
5172-2677-3055 || Paul (αS)
5172-2677-3055 || Paul (αS) || 0121

Trades (85)

[+] Events (6)
1. my tyrunt na code for zorua, and ha tyrunts /u/cjameson83
2. Amaura code for 2 Coro Rayquaza codes /u/koto_om
3. coroquaza code for coroquaza redeem /u/sleepywings
4. Super Training credit for FBKhan redemption /u/jaimeg7
5. darkrai code for hawlucha, gastly, sneasel, magnemite, shroomish, eevee, gligar, litwick, /u/overworld99
6. Coroquaza code for shiny numel, shiny heracross, and shiny ralts /u/overworld99
[+] Shinies (1)
1. shiny tyrogue for shiny eevee /u/royalphoenix
[+] Competitive / Casual (78)
1. honedge for kangaskhan /u/kristianbo82
2. Froakie for Honedge /u/Cooldudeda1st
3. chikorita for skitty /u/Zetus_Lapetus
4. honedge for gastly /u/OkayKoay
5. ferroseed for excadrill /u/calverez21
6. froakie, honedge, sylveon for skarmory /u/FalconPunch
7. 2 zubat for 2 joltik /u/Flogger23m
8. zubat for gligar /u/waffle753
9. zubat for frillish /u/toujour_poke
10. zubat, frillish for bulbasaur, gastly /u/ThePetermanaccount
11. honedge for onix /u/lucas1867
12. bulbasaur for wingull /u/hitomyang
13. gible for rotom /u/SerThunderkeg
14. Venipede for landorus /u/CrimsomT99x
15. onix for fletchling /u/KuraiValo
16. onix for larvitar /u/SlowQueen
17. honedge, bulbasaur, onix, zubat for tyrunt, tyrunt, swablu, gligar /u/cjameson83
18. onix for dratini /u/akrisn
19. onix for sableye /u/eggsaway
20. tyrunt for scraggy /u/bankai509
21. shiny venipede for houndhour /u/mist0624
22. onix for lapras /u/DiamondFarm
23. tyrunt for pinsir /u/Capi93
24. tyrunt, sableye for torchic, charmeleon /u/faelicy
25. dratini, hounhour for rotom, timburr /u/Zakk_Lyne
26. houndhour for swablu /u/cjameson83
27. tyrunt for chimchar /u/Tag860
28. shuppet for drifloon /u/KuraiValo
29. honedge for phantump /u/KingofAnglia
30. shuppet for corphish /u/jevox
31. shuppet, zubat, tyrunt for golett, piplup, buneary /u/setsuna12x
32. bulbasaur for magnetric /u/WreckItMike
33. ev training for landorus for left overs /u/jaimeg7
34. houndour for shuckle /u/Mandibuzzkill
35. gastly, houndour, honedge for goomy, eevee, pancham /u/Threexbb
36. shuppet for deino /u/1switzereva
37. tyrunt and sableye for yanma and poliwag /u/Jka22419
38. lapras for riolu /u/SinistraSundown
39. honedge for ponyta /u/thelink955
40. bulbasaur, mudkip for heracross, wingull /u/passyve
41. lapras for ralts /u/Akrisn
42. ev training service for 2 masterballs /u/jaimeg7
43. shelgon for charmander /u/alexuchihajr
44. swablu for scyther /u/primeknight20
45. lapras for ev services /u/TheMachoMannn
46. gastly for leftovers /u/thornsword1
47. tyrunt for swirlix /u/H2ozone
48. foongus for scraggy /u/NyahChaan
49. foongus for slowpoke /u/klydon35
50. sableye for timburr /u/Sakeman
51. tyrunt for black sludge /u/Skipper1304
52. Super traing for larvitar, murkrow /u/jaimeg7
53. gastly for pineco /u/HalfBalcony
54. Yveltal, Xerneas for Garchomp, togepi /u/lurkerton3000
55. landorus for slowpoke /u/Herr_Macan
56. Entei for ralts, and 2 darkrai codes /u/lavaburst14
57. shroomish for choice band /u/AlexLoui
58. EV training service for starly and 1 masterball /u/jaimeg7
59. honedge for mawile /u/hatsunemiku598
60. Super training services for meditite, masterball /u/jaimeg7
61. foongus for focus sash /u/Ivansaur
62. Kangaskhanite for razor claw /u/goddess_gyuri
63. big pearl, star piece, pearl string, dusk stone for abra, lapras, tentacool, klefki /u/3Anton3
64. shuppet, swablu, sableye for growlithe, riolu, lileep /u/WhiteOps2
65. Larvesta for Eevee /u/Von_Dark
66. BR Gliscor for RNG TR ditto /u/Poketch
67. Bulbasaur for Kakuna /u/Great_Plattsby
68. foongus for larvitar /u/KiroTelexia
69. masterball for leftovers /u/acrolance
70. foongus for rotom /u/GaryMuhfuknOak
71. natu, ferrothorn for 3 ability capsules /u/kawylie
72. Ability capsule for gothita /u/death117
73. HA torchic for mareep /u/Jasker98
74. HA larvitar for darumaka /u/dwight_towers
75. mawile for pidgey /u/3ric89
76. honedge for magikarp /u/sukato17
77. HA Piplup for HP ice Electrike /u/JoseVanguard
78. foongus for chansey /u/Drake_Bugatti
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (7)

1. shiny lotad hatch /u/andrewlay
2. hatched a shiny torchic /u/EPIC_GT
3. hatched a shiny beldum /u/beware_the_gunner
4. hatched egg in slate port /u/willster191
5. purrloin hatched /u/seokheonYu
6. hatched a shiny sableye /u/user1288
7. hatched a shiny seviper /u/infiniteshadow

Giveaways/Contests (1 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. gave a darkrai code to Jesb130 (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (3)

1. evolved scyther into scizor for him. /u/Rogue009
2. latias dex entry /u/SayYesToTheMess
3. Egg trade back from OR to AS /u/ragnaroq

Misc (0)


jaimeg7 Mar 1, 2015 4:44:05 AM

Awesome person! He super-trained my landorus and made it so it looks UT! I will come back to him for my next legendary for sure!

jevox Feb 25, 2015 9:49:30 PM

A very nice and patient trader who is very pleasant to talk to and provided me with an overall pleasant trading experience. I definitely would trade again!

tretman's Information


Friend codes:
