
3239-5358-0837 || Randy★ (ΩR)

Trades (44)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (1)
1. Squirtle for Plusle /u/PkmnMasterLexi
[+] Competitive / Casual (43)
1. Gligar for Chansey /u/Lilchupz
2. Teddiursa for Ditto /u/-Swagsire-
3. Corsola for Vivillion /u/sangvoel
4. Zubat for Aerodactyl /u/solomon7916
5. Chansey for Gastly /u/TheAnonNerd
6. Torchic for Larvitar /u/mexican_honey_badger
7. Trubbish for Dratini /u/WalkingBrickWall
8. Tentacool for Foongus /u/WalkingBrickWall
9. Ditto for Lileep /u/sarinn13
10. Light Ball for Latiasite /u/Melly_Bxtch
11. Trapinch for Scyther /u/BladeTeam
12. Shiny Stone for Honedge /u/Chardii
13. Magikarp for Pinsir /u/iPippy
14. Dratini & Fletchling for Totodile & Vulpix /u/The_Utopian_Society
15. Poochyena for Driftloon /u/The_Utopian_Society
16. Focus Sash for Choice Scarf /u/WockioTockio
17. Larvitar for Houndour /u/blue_hopper
18. Igglybuff for Snubull /u/Potato5lyfe
19. Eggs for Eggs /u/FeedMeMaybe
20. Starly for Darumaka /u/9693471021
21. Froakie for Ferroseed /u/Runeshear
22. Fletchling for Tyrunt /u/hexllama
23. Igglybuff for Bagon /u/Strontoria
24. Electabuzz for Litleo /u/solomon7916
25. Ditto for Makuhita /u/talhatoot
26. Foongus for Geodude /u/9693471021
27. Machop, Larvitar, Sneasel for Chikorita /u/Booshes
28. Aipom for Kangaskhan /u/Potato5lyfe
29. Corsola, Durant, Geodude for Bulbasaur, Chimchar, Porygon /u/lifeofburgers
30. Eevee for Sableye /u/Symys
31. Lileep for Chinchou and Clefa /u/username---password
32. Poliwag for Drilbur /u/Skybuilder
33. Durant for Vanillite /u/sugardrop
34. Larvitar for Swirlix /u/BossTrainer
35. Dratini & Vulpix for Lapras & Growlithe /u/gchaar
36. Ponyta & Igglybuff for Chespin /u/II-Aura-II
37. Lileep & Aipom for Larvitar and Numel /u/vemulaneelesh
38. Up Grade & Dubious Disk for Surskit & Electrike /u/BlueDryBones1
39. Starly, Riolu & Foongus for Bergmite, Bellsprout & Archen /u/Schhaef
40. Riolu for Squirtle /u/Hero_Of_Legend
41. Goomy for Swinub /u/MysticGoose
42. Sneasel for Skitty /u/PKMNTrainerKayla
43. Choice Scarf for Seedot /u/Chardii
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (1 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. This user wanted to trade two shiny pokemon for just a regular old HA Gligar. So rather than the user being taken advantage of, I gave them the HA Gligar for free. (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (13)

1. Trade Evolution /u/SupaFlyBirdy
2. Trade Evolution /u/Jillydsb
3. Trade Evolution /u/Uncreativeusername95
4. Hoenn PokeDex Completion /u/FairyDragon29
5. Trade Evolution /u/Pepe1214
6. Trade Evolution /u/Sweetangeli
7. Trade Evolution /u/cblaskin
8. Trade Evolution /u/sornlol1
9. Trade Evolution /u/GetEquipped
10. Trade Evolution /u/Kvothe43
11. Trade Evolution /u/Flareonthehero
12. Trade Evolution /u/swungover606
13. Trade Evolution /u/DirtyDangler29

Misc (0)


superrandystar's Information


Ready to trade for (mostly) competitive use.

Friend codes:

  • 3239-5358-0837
