
SW-8523-4148-0516, 1006-3559-2598 || Ben (VIO)
SW-8523-4148-0516, 1006-3559-2598 || Ben (VIO) || XXXX

Trades (146)

[+] Events (6)
1. Marill with egg moves for NA Shiny Sivally code /u/Rsma77
2. FriendHA Bulbasaur, FastHA Charmander, LureHA Squirtle for NA Marshadow Code /u/MortalShare
3. 1 NA Dialga/Palkia Code and 1 Shiny Girafarig for 4 DBHA, 5 Aprimon breedables /u/valere1213
4. NA Dialga/Palkia code for DBHA Elekid, Panpour, Shellos East, Snubbull, and Yanma; and MoonHA Poochyena /u/lonachu
5. Mt. Tensei Marshadow for Shiny HA Sobble egg, 1 Dream ball, 1 Beast ball /u/TwisterPika
6. Jungle Zarude with Wondercard proof for Shiny Zacian code /u/eonole
[+] Shinies (19)
1. Shiny Whismur, Shiny Zigzagoon, Shiny Ferroseed for DBHA Durant, DBHA Heracross, DBHA Aerodactyl, DBHA Scyther, DBHA Chansey, Heavy Onix, and Safari Paras /u/GaleWindscar
2. Shiny Honedge, Shiny Scyther for 4 Rare Candies, 4 Silver BC /u/Velideon
3. Shiny Riolu for 8 Silver BC and Gengarite /u/bridgiepika
4. Shiny Gen 6 Scyther for 2 Rare Candies, 5 Silver BC /u/bundleofsocks
5. Shiny Scyther for 3 Silver Bottle Caps, 1 PP Max, 5 Rare Candies /u/jayk1406
6. Shiny Bagon for 1 Gold BC, Gyaradosite, 3 Rare Candies /u/xXL0L1L0V3RXx
7. 2 Shiny Bagons for 4 Gold Bottle Caps, 4 Rare Candies /u/trollolly
8. Razor Claw for Shiny Tepig /u/Weeklywaffle1
9. Shiny Bagon for 1 Gold BC, 3 Silver BC /u/wheatr
10. Shiny Hippowdon for BeastHA Ralts, FriendHA Chespin /u/lonachu
11. Shiny 6IV Scyther for Shiny DBHA Mudkip /u/GeckoDragon96
12. Shiny Crustle, Granbull, Bagon, Eevee, Gyarados, and Drapion; and Lucky Egg for 25 SafariHA mons /u/goyange
13. Shiny DBHA Riolu, Shiny Pokeball Deerling Winter, Shiny Safari Scyther for BeastHA Staryu; DBHA Sunkern, Gulpin, Pansage, Stunfisk, Smoochum; HeavyHA and LoveHA Scyther, /u/Stiff_Churros
14. Shiny 6IV Scyther for BeastHA Flabebe Red, Yellow, Orange /u/valere1213
15. Shiny Bagon and NA Marshadow code for DBHA Voltorb, DBHA Beldum, DBHA Natu, DBHA Sawk, DB Lunatone, DB Solrock, FriendHA Flabebe Orange /u/torchblaziken
16. Shiny Seviper and shiny Oddish for HeavyHA Skarmory and Mudkip /u/Ecksel
17. Shiny Zubat, Yanmega, Barbaracle for Dream Koffing, Misdreavus; Beast Voltorb, Misdreavus, Klink, Slakoth, Flabebe-B; Friend Flabebe-B /u/valere123
18. Shiny Amped Form Toxtricity for G-Max Toxtricity and 1 bottle cap /u/TheFreshness95
19. Shiny Boldore, Kyurem for G-Max Orbettle, G-Max Grimmsnarl, G-Max Coalossal, G-Max Hatterene, 2 bottle caps /u/Andrew09854
[+] Competitive / Casual (121)
1. DBHA Staryu and DBHA Rotom for DBHA Togepi and DBHA Sableye /u/Foxlery
2. 21 tradebacks for dex data for Shiny Charm for Mimikyu and Grubbin breedjects /u/UUZY
3. HA Swinub with Freeze-Dry egg move for HA Gible /u/Junomane
4. Swadloon with HA for DBHA Swablu /u/Lynzkar
5. HA Kabuto for Heavy Ball Phanpy /u/Raptored5931
6. 2 Lucky Eggs for Scizorite /u/RuncibleField
7. DBHA Buneary with Fake Out for Heavy Ball Eevee /u/vinfox
8. 5IV Luxury Ball Minior for 5IV Friend Ball HA Growlithe /u/fremdlaender
9. 2 Silver Bottle Caps for 1 Lucarionite /u/MadMatik
10. HA Swinub for Zorua /u/Laziooooo
11. HA Swinub for Premier Ball Scyther /u/gcritic
12. HA Chimchar for 5IV Dratini /u/HyperionSent
13. 5IV BBHA Bagon for Assault Vest /u/Velasthur
14. DBHA Tangela for Larvesta breedject /u/quality_content
15. DBHA Dratini for Sport Ball Scyther /u/Clone394
16. Squirtle, Chimchar, Totodile, Snivy, Piplup, Torchic for Female Lux HA Eevee /u/Spiritbear35
17. 5 IV DBHA Gligar for Choice Scarf /u/HeyGuyBuddy
18. Female HA Croconaw for Female HA Shroomish /u/iwasneveron
19. 5 IV Luxury Ferroseed and 5 IV Safari Scyther for Ability Capsule /u/MJClutch
20. Wiki and Lansat Berries for Safari HA Shroomish and Safari Zangoose breedjects /u/TheLorkofIslam
21. Safari HA Scyther for Lure HA Mareanie /u/metalasylum
22. DBHA Scyther for LuxHA Froakie /u/C-2S
23. 5IV Safari Scyther for Heavy HA Gible /u/Tony_Solo
24. Heavy Ball Torkoal for Friend Ball Eevee /u/mikharis
25. Love Ball Minior and Preimier Ball Houndour for Fast Ball HA Eevee and Friend Ball HA Eevee /u/BlackBlade15
26. DBHA Chansey for Level HA Drampa /u/CookieKrisp
27. Stick (item) for 5IV Love Ball Cottonee holding Prism Scale /u/helenaneedshugs
28. Moon Stone for Silver BC /u/SlappaDatBass
29. Psychic Seed for Adamant Celesteela /u/mapacheneitor
30. HA Exeggcute with Skill Swap for 6IV Mimikyu /u/Sombrerogue
31. 5IV Sport Ball Adamant Technician Scyther with Metal Coat for 5IV DBHA Adamant A-Grimer with Rare Candy /u/robyn_herbert
32. random Pokémon holding Razor Fang for DBHA Nidoran Male breedject /u/jmarsh1324
33. Heavy Ball Onix for Moon Ball Totodile /u/ShaolinGene
34. Premier Ball HA Swinub for Beast Ball HA Totodile /u/FlyAsh86
35. Friend Treecko, FriendHA Exeggcute, FastHA Eeevee for LureHA Squirtle, FriendHA Bulbasaur, FastHA Torchic /u/Aaaight
36. Starf Berry for LureHA Mudkip /u/Aaaight
37. Deep Sea Tooth and Deep Sea Scale for LoveHA Bulbasaur /u/buckembarnes
38. MoonHA Gligar for MoonHA Charmander /u/M1ster__J
39. Moon Cyndaquil, LoveHA Fennekin, LevelHA Tepig for Heavy Mudbray, Heavy Honedge, FastHA Chimchar /u/guilty-star
40. MoonHA Charmander, FriendHA Bulbasaur, Friend Treecko, Lucky egg for DBHA Turtwig and Treecko, Beast Scyther, Fast Houndour /u/guilty-star
41. Heavy Shellder for Heavy Tentacool /u/lomanm
42. DBHA Bulbasaur for Beast Own Tempo Rockruff /u/eduardoz95
43. BeastHA Rioulu for DBHA Eeevee /u/jathzia
44. DBHA Meditite, FriendHA Exeggcute, FriendHA Farfetch'd, SafariHA Shroomish, PremierHA Swinub for DB Tentacool, BeastHA Tepig, HeavyHA Riolu, DBHA Scyther. BeastHA Scyther /u/topshot069
45. Female BeastHA Charmander for Female LevelHA Houndour /u/SeaLionMermaid
46. Egg move Pokémon: Charmander, Growlithe, Zubat, and Grimer for HeavyHA Larvitar; DBHA Joltik and Pawniard; LuxuryHA Chespin and Blue Flabebe; PokeHA Amaura; BeastHA Mudbray /u/DuskLordX
47. FriendHA Exeggcute for HeavyHA Aron /u/Natswold
48. Egg move males: Cacnea, Farfetch'd, and Kecleon for BeastHA Goomy, Carvanha, and Growlithe; DBHA Tentacool and Houndour; Fast HA Zubat /u/DuskLordX
49. Lileep and Corphish for dex fill for Heavy Pawniard /u/Dylanb763
50. DBHA Joltik, Pawniard, Corphish, Carvanha, Pansear, Durant, Riolu, Skorupi, Gible, Shinx, and Seviper for FriendHA Tangela; LevelHA Fennekin; DBHA Piplup; BeastHA Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Larvesta, and Swinub /u/Erichoo
51. DBHA Tyrogue; BeastHA Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Larvesta, Swinub, Scyther, Sneasel, Mudkip, Ralts, Froakie, Fletchling for DBHA Abra, Machop, Shellder, Omanyte, Mareep, Sneasel, Slugma, Lileep, Anorith, Scraggy, Spiritomb /u/DuskLordX
52. Egg move Mawile for MoonHA Sneasel /u/DuskLordX
53. LoveHA Fennekin for DBHA Magnemite /u/Juzzimento
54. Egg move: Froakie, Phantump, Salandit, Drampa, Mimikyu, Jangmo-o for BeastHA A-Sandshrew, Magnemite, Oshawott, and Exeggcute; HeavyHA Ponyta and Snorunt; DBHA Cubone /u/DuskLordX
55. Egg move Snorlax for SafariHA Trapinch /u/DuskLordX
56. Male HA Pancham for Silver Bottle Cap /u/Emile-1992
57. Lopunnite for Lure Horsea and Silver Bottle Cap /u/AceKebabs
58. 32 BP worth of Move Tutor moves for Gold Bottle Cap /u/Elgon295
59. Beedrillite for Master Ball /u/tazm89
60. DBHA Charmander holding Shiny Stone for Ability Capsule /u/Zero0x1a2
61. Air Cutter MoonHA Charmander for SafariHA Hippopotas and K-Diglett, HeavyHA Axew /u/bornevil5k
62. MoonHA Pichu and Scyther, Moon Grubbin, 2 Moon Balls, 2 Gold Bottle Caps for SportHA Kricketot; DBHA K-Rattata, A-Rattata, Psyduck, K-Geodude, Slowpoke, Mr. Mime, Marill, Hoppip, Stantler, Barboach /u/Falconium_ms
63. FastHA Charmander, LureHA Squirtle, FriendHA Bulbasaur for DBHA Ekans and Bellsprout, LoveHA Sentret, MoonHA Murkrow, SafariHA Yanma /u/KingLaksh
64. LevelHA Pancham for Moon Zorua /u/crookedvulture95
65. Lure Ball x2 for Lure HA Corphish, Lure Krabby /u/TheGrumpyDM
66. Eviolite and Life Orb for LureHA Gligar, BeastHA Abra /u/bornevil5k
67. Leech Seed Ferroseed, Aqua Jet Marill for Heavy Ball (item) /u/banshiru
68. Prismi Scale for DBHA Feebas /u/KiroTelexia
69. 4 Silver Bottle Caps for Level Turtonator, Love Roselia, Beast Machop and Shinx /u/Rhyssius
70. Everstone for MoonHA Shinx /u/Blue_Thunder72
71. Electirizer for LureHA Gible /u/shapopo
72. 3 Shiny Stones for DBHA Tauros, Miltank, Throh /u/ArchdukePanda
73. HeavyHA Aron for HeavyHA Magnemite /u/NeedMoarCowbell
74. HA Eevee (Fast, Moon, Lure, Heavy, Premier), FastHA Weedle, MoonHA Murkrow, HeavyHA Larvitar, DBHA (Joltik, Meditite, Finneon, and Croagunk) for DBHA Poochyena and Smeargle, FastHA Cyndaquil, Love Cherubi, FriendHA Sewaddle, LureHA Oshawott, FastHA Fletchling, Heavy Wimpod, LoveHA Salandit, PremierHA Espurr, Noibat, and Woobat /u/BlueFlewFedUQueen
75. MoonHA Hoothoot for Lure Buizel /u/mcobb003
76. FriendHA Exeggcute for PP Up /u/tdyelle
77. Meteor Mash Riolu for FastHA Togedemauru /u/Cedrus252
78. FriendHA Exeggcute for Bottle Cap /u/King-Eaglez
79. SafariHA Drowzee, SportHA Paras for DBHA Lapras, Starly, Sentret, Horsea /u/ElenaPic
80. 2 Gold Bottle Caps for LoveHA Snivy, MoonHA Sandygast, HeavyHA Crabrawler, Safari Buizel, DBHA Shellos, Murkrow, Makuhita, and Golett /u/hexmaniacgloomy
81. FastHA K-Rattata for DBHA Larvitar /u/psychosocial--
82. Ability Capsule for DBHA Petilil and Elgyem /u/Lukari13
83. FastHA Ponyta for LoveHA Miltank /u/ABNC1
84. DBHA Corphish, Skorupi, Seviper, Durant, Gible; FastHA Chimchar; BeastHA Jangmo-o, Sneasel for DBHA Rhyhorn, Pinsir, Hoothoot, Cleffa, Wailmer, Venipede, Gothita, Druddigon /u/coney-
85. 7 Apriball items (one of each type) for 21 total DBHA and Aprimons (list below) /u/Gazier
86. FriendHA Oddish, Venonat, Tangela; FastHA and HeavyHA Ponyta for HeavyHA Squirtle, Beldum, and Totodile; LoveHA Cyndaquil; LureHA Remoraid /u/cedricbai
87. Level and Lure Rotom, HeavyHA Aron for DBHA Shuppet, Skarmory, Trapinch, and Hippopotas /u/pipeboy_CP
88. DBHA Treecko for DBHA Pachirisu /u/Maximillius55
89. DBHA Mawile, Larvitar, Kangaskhan, Smeargle, Gothita, Tyrogue, Shinx, Staryu, and Sneasel for DBHA Ledyba, Snover, Ducklett, Chinchou, Qwilfish, Corsola, Snorunt, Burmy, and Timburr /u/Arriuss
90. LureHA Corphish for Moon Vullaby /u/toxiclaws
91. Lucky Egg for DBHA Shroomish /u/KLKPKS
92. LoveHA Bulbasaur, Lickitung, Scyther, Cleffa, Wooper, Girafarig, Zigzagoon, Heracross, Houndour, Miltank, Turtwig for LoveHA Treecko, Tepig, Oshawott, Audino, Axew, Dedenne, Rockruff, Mudbray, Bounsweet, Love Furfrou, DBHA Nincada /u/Katie8999
93. Razor Fang for DBHA Goldeen /u/pokemon871
94. LureHA Squirtle for DBHA Alomomola /u/KimpleLeopard
95. DBHA Tyrogue, Tauros, Throh, Sawk, Chansey, Kangaskhan, Smoochum, Miltank, Petilil for DBHA Lotad, Taillow, Surskit, Spoink, Duskull, Absol, Bidoof, Audino, Vanillite /u/voltrathelively
96. 8 Friend Balls, 2 Level Balls, 3 Heavy Balls for 51 DBHA mons and FastHA Treecko /u/ciaradoyle
97. 2 Sweet Hearts (Item) for LureHA Alomomola, SafariHA Barboach, BeastHA Seel, BeastHA Rhyhorn, and BeastHA Spinarak /u/lonachu
98. 6 Beast Miniors and LoveHA Spinda for LoveHA Scraggy, Alomomola, Chespin, Pancham, Carbink, Noibat, and Morelull /u/Katie8999
99. 2 Fish and 2 Drake Fossils for 2 Bird and 2 Dino Fossils /u/J2Excellent
100. 2 Perfect IV Melmetal with EQ and Toxic in Premier Ball for 3 masterballs /u/hjbutler2410
101. 3 Perfect IV Melmetal with EQ and Toxic in Premier Ball for 4 masterballs /u/sparcoevo
102. 2 Perfect IV Melmetal with EQ and Toxic in Ultra Ball for 3 masterballs /u/Y_b0t
103. 2 Perfect IV Melmetal with EQ and Toxic in Ultra Ball for 2 masterballs and 5 IV G-Max Snorlax /u/cksullvn
104. Untouched level 5 Timid Cosmog for Adamant mint and 4 bottle caps /u/Flynntron
105. Level 50 Reshiram in a Repeat Ball for G-Max: Centiskorch, Sanaconda, Machamp, and Alcremie /u/ashlostacog
106. Terrakion and Virizion for G-Max Kingler, 2 masterballs, 1 gold bottle cap /u/Dr0ck129
107. Kyurem for 3 masterballs /u/MyMatter
108. G-Max Eevee, Necrozma for G-Max Pikachu, G-Max Gengar, and 4 masterballs /u/EdgelordMD
109. 2 Perfect IV Melmetal with EQ and Toxic in Ultra Ball for G-Max Flapple, Appletun, and Drednaw /u/nana2049
110. 4x Moon Balls for Lure, Friend, Fast, and Level balls /u/Medaka87
111. Heavy Ball HA Koffing with Pain Split for Love Ball HA Milcery /u/Madhex12
112. Beastball HA Gothita for Timid Mint /u/FLOOPERXD
113. 6 Bach's Food Tin (item) for 6 Bob's Food Tin (item) /u/Blargg888
114. Lure HA Piplup and Mudkip, Fast HA Torchic, Level HA Chimchar for Dream HA Arrokuda and Dreepy, Friend Applin, Heavy HA Duraludon /u/DieGenerates97
115. 4 EM HA Grookey for 4 EM HA Scorbunny and GBC /u/princegb
116. Dream HA Machop, Heavy HA Shellder, Beast HA Onix, and Beast/Heavy HA Sudowoodo for Dream HA Hatenna, Moon HA Solosis, Love Wooloo, Moon HA Indeedee, and Dream HA Trubbish /u/JokerX6
117. Dream HA K-Ponyta and Heavy HA Rolycoly for Dream Ball HA Phantump and Beast HA Drilbur /u/who__ever
118. Dream HA A-Meowth for Fast HA Passimian /u/JDY11
119. Moon HA H-Zigzagoon, Friend HA Seedot for Dream Ball, Beast Ball /u/SteelHawk50
120. 32 HA and non-HA Aprimons for 28 HA Aprimons /u/AtlasTheWorldHolder
121. Love HA Exeggcute for Sport HA Larvesta /u/princegb
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (53)

1. Hatched Shiny Stufful /u/SilverMetagross
2. Hatched Shiny Deino /u/youngun15
3. Hatched Shiny Larvesta /u/Q10609
4. Hatched Shiny Shroomish /u/0101588
5. Hatched Shiny Crabrawler /u/zetraex
6. Hatched Shiny Bruxish /u/chang0471
7. Hatched Shiny Mareanie /u/Kirkus-Y
8. Hatched Shiny Mr. Mime /u/trollolly
9. Hatched Shiny Porygon /u/rudolfpk
10. Hatched Shiny Shellder /u/JaronMJ
11. Hatched Shiny Cleffa /u/Pooleroops1
12. Hatched Shiny Charmander /u/LettieT
13. Hatched Shiny Alolan Grimer /u/HandsmeBWnderful
14. Hatched Shiny Koffing /u/fluffyunicorn--
15. Hatched Shiny Buneary /u/skjin_01
16. Hatched Shiny Finneon /u/buckembarnes
17. Hatched Shiny Skarmory /u/buckembarnes
18. Hatched Shiny Psyduck /u/NPBrot
19. Hatched Shiny Plusle /u/Yunda11
20. Hatched Shiny Maractus /u/Lundrity
21. Hatched Shiny A-Vulpix /u/henrxv
22. Hatched Shiny Sewaddle /u/vee4Phoenix
23. Hatched Shiny Beldum /u/smokinpurple
24. Hatched Shiny Archen /u/teatag
25. Hatched Shiny Marill /u/kenlynw123
26. Hatched Shiny Zubat /u/UmiMizuAi
27. Hatched Shiny Popplio /u/thecourtejester
28. Hatched Shiny Houndour /u/overworld99
29. Hatched Shiny Joltik /u/Kansadox
30. Hatched Shiny Ralts /u/san96320
31. Hatched Shiny Eevee /u/deeppink911
32. Hatched Shiny Barboach /u/Pierre90
33. Hatched Shiny Teddiursa /u/Rhino_Kneel
34. Hatched Shiny Rockruff /u/deeppink911
35. Hatched Shiny Beldum /u/amy5088
36. Hatched Shiny Dratini #1 /u/imthorrbo2
37. Hatched Shiny Dratini #2 /u/imthorrbo2
38. Hatched Shiny Shuckle /u/Seankle
39. Hatched Shiny Gastly /u/patchespatch04
40. Hatched Shiny Litten /u/pidjiken
41. Hatched Shiny Mantine /u/lonachu
42. Hatched Shiny Karrablast /u/Lukari13
43. Hatched Shiny Porygon /u/Q10609
44. Hatched Shiny Wishiwashi /u/chang0471
45. Hatched Shiny Wingull /u/Q10609
46. Hatched Shiny Larvitar /u/cherryblossom10
47. Hatched Shiny Mawile /u/ariel7275
48. Hatched Shiny Helioptile /u/buckembarnes
49. Hatched Shiny Pineco /u/log94
50. Hatched Shiny Pichu /u/UmiMizuAi
51. Hatched Shiny Goomy /u/Lamp115
52. Hatched Shiny Scatterbug /u/voltrathelively
53. Hatched Shiny Stufful /u/MRBlobbable

Giveaways/Contests (222 Pokémon given, 123 eggs given)

1. Sassy DB(HA) Tangela Giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 51 given)
2. Safari Scyther and DBHA Riolu Giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 72 given)
3. Solar-Powered, Flame-Tailed Lizards! Special Ball, HA Charmander Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 57 given)
4. Solar-Powered, Flame-Tailed Lizards! Special Ball, HA Charmander Giveaway Part 2 (Sub: pokemontrades, 44 given)
5. Solar-Powered, Flame-Tailed Lizards! Special Ball, HA Charmander Giveaway Part 3, The Final! (Sub: pokemontrades, 53 given)
6. On-Hand Rareball Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 68 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (1 threads, 2 given)

1. TSV checks for LucasFromStateFarm (2 checked)

Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (12)

1. Tradeback to evolve Kadabra /u/Lambdaxian
2. Tradeback to evolve Kadabra /u/Vandurr
3. Tradeback to evolve shiny Kadabra /u/Mostasteless1620
4. Tradeback to evolve Haunter and Dusclops /u/Gabriele88
5. Evolved Gligar in night /u/Sage_of_Gwylim
6. Tradeback to evolve Haunter /u/Kenjji10
7. Tradeback to evolve Feebas /u/Parkingstall
8. Tradeback to evolve Kadabra /u/sc1r3
9. Tradeback to evolve Haunter /u/LWish
10. Tradeback to evolve Dusclops /u/Blackjakk9350
11. Tradeback of Moon-exclusive UBs, Lunala, Silvally, Cosmog, and Cosmoem /u/MontyKristo4648
12. Tradeback to evolve shiny Scyther /u/x_GARUDA_x

Misc (0)


cherryblossom10 Feb 21, 2018 2:47:22 AM

Thank you for the quick response and shiny Larvitar hatch! :D

Lukari13 Feb 2, 2018 4:39:24 AM

Thanks for the fast hatch, and the shiny! :)

thecourtejester Dec 1, 2017 5:17:33 AM

Hatched a shiny popplio for me, did the job super quick, was very impressed! Thank you very much!

henrxv Aug 15, 2017 2:47:40 AM

Thanks for the quickest hatch! :D

Kirkus-Y Apr 5, 2017 5:30:01 PM

SV hatched and nicknamed a Mareanie. Quick hatcher. Thanks again. ^_^

Myst-Da-Zs Mar 7, 2017 4:43:44 AM

Received a shiny Tangela from their giveaway. Thanks again.

spacez52's Information


Friend codes:
