
1907-9084-1495 || Ruby (ΩR), UMoon (UM)
1907-9084-1495 || Ruby (ΩR), UMoon (UM) || 0814

Trades (27)

[+] Events (7)
1. Gallileo Rayquaza for Bank Celebi /u/bi-cycle
2. 2 NA Gamstop Mew Codes for Shiny Scyther and Sabaley /u/user1288
3. HA Sligoo for Shiny Wifi Event Xerneas /u/Corbtech
4. NA Mew Gamestop Code for NA Darkrai Gamestop Code /u/datpuertorican
5. NA GameStop Mew Code for Shiny 6IV Bagon /u/willster191
6. NA Gamestop Mew Code for Shiny Bold HA Eevee /u/RIMAN2209
7. NA Gamestop Mew code for Shiny Modest HA 6iv Eevee /u/Basilhorx99
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (19)
1. DBHA Sigilyph for Friend Ball Larvitar /u/Spaceminer47
2. Fast Ball Snorlax and Ralts for Friend Ball Aipom, Barboach and Absol /u/Seadrop
3. Fast Ball Abra and DBHA Lapras for Fast Ball Growlithe and Pichu /u/Pikacuber
4. DBHA Munna for Fast Ball Exeggcute /u/MvllyJvlly
5. DBHA Aerodactyl and Sigilyph for Fast Ball Combee (female) and Venonat /u/Mowghli
6. Heavy Ball Hoothoot for Fast Ball Buizel /u/Thief-Noctis
7. DBHA Aerodactyl, Riolu, Drifloon, and a safari ball larvitar for DBHA togepi and Fast Ball: snorlax, Magikarp, dratini, ralts and Chansey /u/Theinfectious
8. Luxury ball cydaquil for Premier ball cydaquil /u/BigMike510
9. Nest ball pupitar for Moon ball ghastly /u/Uglyasablasphemy
10. female HA Combee for Charmander with Air Cutter egg move /u/Haloglory
11. 5iv EM Charmander for Syncronize Ralts /u/ValkyrieG
12. fast ball dratini & heavy ball gastly for Friend Ball Spoink and Friend Ball Yanma /u/Thief-Noctis
13. Fast ball: Exeggcute, Chansey, Venonat, Ponyta, Combee & Love Ball: Weedle, Pineco for Friend ball Shellder, Munchlax, Pidgey, Sentret, Grimer, Teddiursa, and Seedot /u/ghlyt
14. Combee, Snorlax and Pidgey in Fast balls for Friend ball Bellsprout, carnivine, Chansey, exeggcute and igglybuff /u/34loppyXsoko
15. Sports Ball Scyther & Sports Ball Pinsir for blacephalon /u/Dalton_A
16. Fast Ball buizel, Fast Ball Growlithe, Moon Ball Vulpix and Dream Ball Swablu and Dream Ball Eevee for litten, Togedemaru, mimikyu, torracat and kartana /u/Erlude
17. Dream Ball Starly for Jangmo-o /u/Alanara7
18. Fast Combee, Safari Chansey, Dream Starly and Dream Sudowood for Bruxish, Mareanie, Wimpod, and Oranguru /u/Nightcore12
19. Friend Barboach and Fast Yanma for Bewear and Hakamo-o /u/Maggie0830
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (1)
1. Fancy Vivillon, Pokeball Vivillon, Present Emboar, Present Serperior, Summer 2014 Heracross, PGL Miltank Code, GS Darkrai code, Pokebank HA Regi Trio, for 9 Wishmaker Jirachi's /u/TailsMegamanx

Egg Hatches (4)

1. Egg Hatched Shiny /u/Wizli
2. Shiny Egg Lotad Request /u/qweligator
3. Shiny Egg Hatch /u/bi-cycle
4. Hatched a Shiny Vullaby /u/mm245

Giveaways/Contests (47 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. DBHA Starly's as a thank you (Sub: pokemontrades, 9 given)
2. Friend Safari Shop Ball Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 14 given)
3. giving away breedjects Rotoms & Larvesta eggs (Sub: pokemontrades, 15 given)
4. Happy Hour & Dark Void Smeargle Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 9 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


tbiztec's Information


Friend codes:
