityRing
11. Hatched a shiny Rotom /u/Strax_89
12. hatched a shiny Squirtle /u/Level5Misaka
13. hatched a shiny Onix /u/imp3rf3ct
14. helepd hatch a shiny Mankey /u/s_10
15. helped hatch an oshawott /u/SnekazZ
16. hatched a shiny barboach /u/snowkae
17. hlped hatch a shiny caterpie /u/deviltaker
18. helped hatch a shiny trubbish /u/sugar8ay
19. helped hatch a shiny Magikarp /u/Dracojuwel
20. i helped hatch a shiny patrat /u/AlbertSoa
21. helped hatch a shiny pokemon (i forgot what) /u/quipstafishie
22. helped hatch a shiny ralts /u/ThatDarnSJDoubleW
23. helped hatch a shiny sandshrew /u/Vore-
24. helped hatch a shiny sableye /u/Velideon
25. helped hatch a shiny Honedge /u/MaximilianK1
26. helped hatch a shiny Geodude /u/zetraex
27. helped hatch a shiny Lillipup /u/autumnaki2
28. helped hatch a shiny Meowstic (Espurr) /u/mose_cat
29. helped hatch a shiny aron /u/favocr
30. helped hatch a shiny spheal /u/IPatan
31. helped hatch a shiny Charmander /u/mahoang
32. Hatched a shiny Deino /u/yomanbrodude
33. Helped hatch a shiny Pinsir /u/Leo626
34. Helped hatch a shiny charmander /u/MartwoThePika
35. Hatched a shiny Deino /u/JohnnyDozentKnow
36. Hatched a shiny Scatterbug /u/chang0471
37. Helped hatch a shiny Beldum /u/cherryblossom10
38. Hatched Shiny Porygon /u/skjin_01
39. helped hatch a shiny shroomish /u/Clubman_and_Bludgeon
40. Helped Hatch a shiny Tirtouga /u/DillaDawg
41. Hatched shiny Murkrow /u/raviteja101
42. Hatched shiny Marill /u/megavipersnake91
43. Hatched a shiny Tropius /u/megavipersnake91
44. Hatched Shiny Froakie /u/eekia07

Giveaways/Contests (21 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Gave away 20th anniversary darkrai codes (Sub: pokemontrades, 2 given)
2. Gave Away T/T Codes (Sub: pokemontrades, 5 given)
3. gave away 6 NA Poipole Codes (Sub: pokemontrades, 6 given)
4. Gave away NA Zeraora Codes (Sub: pokemontrades, 4 given)
5. Gave away Ho-Oh/Lugia Codes (Sub: pokemontrades, 3 given)
6. Shiny Tapu koko (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (12)

1. I helped him evolve his Seadra, Rhydon,Onix,Slowpoke, 2 clamperls,Polywhirl and Scyther /u/HailStormX
2. helped him get touch trades for Porygon2, Mime Jr, Swoobat, Cryogonal, Aromatisse, Slurpuff /u/SaintJimmy1
3. help evolve his polywhirl into a politoad /u/Imareddit8896
4. helped him evolve his kadabra to alakazam /u/Fab_kitten
5. helped him evolve haunter into gengar /u/LeRozita
6. Helped him evolve his Machoke into Machamp /u/stear541
7. helped evolve spritzee, pumpkaboo, and swirlix /u/PTSCrumbled
8. helped evolve his scyther into scizor /u/OGKushAndOrangeJuice
9. helpedhim evolve his shemet into Accelgor /u/rboeglinjr
10. helped evolve his onix into Steelix /u/Briikal
11. Helped evolve a couple of his pokemon /u/SoberGanja
12. Happiny Tradeback /u/Trick_NL

Misc (0)


h2002y Dec 13, 2015 1:10:35 PM

He hatched me a honedge :)

sorry ive putting up this late

I just figured out how to do Flairs

smitty2512's Information


Friend codes:
