
3755-1445-4378 || Angus (S, ΩR), Kukui (S)
3755-1445-4378 || Angus (S, ΩR), Kukui (S) || 1298, 0422, 3095

Trades (222)

[+] Events (101)
1. 5 Breedjects for 2 Codes /u/Syrupbutthole
2. Shiny Dhelmise, Murkrow, Cyndaquil for Lunar Magikarp Code /u/herry159357
3. 3 GBC for Serious 20th Event Jirachi /u/SirLucksalot
4. Shiny Minior, BR Toxapex, Bottle Cap for Hasty Genesect /u/-Golden
5. 9 Perfect Breedables and BR Toxapex for 2 Happy Hour Meowths /u/Ayy_Llamao
6. Shiny 6IV Minior and Shiny Mareanie for 6 20th Event Arceus /u/Sammysamsamsamsams
7. Perfect 5IV Minior for Adamant 20th Meloetta /u/Xiantha
8. Shiny Golbat and GBC for XYZ Shiny Xerneas /u/gamefreak101100
9. Shiny Minior for Spooky2014 Pumpkaboo /u/Nathan_calvert4
10. CNY Magikarp Code for Steven's Beldum /u/Ephemeral_Being
11. Shiny Bruxish for CNY Magikarp Code /u/waysofmt
12. Shiny Perfect Friend HA Sableye for SUM2014 Pinsir /u/LaZel73
13. Shiny Beldum for 20th Meloetta /u/Gol_D_Chris
14. Shiny Bruxish and Duosion for Fancy Vivillon /u/kailahx
15. Shiny Sableye for 20th Meloetta /u/mrshizzam999
16. Shiny Sableye for Pokeball Vivillon /u/kailahx
17. Shiny Beldum/Sableye for 20th Keldeo/Victini /u/storm_ap
18. Shiny Beldum for XYZ Xerneas /u/Reauxg
19. Adamant Steven's Beldum for Saori's Machamp /u/kenneth52045
20. 2 HH Meowths, XYZ Xerneas, Modest 20th Arceus for Brave OCT2014 Diancie, Galileo Rayquaza, Steven's Beldum /u/Battleroy
21. 11 Breedjects and 1 Perfect for Modest 20th Shaymin /u/Yggdrasil-IX
22. Shiny Beldum for Language Set of Meowths /u/spaztix2000
23. Adamant Arceus, Adamant Meloetta, Hasty Genesect for Saori's Machamp /u/KohakuOuO
24. RNGed Solgaleo, Tapus for 2016 XY and ORAS Tanabata Jirachis, KOR XYZ Set, 20th Shaymin/Keldeo /u/flaw1ess1994
25. RNGed Egg for SUM2014 Heracross /u/dbrown24
26. RNGed Egg for Adamant 20th Victini, BC Code /u/Iviviana
27. RNGed Egg for 20th Manaphy, Mew /u/Sykopathh
28. Shiny Type:Null for Aldora Trio /u/Milady_Snowdrop
29. SUM2014 Pinsir for PGL Garchomp /u/wuyi317605
30. Ash-Grenina for Hardy 20th Jirachi /u/Foxlery
31. RNGed Shiny Type:Null on Cubby's Personal Save for Lab Grass Dino /u/mizudomi
32. 4 Gen 7 RNGs for KOR W15 Sharpedo /u/Oswld
33. 3 Gen 7 RNGs for KOR XYZ Set /u/dvader0
34. RNGed Tapu Fini for WIN2011 Dogs and SUM2010 Jirachi /u/Jasmineofwinter
35. 3 Gen 7 RNGs for PC Ho-oh /u/Wreckitmike
36. 2 Gen 7 RNGs for PKTopia Set /u/Mambamatthew
37. 7/11 Pika and Pancham for Election Greninja /u/amoran5156
38. PKTopia Set for Sapporo Vulpix Save /u/moag14
39. 3 Gen 7 RNGs for PGL Garchomp and Miltank /u/mizudomi
40. RNGed Nihilego for PGL Darmanitan /u/sonicmanic
41. RNGed Shiny Null for XY Torchic and Shiny Tapu Koko code /u/expiredjellybean
42. Kimia/Chymia?'s Gardevior for Corozard Code /u/DDR_17
43. Corozard Code and 2 Ash Hat Pikachu Codes for PC Piplup /u/endy1102
44. 20th Arceus and SV hatched Vulpix for FAL2010 Mew /u/tankinturtle
45. Shiny Roggenrola, Normal Growlithe for Tapu Koko Code /u/robertoxmed
46. KOR Wifi Diglett for HK Kokode /u/sagejonathan
47. 1 RNGed Tapu Koko, 3 RNGed Shinies for Ash Hat Pikachu Code /u/Nobyuki
48. 1 Custom Shiny for 1 Level Ball Code /u/rmegaldo
49. 1 Custom Shiny for 1 Level Ball Code /u/michaelsaurs90
50. 1 Custom Shiny for 1 Level Ball Code /u/IHaveTwoNipples
51. 1 Custom Shiny for 1 Level Ball Code /u/Super_fua
52. 4 NA Lycanroc Codes and a Free Shiny Rockruff for PC Easter Egg /u/puripuri0104
53. Custom Shiny and Level Ball for Level Ball Code /u/SpiritSplicer
54. Shiny Sandile for NA Lycanroc Code /u/Domodude99
55. 1 Trophy Shiny Mimikyu for 1 NA Lycanroc Code /u/Cherryl3lossom
56. 1 Custom Shiny for 1 HKTW Kokode /u/archer10702
57. KOR Wifi Set for 4 HKTW Kokodes /u/MetaKiting
58. 46 Shinies for TRU Arceus, FAL2010 Mew, FEB2012 Mewtwo, SMR2013 Keldeo, GAMESTP Pichu /u/patricpn
59. 6 custom Shinies for 18 Lycanroc Codes /u/Nobyuki
60. 8 Custom Shinies for 2 GAMESTP Celebi /u/patricpn
61. 5 custom RNGed Eggs for KOR Language PGL Garchomp /u/qweligator
62. 12 NA Lycanroc Codes for Scrap Shaymin /u/AVeryNicePizza
63. 1 Shiny Riolu for 1 NA Lycanroc Code /u/jtn1123
64. 2 Custom Shinies for 6 NA Lycanroc Codes /u/R1nlyn
65. KOR Wifi Set for M18 Arceus /u/Wreckitmike
66. 36 Custom Shinies for 3 PC Easter Eggs (Drampa, Goomy, Mareanie) /u/philvpham10
67. 1 Custom Shiny for 3 NA Lycanroc Codes /u/8907
68. 2 GAMESTP Dogs, Scrap Shaymin, RNGed Cresselia for I'Park Eevee /u/valere1213
69. 6 Custom Shinies, Hatchu Redeem for 1 Ash Hat Pikachu Code /u/BLUEASSASIN27
70. CNY Lunar Magikarp for Pokemon Moon Playthrough /u/buckembarnes
71. 4 Custom Shinies for PGL Garchomp /u/jtpirate30
72. PC Bewear, Ash Pikachu Code, Masuda Psyduck for PC Piplup /u/Lightning00
73. Shiny Grubbin for April PGL Megastones Code /u/Tony_Solo
74. KOR Wifi Set for PC Vaporeon and Glaceon /u/ckb0517
75. 2 Shinies for 6 NA Lycanroc Codes /u/8907
76. 3 Steenee Codes for Korean Egg Passimian /u/puh7777
77. 1 Custom Shiny for 1 Lure Ball Code /u/snuffles24
78. 1 Custom Shiny for 1 Lure Ball Code /u/qweligator
79. 1 Custom Shiny for 1 Lure Ball Code /u/gopperman
80. 1 Custom Shiny for 1 Lure Ball Code /u/bbylvkeni
81. 3 HK/TW Kokodes and 2 Custom Shinies for 4 April Megastone Codes /u/neuroticweasel
82. 5 custom Shinies for 5 HK/TW Kokodes /u/archer10702
83. 15 Gold Bottle Caps for Bold 20th Anniversary Manaphy /u/Voidwing
84. 1 Custom Shiny for 1 Lure Ball Code /u/IHaveTwoNipples
85. 1 Custom Shiny for 1 Tiny Tourney Code /u/Sergio_moy
86. 14 Custom Shinies for Jade Infernape, PCH Magikarp /u/mizudomi
87. 1 Custom Shiny for 1 Moon Ball Code /u/awsmbeast
88. 1 Custom Shiny for 1 Moon Ball Code /u/azure4405
89. 1 Custom Shiny for 1 Moon Ball Code /u/log94
90. 2 Custom Shinies for 2 7/11 Mew Codes /u/thekudagitsune
91. 1 Custom Shiny for 1 Moon Ball Code /u/SpiritSplicer
92. 1 Custom Shiny for 1 Moon Ball Code /u/wtf2bans
93. 1 Custom Shiny for 1 Moon Ball Code /u/DoubleVC
94. 4 NA Lycanroc Codes for 4 NA Lycanroc Redeems /u/poobana
95. 1 Ash Pikachu Code, 1 PGL Garchomp for 1 Guidebook Mareep /u/mizudomi
96. 1 Custom Shiny for 1 Moon Ball Code /u/awsmbeast
97. 2 Custom Shinies for 2 Moon Ball codes /u/hightemplarr
98. 2 NA Lycanroc Codes for 2 NA Lycanroc Redeems /u/scuzzybum
99. PC Kyoto Ho-oh for KOR Pop-Up Store Jolteon /u/Almond078
100. KOR Alola Wifi Set for VGC Machamp /u/vincentasm
101. 3 NA Lycanroc Codes for 3 NA Lycanroc Redeems /u/poobana
[+] Shinies (19)
1. Perfect 5 IV Shiny Minior for 5 Lucky Eggs /u/Foxypuff
2. Rocky Helmet for Shiny Trophy Golbat /u/II-Aura-II
3. Shiny Semi-Comp Bruxish for Trophy Shiny Hoppip and NA Genesect Code /u/FranzBrosef
4. Shiny Sableye and Bruxish for 13 Bottle Caps /u/Suffixes
5. Shiny Beldum for 10 DBHA /u/TheLorkofIslam
6. Shiny Pachi for 1 GBC, 6 BC /u/Kissmyflapjack
7. Shiny Pachi for 2 GBC 2 BC /u/Pf9877
8. Shiny Beldum for Aldora Moltres /u/ShadySableye
9. Shiny Pachi for 8 breedjects, 1 BC /u/Xamarquad
10. Shiny Mareanie for 1 GBC, 2 BC, 3 Breeds /u/robyn_herbert
11. Shiny Beldum for 3 GBC /u/Bundlesofsocks
12. Shiny Pachi for 2 GBC and MBHA Yanma /u/newbneet
13. Shiny Pachi for Fancy Viv /u/jlmonkey7
14. Shiny Beldum for Adamant Ho-oh /u/vfactor95
15. Shiny Beldum for 3 GBC /u/MIr_TEIWAZ
16. Shiny Pachi for 12 Breedjects /u/SamK1001
17. 3 custom Shinies for 3 HK/TW Koko Codes /u/871020sss
18. 4 Custom RNGed Shinies for 1 Black 2 Save with OT: Fred /u/Xamarqand
19. 1 Flawless HP Fire Bulbasaur for 3 Gen 6 Shinies /u/buckembarnes
[+] Competitive / Casual (102)
1. Salamencite for 5 IV Male Adamant Lightning Rod Cubone /u/Muskrat01
2. 5 IV Adamant Technician Scyther in Friend Ball with Quick Attack, Defog, and Baton Pass for 5 IV Beast Ball Mareanie with Stockpile and Haze /u/RaitoGG
3. 3 Rare Candies for HA Geodude, HA Carvanha, and HA Sableye, all with 5 IV and Egg Moves /u/pokeflan
4. 5 IV Perfect Litten with Body Slam, Fake Out, and Crunch for 5 IV Perfect Sneasal with HA, and Icicle Crash, Ice Punch, Fake Out, and throat Chop /u/MurrayBabyYeah
5. Focus Sash, Kings Rock, and 3 5 IV Litten Breedjects for Ha Love Ball Jangmo-o, HA Heavy Ball Sandshrew, Heavy Ball Doublade /u/Seionka
6. Friend Ball Scyther for Beast Ball Oshawott /u/Jaycofly
7. Perfect 5 Iv Love Ball Minior for Starf Berry on Dewpider Breedject /u/bonehaver
8. Perfect 5 Iv Pink Love Ball Minior for Imperfect 5 Iv Ha Level Ball Morelull /u/LucasFromStateFarm
9. 5 IV Perfect Pink Love Ball Minior for 5 IV Imperfect Level Ball Cubone /u/Brolurk9
10. 5 IV PErfect Minior for 6 IV Love Ball Comfey /u/whizki
11. Perfect Litten and Minior for Focus Sash and Life Orb /u/halfhamsterhalfman
12. Choice Specs for Fast Ball Modest Pichu /u/whlzhi
13. 6 5IV Pokemon for 6 5 IV Pokemon /u/Katsunivia
14. 6 IV Litten for 6 IV Axew /u/rikiiyer
15. Assault Vest for HP Fire Magnemite for Breeding /u/Mr_EID
16. Heavy Ball Swinub for Heavy Ball Togedemaru /u/Foxypuff
17. HA Mareanie for Gold Bottle Cap /u/HailThrun
18. Perfect EV Trained Mareanie for Bottle Cap on Bagon /u/jayk1406
19. EV Trained Perfect MAreanie for 3 Breedjects /u/sev02
20. Power Bracer for 5 IV Gible in LEvel Ball /u/catfunt69
21. Battle Ready Toxapex for 4 Perfect Breedables /u/peeps625
22. EV Trained PErfect Mareanie for Gold Bottle Cap and Goomy /u/Tropialz
23. Torkoal and Shellder for Beldum and Misdreavus /u/Myzerl
24. Love Ball Minior for Love Ball and ForkInSocket /u/GropeAPanda
25. Quick Claw and Destiny Knot for 4 Imperfect Aprimons /u/mist0624
26. BB Bagon, HA Carvanha for Assault Vest and Choice Specs /u/jhoncorro
27. Perfect Lure Ball Totodile for Gold Bottle Cap and Love Ball Mimikyu /u/DucoLamia
28. HA Carvanha and HA Bruxish for Life Orb and Choice Band /u/Aarux
29. Friend Ball HA Female Eevee for Moon Ball Shinx /u/silverbiker
30. Lure Ball Totodile for Fast Ball Starly /u/JTWinnn
31. PErfect Love Ball Bruxish for Flame Orb and Focus Sash /u/tomato-head
32. Love Ball for Master Ball /u/Shakaro
33. 4 Perfect Pokemon for Modest Celesteela /u/Duocell
34. Love Ball Bruxish for fast Ball Roselia /u/Mint-Milkshake
35. Love Ball HA Bruxish for PP Max /u/seekerofknowledge101
36. Perfect Heavy Ball Skarmory for Choice Scarf /u/RAMENATORR
37. Perfect HA Level Ball Morelull for Perfect HA Level Ball Drampa /u/Ju-da-su
38. Love Ball HA Bruxish for Love Ball HA Fletchling /u/ToffeesRocks
39. Perfect Adamant Litten with EMs for Perfect Moon Ball Marill with EMs /u/ubernuke
40. HA Heavy Ball A-Geodude Breedject for Perfect Love Ball Oricorio /u/jaywella
41. 3 Aprimons for 3 Aprimons /u/19joner
42. 2 Perfect Mons for 2 Aprimons /u/jkengstrom7
43. Power Band and Belt for 4 Aprimons /u/michaelsaurs90
44. 2 6 IV Love Ball HA Bruxish with 2 Mega Stones for HP Ice Xurkitree /u/PyroCreek
45. 6 Breedjects for 3 PP Maxes /u/BBallHunter
46. 4 Breedjects for PP Max and 3 PP Ups /u/NicholasOsta
47. Focus Sash and Thick Club for 3 Breedjects /u/TheRealNebus
48. Love Ball Red Minior for Love Ball Alomomola /u/wannabe311
49. Trade Backs for Love Ball /u/uranometria88
50. Perfect Litten for Perfect Magikarp /u/KostaSnow
51. 5 IV Perfect Bruxish for Moon Ball HA Slowpoke /u/topshot069
52. Love Ball HA Bruxish for Love Ball Komala /u/TheMaskd
53. Perfect Bruxish and Mareanie for HA Cutiefly and Gible /u/Professor_Hala
54. 2 Perfect Pokemon for ! Perfect and 1 Breedject /u/X_Savier
55. Perfect Bruxish and Eevee for Timid HA Abra and Bottle Cap /u/junesong2077
56. Perfect HA Bruxish for HA Drifloom /u/whizki
57. Perfect HA Eevee for Lure Ball Bagon /u/nogm
58. Perfect Magikarp and Beldum for 2 Bottle Caps and a Rare Candy /u/GropeAPanda
59. 3 Aprimons for 3 Aprimons /u/Kithars
60. 6 IV Adamant Friend Ball Eevee for 2 Aprimons /u/halfhamsterhalfman
61. HA Level Rockruff for HA Fast Paras /u/Wannabe311
62. 2 Perfects for 1 Perfect and 2 Breedjects /u/WorstPostsEva
63. 3 Aprimons for 3 Aprimons /u/ghandi297
64. Perfect Dive Ball Magikarp for Perfect HA Fast Pikipek /u/jkengstrom7
65. 2 Perfect Aprimons for 3 Aprimons /u/NicholasOsta
66. Level HA Drampa for Lure HA Eevee /u/shawnlam91
67. 6 Aprimons for 6 Aprimons /u/Riggidyray
68. Leftovers for 2 Bottle Caps /u/treck0
69. BR Toxapex for 6 Aprimons /u/jkengstrom7
70. Love Red Minior for Lure Oshawatt /u/KSchinck
71. Heavy Togedemaru for Fast HA Eevee /u/shawnlam91
72. 4 Aprimons for 4 Aprimons /u/Seionka
73. BR Toxapex with Black Sludge for 6 Aprimons /u/Millenio
74. HA Mareanie for HA Phantump and Pancham /u/ironman126
75. Perfect Dive Magikarp for Level Ball /u/Panda3107
76. HA Level Drampa for Friend Ball /u/minholly
77. 2 6 IV Lightning Rod Togedemarus for 2 GBCs /u/-Atlas25
78. Perfect Love Bruxish for 2 Aprimon Breedjects /u/LordPotatoSenpai
79. BR Toxapex for 6 Aprimons /u/TheMaskd
80. Perfect Love Bruxish and Friend HA Pyukumuku for Love Ball and PP Max /u/Axcel_94
81. Perfect Popplio for PP Max /u/jayk1406
82. Perfect Love Bruxish and Friend HA Pyukumuku for Lucaronite and Assault Vest /u/bagell
83. Perfect Heavy Togedemaru and Friend HA Pyukumuku for 2 PP Max and PP Up /u/Syrupbutthole
84. Starf and Lansat Berry for Gengarite /u/PumaSPNKr
85. Perfect HA Bruxish and Drampa for 5 Rare Candies /u/DullNick
86. HA Friend Pyukumuku for Slowbronite /u/rickyshwu
87. Friend HA Pyukumuku for DBHA Gligar /u/Mastervaati
88. Life Orb for HA Squirtle /u/Syrupbutthole
89. Love Minior for Bottle Cap /u/drybowserj15
90. BR Toxapex for 5 Rare Candies /u/Khaztropixs
91. NA Helen Volcanion Code for NA Volcanion and Genesect Redemption /u/rayquaza_black
92. 3 Bottle Caps for 3 Aprimons /u/HylianAngel
93. Love Bruxish and Beast Mareanie for Shiny Trophy Duosion /u/Sykrias
94. Love Minior for Timid Noibat /u/AgehaYoshna
95. 3 PP Ups for Friend Sableye /u/tojiside
96. Friend Sableye for Bottle Cap /u/dannyformo
97. HA Friend Sableye for Lvl 100 Gourgeist /u/chofli
98. HA Friend Pyukumuku for Ha Mienfoo /u/wannabe311
99. HA Friend Pyukumuku for HA Totodile and DBHA Pachirishu /u/jollytothegreen
100. 8 Breedjects for Relaxed Suicune, Modest Cobalion, Careful Cobalion /u/Mathias_Greyjoy
101. Br Minior for HP Ice Nihilego /u/TheAwesomeMan123
102. 6IV RNGed Adamant Tapu Bulu for 1 Omega Ruby Completed Playthrough /u/buckembarnes
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (4)

1. Magnemite Hatched Shiny /u/vee4Phoenix
2. Shiny Komala Hatched /u/MysticHomer
3. Salandit Hatched Shiny /u/HashG8
4. Popplio Hatched Shiny /u/xMalbis

Giveaways/Contests (11 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Shiny Numel Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
2. Shiny BR Krookodile Contest (Sub: pokemontrades, 3 given)
3. Shiny Piplup Contest (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)
4. Canada 150 Custom Shiny Giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 6 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Porygon Tradebacks /u/AustinBz

Misc (1)

1. Ignore This (Personal Notes)


IAMADeinonychusAMA Jul 26, 2017 6:03:28 PM

Gave me a Lycanroc code for free. Thanks :D

TheOnlyXdude's Information


Friend codes:
