
SW-1278-7395-5017 || Zev (SH)
SW-1278-7395-5017 || Zev (SH) || XXXX

Trades (48)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (1)
1. Self Hatched shiny Ttar for Shiny Armoatisse and Shiny Feebas /u/GarchompRawr
[+] Competitive / Casual (47)
1. 2 Mb's for Shiny Bronzor /u/KirbyTheDestroyer
2. Gmax Butterfree for Meltan /u/taylorcowbell
3. HA Cleffa for Gold Bottle Cap + Glaceon /u/BabyS1othWithA1
4. HA Cleffa for Meltan /u/Xixle1
5. Oddish breedject for Corsola G- Heavy Ball /u/DaCakeBaws
6. 2 mb's for Shiny Kirlia /u/khariharmony
7. Dream Ball for HA Purrlion and HA Cleffa /u/Killua131
8. meltan for espurr /u/Weevil_Underwood_
9. Full set of ev enhancing items for Shiny Milotic + Shiny Chandlure /u/VanillaProteinPowder
10. mb,dream ball ,adamant mint, and an ability capsule for Shiny gmax HA Charizard /u/LtSplurge
11. 1 dream ball + 1 moon ball for HA Bulbasaur + HA Squirtle /u/Other_Weakness
12. HA Duraladon for HA Bulbasaur /u/ChinaSupermodel
13. HA Natu for HA Litten /u/v7kta
14. heavy ball + moon ball for Gmax Pikachu /u/muleLove
15. MB for Gmax Snorlax /u/alvmew
16. Rhyhorn for Beast Ball Solosis /u/komaverda
17. 0spe iv bronzor for gmax-snorlax /u/realcondornj
18. 0spe Ryhorn in lvl ball + Friend Ball trapinch for Friend Ball Oddish, Dream Ball Oranguru /u/Hydrolucario7
19. 0 spe level ball ryhorn for fast ball torko⁣al /u/amdusck
20. relaxed mint + torkoal for friend ball lotad /u/crossmeetsarrows
21. Rhyhorn and random breedject for fast ball torkoal + lure ball shellos /u/BirdUp322
22. 0 spe iv lvl ball rhyhorn for moon ball cottonee /u/Dave_The_Party_Guy
23. Alot of XL xp candies for timburr,eevee, tympole, and honedge /u/ivictorhd
24. 0 spe rhyhorn in lvl ball for shellos /u/ShippuuNoMai
25. ha duralodon for friend ball reuniclus /u/MarletFisher
26. love ball goomy for heavy ball rhyhorn /u/jddrewtyler
27. lvl ball sinistea, love ball zigzagoon, beast ball ralts for ha natu friend ball, ha togepi love ball, cleffa love ball /u/amdusck
28. 6iv dreepy in moon ball for random breedject /u/PorkChop903
29. love ball ralts + moon ball pawniard for axew in beast ball /u/Digital-1
30. friend ball natu, beast ball honedge for 0spe iv hatenna dream ball and rhyhorn in heavy ball /u/Rathalos88
31. moon ball darumaka and beast ball honedge for perfect iv non-ha togepi in love ball /u/horrible_dr
32. fossilized drakes for fossilized birds /u/Scala619
33. assault vest for lure ball ha karp /u/jazzzys
34. hawlucha for ha eevee /u/tazzrizzy
35. hawlucha for ha mareanie /u/JimmyGreg08
36. 6iv rotom for ferrodseed, drillbur /u/surged_
37. love ball for ha rookidee in heavy ball, impidimp in dream bal /u/BRAWLING_123
38. love ball ralts for 0spe ferroseed in heavy ball /u/Killua131
39. drampa for kommo-o /u/MrOnionLord
40. Beast Ball Joltik for Adamant Mint /u/Significant-Field
41. ha duralodon, ha eevee, kanto ponyta, and ha lotad for modest + timid mint /u/asainjunior
42. 0spe rhyhorn, 0spe ha snorlax, 0spe duskull,0 spe oranguru, heavy ball ferroseed,and love pall pink corsola for 2 relaxed, 1 bold mint /u/glennnntgx
43. ha purrlion, ha love ball cleffa, ha love ball topepi, and ha moonball bulbasaur for 2 mints /u/TheCatarchist
44. ha hattenna, eiscue for 1 bold mint, 1 ability capsule /u/asainjunior
45. ha bulbasaur for calm mint /u/whotakemy
46. ha alolan meowth for calm mint /u/whotakemy
47. 10 apriballs for 2 Solgaleo /u/Funwald
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Touchtrade for evolution /u/JaeLiinah

Misc (0)


sparcoevo's Information


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