
4339-2549-2170 || Justin
4339-2549-2170 || Justin || 2614

Trades (97)

[+] Events (69)
1. 2 Event Heracross for NA Pokeball Vivillon /u/Pheo6
2. 2 event Heracross for Shiny comp solosis /u/go4ino
3. Event Heracross for Event Pinsir /u/OSURaider
4. Event Heracross for Event Pinsir /u/Icarusqt
5. Event Heracross and Pinsir for XY Torchic /u/_vote_
6. Event Heracross for Event Pinsir /u/HKoop10
7. Event Heracross for GameZard /u/link2001
8. Mewtwonite X for Megastone code /u/inershun
9. 2 Event heracross for Comp Shiny Espurr /u/Pheo6
10. 10 trophy shinies for Game magmar/electabuzz code /u/YaManicKill
11. Event Heracross Lang set(7) for Game Electabuzz /u/xsince86x
12. SR'd Yveltal for 7 GAME codes /u/hkf57
13. 3 heracross+stone for 3 GAME ELE redemptions /u/wojtaso9
14. 3 heracross for 3 GAME MAG redemptions /u/umbreho
15. 3 heracross for 1 GAME MAG redemption /u/pokech
16. 5 heracross and celebi for 2 shinies /u/TheDudeZach
17. Heracross and Pinsir for Shiny Comp Aerodactyl /u/ajkyle56
18. Shiny Litwick for Pokebank Celebi /u/suckhaterz
19. NA pokeviv for Pokebank Celebi /u/adamlutz
20. 2 Megastones for GameStop Megastone Code /u/Black_Orchid13
21. 2 Breedables for Bank Celebi /u/tacocat777
22. Spooky Pumpkaboo for 2 shinies /u/Rimon-Hanit
23. 2 Pumpkaboo LANG sets for M17 Darkrai /u/snoozypants
24. GER Pumpkaboo for Modest FRE pokeviv /u/tacocat777
25. 2 pumpkaboos for Bank Celebi /u/loganstovall
26. Heracross LANG set+ 3 pumpkaboo for JPN Gengar /u/BejittoSSJ5
27. Custom Shiny Ariados for NA Gengar Code /u/Itccreally
28. Pumpkaboo Language Set for NA Gengar Code /u/ThePaul8
29. Spooky Pumpkaboo for NA Gengar Code /u/colei
30. Shiny eevee for NA Gengar Code /u/bloodreem
31. NA Heracross+stone for NA Pinsir+5iv Noibat /u/imonafalcon
32. Shiny Dusclops+Dratini for NA Gengar code /u/Sethinatorz
33. 6 Custom Shinies for FBzard Code /u/goldsushi44
34. Shiny Marril for FBzard redemption /u/ParaQuant
35. Shiny Squirtle for NA Diancie Code /u/koolaideman12
36. Shiny Tyrunt for NA Diancie Code /u/Stale_Mate
37. 2 UT Heracross for NA FancyViv /u/AceLifeOx
38. 2 shinies and diancie code for 4 FBzard redemptions /u/ParaQuant
39. 4 Megastones for Fancy Viv /u/cubanpete26
40. Shiny Bulbasaur for NA Diancie Code /u/ferty34
41. 3 NA Heracross for UT Torchic /u/AceLifeOx
42. 2 NA Diancie Codes for 2 PAL Diancie Codes /u/vincentasm
43. 2 Celebi+4 heracross for PAL Diancie Code /u/blk_hwk
44. Shiny comp honedge for PAL diancie code /u/AegonManou
45. 2 NA event heracross for NA Diancie code /u/edward___
46. 2 NA heracross for NA Diancie code /u/karinasuperkul
47. Shiny Comp Magikarp for NA Diancie Code /u/nhoe1
48. 4 PAL diancie codes for Tretta Rotom /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
49. Shiny comp aerodactly for 2 NA diancie codes /u/Schwarzmilan
50. Comp Manetric w/stone for PAL Diancie code /u/pandakyle
51. 4 PAL Diancie codes for Tretta Rotom /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
52. Shiny Tirotuga for Shiny sandile and PB celebi /u/Demosthenes13
53. NA Diancie Code for Shiny Snorunt /u/WenSnake
54. 2 NA Diancie redemptions for 1 PAL Diancie /u/ParaQuant
55. 4 Wifi Events for 4 Beldum /u/jeremyps
56. GAME Magmar, Tretta Rotom and Naive Torchic for WalMart Garchomp /u/tacocat777
57. Shiny Magikarp for UT Torchic /u/LeeSin4TheLoss
58. 4 NA Diancie Codes for 1 Scrap Code /u/capnknuckles1
59. 9 NA heracross for 3 JPN Serperior redemptions /u/TAFly
60. JPN Halloween Gengar for 3 Scrap codes /u/imonafalcon
61. Pokeviv, Fancyviv, Diancie code, Gengar code and heracross for PC Shiny Charizard and Pikachu [TOUCHED] /u/MudkipBeats
62. 2 Custom shinies: eevee&snivy for 1 scrap code /u/kgong1
63. 4 custom shinies for 2 scrap codes /u/Raesear
64. SR'd Mewtwo for 4 Scrap codes /u/YFnepc
65. Shiny Tirotuga for NA Tyrunt Code /u/Sethinatorz
66. Choice Band for JPN Serperior /u/Earendil503
67. 9 Heracross and 9 Pumpkaboo for 9 custom wifi events (unova and fennekin) /u/jeremyps
68. Tyrunt code and Johto trio for M18 Arceus code /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
69. Custom Shiny HP Shinx for 1 Scrap code /u/WreckItMike
[+] Shinies (5)
1. Shiny Skarmory for 2 shinies /u/jackmcgee7
2. Shiny Solosis for Shiny Klefki /u/FlyingPandaXD
3. Shiny Porygon for Shiny Chimchar /u/Maybe_Im_Spartacus
4. Comp shiny aerodactyl for Comp shiny tirotuga /u/jazban
5. Aggronite for Shiny EM Swinub /u/Jompatheman
[+] Competitive / Casual (10)
1. Zygarde for Power Band /u/smitty2512
2. Manecite for Timid HA Pichu /u/Scribleesis
3. Shiny Stone for HA Durant /u/arwong
4. 2 Items for Comp Aipom /u/Vaynor
5. Comp Aipom for Egg Move Pichu /u/ezelking
6. Charzardite Y for Charzardite X /u/MadMatt616
7. Charzardite X for Comp fennekin /u/Deathmask97
8. Ability Capsule for 2 Bankballs /u/Umbra-Profess
9. 2 Megastones for 3 Breedables /u/RBHas
10. 2 Megastones for 2 Breedables /u/Jeannettix
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (13)
1. 2 Shinies for FAL2010 Mew /u/Sethinatorz
2. Pumpkaboo LANG set for Dogs Trio+SUM2013 Trio /u/Earendil503
3. Dogs Trio+SUM2013 Trio for 4 NA Gengar Codes /u/CazadorV
4. 6 legends for 3 NA diancie codes /u/HighMans
5. WISHMKR Jirachi for UT Torchic /u/xtakeru
6. WISHMKR Jirachi for PB celebi+2 fancy vivillons /u/capnknuckles1
7. WISHMKR Jirachi for UT Torchic /u/Mendoza_loki
8. WISHMKR Jirachi for 2 PB celebis /u/danjandrum
9. WISHMKR Jirachi for 2 PB celebi and fancy vivillon /u/blk_hwk
10. WISHMKR Jirachi for UT torchic+ Fancy Vivillon /u/Alkar188
11. Jolly WISHMKR Jirachi (decent IVs) for SUM2013 Dialga+Palkia /u/TheCaMo
12. Bank Celebi(Adamant) and WISHMKR Jirachi for 2 UK Darkrai codes /u/pokehunting45353
13. SUM2013 Palkia for 2 UK Darkrai redemptions /u/Alisailiah

Egg Hatches (73)

1. Shiny Mareep /u/quiksandpull
2. Shiny Beldum /u/A3T3RNUS
3. Shiny Murkrow /u/mebiuss
4. Shiny Kabuto /u/kitana8
5. Shiny Fennekin /u/Neo_Player
6. Shiny Heracross /u/poke_klotz
7. Shiny Slowpoke /u/joelrjohnson
8. Shiny Buneary /u/Jamie-McL
9. Shiny Buneary 2nd /u/Jamie-McL
10. Shiny Goomy /u/Shiny_marc
11. Shiny Sandshrew /u/pokemon01234
12. Shiny Furfrou /u/AceLifeOx
13. Shiny Venipede /u/TsukikoSuzuki94
14. Shiny Skiddo /u/hirudora
15. Shiny Pichu /u/Kitsune_Fire
16. Shiny Fletchling /u/rollingcoug
17. Shiny Litwick /u/sumemr
18. Shiny Mantyke /u/Kitsune_Fire
19. Shiny Charmander /u/egilbert605
20. Shiny Hawlucha /u/hirudora
21. Shiny Charmander /u/shuael34
22. Shiny Vulpix /u/LeFishyDerps
23. Shiny Riolu /u/kitana8
24. Shiny Shroomish /u/kitana8
25. Shiny Eevee /u/Epoke28
26. Shiny Piplup /u/luigy12
27. Shiny Buneary /u/Salloz
28. Shiny Corphish /u/kanrei
29. Shiny Froakie /u/imkrystal
30. Shiny Togepi /u/Inabaa
31. Shiny Gastly /u/Gym_Leader_Erika
32. Shiny Chatot /u/Zari01
33. Shiny Psyduck /u/Bubblegum87
34. Shiny Torchic /u/santoryu02
35. Shiny Taillow /u/VenusDjinni
36. Shiny Dwebble /u/MasterGohan
37. Shiny Feebas /u/Leocul
38. Shiny Feebas /u/LeagueOfLemons
39. Shiny Espurr /u/dlfdn007
40. Shiny Torchic /u/Awful_Person
41. Shiny Buneary /u/XDuFELL
42. Shiny Marill /u/ssapo
43. Shiny Squirtle /u/AwkwardTurtle26
44. Shiny Audino /u/Underfyre
45. Shiny Swinub /u/MrAmit
46. Shiny Joltik /u/TheDudeZach
47. Shiny Slowpoke /u/RainThunder0
48. Shiny Zangoose /u/The_Karwin
49. Shiny Chimchar /u/Maybe_Im_Spartacus
50. Shiny Treecko /u/allyoucanteat
51. Shiny Charmander /u/milexiander
52. Shiny Eevee /u/invudontseeme
53. Shiny Ponyta /u/arcadia888
54. Shiny Darumaka /u/Olphelvan
55. Shiny Bouffalant /u/Demosthenes13
56. Shiny Finneon /u/Deathbot64
57. Shiny Whismur /u/AceLifeOx
58. Shiny Ralts /u/kmelfina
59. Shiny Snorunt /u/WenSnake
60. Shiny Axew /u/iAznFTW
61. Shiny Beldum /u/reniel12345
62. Shiny Scyther /u/Rayzen_M
63. Shiny Scyther /u/Dakkon426
64. Shiny Starly /u/go4ino
65. Shiny Magnemite /u/Dakkon426
66. Shiny Sandile /u/Demosthenes13
67. Shiny Mudkip /u/Riozaki
68. Shiny Marill /u/theantipode
69. Shiny Lillipup /u/derwinning
70. Shiny Pidgey /u/UmiMizuAi
71. Shiny Drowzee /u/Epoke28
72. Shiny Feebas /u/kore_hana
73. Shiny Fennekin /u/ProjectROXO

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 23 eggs given)

1. Tepig Giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 10 given)
2. Tynamo Giveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 9 given)
3. Porygon GIveaway (Sub: SVExchange, 4 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (1 threads, 10 given)

1. 10 TSV Check (10 checked)

Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


kore_hana Dec 13, 2014 4:22:19 AM

Hatched a shiny Feebas for me. Thanks you!!:)

theantipode Nov 10, 2014 3:04:41 AM

Hatched a shiny marill for me. Thanks again!

cubanpete26 Nov 5, 2014 5:08:38 AM

Traded him my Event Fancy Vivillon for heracrosite, hooundomite and 2 gengarites. Great trader, can be trusted.

iAznFTW Oct 28, 2014 1:54:29 AM

Hatched a shiny Axew for me. It was very quick and easy and no problems at all. Would definitely recommend.

thejjustinj's Information


Hey guys! My reddit reference is here:

Friend codes:

  • 4339-2549-2170


  • IGN: Justin TSV: 2614
  • IGN: Justin TSV: 4083
  • IGN: Justin TSV: 3228
  • IGN: Justin TSV: 3595
  • IGN: Justin TSV: 3879
  • IGN: Justin TSV: 2834
  • IGN: thejjustinj TSV: 3575