
SW-1236-1171-3734 || Chidi (UM, Y, αS, SW)
SW-1236-1171-3734 || Chidi (UM, Y, αS, SW) || 1435

Trades (36)

[+] Events (9)
1. 7 aprimons with HA for alolan hat pikachu /u/waysofmt
2. Ditto for NA marshadow code /u/Labeled_Serious
3. Aegislash for NA marshadow /u/sbig6458
4. Shiny shinx for 2x NA marshadow /u/Slybel1123
5. 2 bottlecaps for NA silvally redeem /u/King-Eaglez
6. Ha Scraggy HA Kang HA puplup HA Poliwag HA fennekin for Redeem /u/Drooidz
7. Luxury ball greninja for NA silvally code /u/Robotic_Samurai
8. VC celebi for NA marshadow /u/Zapph
9. 3 NA codes, he got to keep 1 for NA charizard NA silvally /u/Krauser_X
[+] Shinies (5)
1. shiny articuino for shiny tapu koko /u/blayzerl1
2. 3 silver caps for Shiny floatzel /u/Trent_Hyster
3. 5 lucky eggs for Shiny abra, grimer and munchlax /u/littlestminish
4. Blacephalon, Cosmoem for Shiny xurkitree, nihilego /u/silener0502
5. Shiny Honedge for Gengarite Ampharosite Manectite Cameruptite Gyaradosite Medichamite Diancite Galladite. /u/ScumbagEcnav
[+] Competitive / Casual (22)
1. Jangmo-o for Baltoy /u/deathsoal
2. scraggy for totodile /u/kainshire
3. Jangmo-o and scraggy for Dratini and fomantis /u/worstballooneu
4. Mareanie, Jangmo-o, and Sableye for kang, snivy and Banette /u/nycanth
5. Audino for Snorlax /u/Cypristj
6. 4 bottle caps + 1 golden bottlecap for jango charmander Growlithe (intimidate) Litwick Oranguru Pawniard (defiant) Sableye Torchic /u/ABNC1
7. brionne for buzzwole /u/oneguygaming
8. Abra for Mareanie /u/mysterypotatolover9000
9. vulpix for froakie /u/slade110
10. Pheromosa for NA silvally /u/AustinTalbot
11. Oranguru for Pichu /u/loutwo2
12. Larvitar for Starly /u/Yoshiaki13579
13. Sableye for buneary /u/SRRory
14. 10 bottlecaps for virizion, zygarde, moltres and cobalion /u/Kami-K
15. Turtwig for Gible /u/ZireaelI1
16. level ha larvitar and fennekin moon ha sableye love ha turtwig bb own tempo rockruff friend ha treecko for Moon sharpedo (ha) Friend trapinch (ha) Lure Buizel (ha) Level sandile (ha) DBHA shroomish Love solosis (ha /u/Ciaradoyle
17. heavy HA snover, love HA turtwig and larvitar for Lapras Ekans Kabuto /u/shawnahhh23
18. Heavy pidgey Heavy machop Love starly Love shuppet for Heavy Pawniard Fast Dratini DBHA Scraggy Friend Treecko /u/kunkare
19. BB HA Poliwag, Heavy Non HA Snover, Friend Treeko, Friend Turtwig and Lure Piplup for Scyther Pikachu level heracross DBHA mantine Manectric /u/LogicalRuse
20. Random eggs for Random eggs /u/Kaycat
21. -Friend Ball Treecko HA -Level Ball Litwick for drampa and a-meowth /u/Dontclickpls
22. Zapdos for Shiny swablu /u/ogreel
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (3)

1. Hatched an egg for a user that commented on my tsv thread /u/Ionachu
2. Hatched a swirlix /u/goyange
3. Hatched a riolu /u/Jamie-McL

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (3)

1. tradeback from S to USUM /u/neycwang
2. Tradeback + got a free feebas /u/pizzacrown
3. Gave his scizor a tutor move for free /u/wooooood

Misc (0)


the75th's Information


Friend codes:
