
0318-8736-1689 || Adrian (X, ΩR, S)
0318-8736-1689 || Adrian (X, ΩR, S) || 2018, 1283, 2186

Trades (94)

[+] Events (26)
1. Arceus Code for Darkrai Code /u/Leon_zz
2. Gligar,Mareep for Arceus Code /u/DestinySaber
3. Kabuto for Arceus Code /u/dmasterfunk
4. Arceus Code for Mew Code /u/ZoroarkSweep
5. Weakness Policy for Fire Stone /u/ltownsoccer11
6. Yveltal Code for Xerneas Code /u/Aeryllis
7. Dratini for Darkrai Code /u/pandm101
8. NA Arceus Code for PAL Shiny Xerneas Redemption /u/ActuallyAZoroark
9. Charmander Breeding Pair for Arceus Code /u/FerrisGT
10. Charmander Breeding Pair for Arceus Code /u/Kehza
11. 2 Dittos, Charmander, Frogadier for Arceus Code /u/slothical1
12. Arceus Code for Gardevoir Code /u/rnrcaba
13. Arceus Code for Articuno Code /u/kojicarlos
14. Gardevoir Code for Arceus Code /u/gatorz77
15. NA Arceus Code for PAL Arceus Code /u/ashinyshinx
16. PAL Arceus Code for Redeemed PAL Articuno Code /u/notorious_smite
17. HA Snorunt and Larvesta for NA Arceus Code /u/omgpants
18. Ability Capsule for Shaymin /u/OceanSlim
19. Shiny Ralts for Alex Hoopa /u/random_anonymity
20. Redemption for DBHA Pokemon /u/Aarux
21. Shiny Ralts, Shiny Vulpix for Yveltal and Volcanion Codes /u/ibygtr
22. PAL Volcanion Code for NA Volcanion Code /u/crownofnails
23. Hoopa for Togepi, Mawile, Murkrow /u/PvtPrimate
24. Arceus Cpde for Genesect Code /u/KusaMigeru
25. Fletchling for Volcanion Code /u/pupducky
26. Cresselia for Genesect Code /u/IR0NH1DE87
[+] Shinies (1)
1. Shiny Magikarp for Cresselia /u/HyperKoho
[+] Competitive / Casual (67)
1. Feebas for Gastly /u/humdiggity
2. Feebas for Trapinch /u/Smitty8858
3. Tentacool for Riolu /u/ZaK14120
4. Fennekin for Eevee /u/Aonaiir
5. Gible for Riolu /u/Ketzaren
6. Choice Specs for Chimchar /u/Porta_14
7. Mega Stone Tradeback for Dratini /u/Kuso122
8. Razor Claw for Gengarite /u/The_Maddeath
9. Joltik for Vulpix /u/Reapernub
10. Taught his pokemon flash cannon. for Arceus Code /u/ltownsoccer11
11. Cresselia for Yveltal /u/beanlyone25
12. Lapras for Ralts /u/Orsum_1
13. Life Orb for Ninetales /u/CrispFunk
14. Mareep for Kyogre /u/RubMySnek
15. Omanyte for Exploud /u/LastLaugh_hahaha
16. Lapras, Fennekin for Skrelp, Staryu /u/aienuss
17. Lapras, Swablu for Latias, Honedge /u/lauishcmc1808
18. Upgrade for Pokedex References (Tradebacks) /u/girl_has_no_username
19. Assault Vest, Focus Sash for Dratini, Gligar /u/Kpk1337
20. Choice Band for Lileep /u/Ayetastycookie
21. HA Gliscor for Shiny Throh /u/Sayelerune
22. HA Gible for Froakie /u/Bugrobotsky
23. Three Eevees for Froakie, Gligar, Ponyta /u/Professor_Hala
24. Arceus Code for Ralts, Manaphy /u/CounterZer0
25. Gastly for Aerodactyl /u/Velidross
26. Three Dittos for Zorua, Snivy, Turtwig /u/banebrokemyback
27. Charmander for Ralts /u/JiaJ7N
28. Chespin for Hydreigon /u/mechi3000
29. HA Lapras for Chokorita /u/Zero9609
30. Eevee for Spritzee /u/KoroSensei21
31. Ivysaur for Voltorb /u/thewangify
32. Ditto for Whismur /u/Lousy_Lion
33. Poliwag for Oshawott /u/jackvo2000
34. Ivysaur, Wartortle, Quilladin for Cyndaquil, Makuhita, Wailmer /u/orein123
35. Charmander and Ivysaur for Buneary and Absol /u/JayTheDarkWolf
36. Riolu for Foonguss /u/sadistic_hedonist
37. Ditto for Zebstrika /u/UnsavoryChicken
38. HA Lapras for Charmander /u/xCrono23
39. Spearow for Dratini /u/bigthurm45
40. Shiny Ralts for Zekrom, Dialga /u/TruePancakes
41. Charizardite X for Ho Oh /u/xrosewhipx
42. HA Riolu, Gligar for Togepi, Delibird, Macargo, Noctowl /u/TrueTaper
43. Evolved Rhydon for Suicune /u/Jassie411
44. Ditto for Snivy /u/quinell25
45. HA Pokemon for Persian /u/notsamire
46. DBHA Carvahna for DBHA Feebas /u/Foxlery
47. Squirtle Charmander for Genesect Codes /u/Aegy0
48. HA Pokemon for Sun Stones /u/sicgamer19
49. Buneary for Stone /u/anciem
50. Larvitar for Metal Coat /u/SpookyPortal
51. Hydreigon, Volcarona for Cresselia /u/WillowSmithsBFF
52. Volcanion Code for Umbreon, Crobat, Stantler, Forretress, Pineco /u/repaulyu
53. Reaper Cloths for Shiny Stones /u/Kosaji
54. BB Chansey for BB Sandshrew /u/luigy12
55. Sandyghast for Lucky Eggs /u/TheMrMoMo
56. NA Volcanion Code for Breedables /u/TheyCallMePM
57. 2 Ice Stones for Destiny Knot /u/The_TallaNasty
58. NA Volc Code, BB Lapras, BB Chansey for Destiny Knot, Evolutionary Stones, Absol /u/hedger_14
59. Chansey, Lapras for Growlithe, Carvahna /u/SamK1001
60. Dive Ball Mareanie for Moon Ball Mimikyu /u/Vaporeonx
61. Destiny Knot for HA BB Abra, Love Ball Red Minior /u/SamK1001
62. NA Volcanion Code for BP Items /u/Supertrooper921
63. BBHA Staryu for BBHA Kangaskhan /u/ValkyrieG
64. BB Lapras, Turtonator for BB Cubone, Absol /u/nche1997
65. BBHA Carvanha and Magikarp for BB HA Pichu, Turtonator /u/Shyrtle
66. HA Mareanie for 4 IV Ditto /u/MSBCOOL
67. BB Chansey for Love Ball Stufful /u/LucasFromStateFarm
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (27)

1. Hatched his egg because my TSV matched the ESV. /u/qweligator
2. ESV matched my TSV so I hatched his egg. /u/ArkanPacman
3. Helped her get her shiny Torkoal. /u/Kmlzb4-Mekare
4. Hatched his egg. /u/Syxd
5. Hatched his egg so it would come out shiny. /u/xyxit
6. Hatched the egg. Turned out shiny. /u/Zuul96-1
7. Hatched the Torchic. Came out shiny. /u/neoh99
8. Hatched Shiny Squirtle. /u/pandaglassjaw
9. Hatched shiny Nincada. /u/MysticHomer
10. Hatched shiny Growlithe. /u/WenSnake
11. Hatched egg /u/Shiro_kun
12. Hatched egg /u/dukethebichon
13. Hatched Shiny /u/hjan3312
14. Hatched egg /u/QuailQuasar
15. Hatched egg /u/IceFangs
16. Hatched egg /u/clavatk
17. Hatched shiny /u/unanify
18. Hatched egg /u/random_anonymity
19. Hatched shiny /u/WenSnake
20. Hatched shiny /u/lazytv8
21. Hatched shiny /u/mose_cat
22. Hatched shiny /u/Tatertot74
23. Hatched egg /u/imp3rf3ct
24. Hatched egg /u/bumbalicious
25. Hatched egg /u/canvasrosier
26. Hatched egg /u/xyxit
27. Hatched shiny /u/xavieran

Giveaways/Contests (7 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. He needed an omanyte I gave him the omanyte and he gave me a random pokemon because I told him I did not need anything. (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
2. He needed dittos so I gave him two dittos. He sent me two random pokemon he did not want or were not of much importance to him because I told him to send me something he did not care about. (Sub: pokemontrades, 2 given)
3. Said I would give two synchronizers in exchange for some random pokemon this user did not care about. (Sub: pokemontrades, 2 given)
4. He needed a razor claw for his sneasel so I gave him the razor claw regardless of what I would receive. One pokemon (to do the trade) and the item. (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
5. He was looking for a Charmander so I gave him the Charmander for free. (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (10)

1. She needed a gliscor for dex so I originally gave her a razor claw then traded her the gliscor so she could register it while giving her the eviolite back. /u/Maggie0830
2. Helped evolve the machoke through evolution. Got nothing out of it. /u/DarthSloth
3. Tradeback to help him evolve his slowbro into a slowking. Gained nothing from the trade and it was a free tradeback. /u/Yansu91
4. Helped him evolve his haunter into gengar for free. /u/NickMiamiHeat
5. Traded him Sableye and Budew for dex completion. /u/Jbird34
6. Helped him evolve his pokemon for free. /u/junoso06
7. Helped him evolve his Kadabra for free. /u/Mastira
8. Helped him evolve his scyther without anything in return. /u/80HD_KID
9. Helped him evolve his Kadabra. /u/unpatchedglitch
10. Helped him evolve his Graveler. /u/bubba1bean

Misc (0)


WenSnake Nov 14, 2016 2:46:31 AM

Made time to hatch my Litleo shiny for me! Gave it the requested nickname and was easy to work with.

WenSnake Sep 9, 2016 9:26:50 PM

Quickly responded and hatched my Growlithe shiny for me and gave it the requested nickname.

theforbidden_one's Information


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