
4871-5138-8958 || Jo
4871-5138-8958 || Jo (Y) || 0471

Trades (131)

[+] Events (51)
1. GAME code redemption service for 1 UT Celebi /u/planetarial
2. GAME code redemption service for 1 UT Celebi /u/MRIcepick
3. GAME code redemption service for 1 UT Celebi /u/Edwin104xD
4. GAME code redemption service for 1 Duskull /u/kyuubi95
5. GAME code redemption service for 1 UT Celebi /u/geraldpunk
6. 4 GAME codes redemption service for Shiny Barboach /u/DherMeister
7. GAME code redemption service for 7 Fancy Vivillons /u/Expo911
8. GAME code redemption service for 5 Fancy Vivillons /u/Fatty_Tompkins
9. GAME code redemption service for Pachirisu /u/hahapedrox
10. GAME code redemption service for 1 UT Celebi /u/L3monL1me
11. GAME code redemption service for 1 UT Celebi /u/tacocat777
12. HKzard code redemption service for Shiny Absol /u/MegaEeevee
13. GAME code for 1 UT Torchic and 4 UT Celebis /u/Eldritch_Song
14. GAME Electabuzz for 3 UT Celebis, Deino and Sandshrew /u/cubanpete26
15. 5 GAME codes for SUM2013 Giratina, SUM2013 Dialga and SUM2013 Palkia /u/Mashugana
16. GAME code for RNG DR Tornadus /u/calvin835
17. GAME code for Shiny HP Fighting Porygon /u/mizzymizu
18. GAME code for Shiny HP Fire Bulbasaur, Shiny Cleffa and UT Celebi /u/pikamonn
19. GAME code for 5 WISHMKR Jirachis /u/Centaurion
20. GAME Electabuzz for HP Ice Mareep, HP Ground Eevee, HP Fighting Yamask and Zubat /u/sushispeak
21. 3 HP(Grass, Fighting, Ice) Female Fennekins for 2 UT Torchics and 1 Celebi /u/TwixClub
22. Shiny Helioptile for 1 UT Torchic /u/Geistowl
23. UT Celebi for Magmar code redemption /u/umbreho
24. 11 UT Celebis for RNG'd Cresselia /u/huehuehuehuehuehu
25. GAME Code for 7 UT Celebis /u/Sy-r-b
26. Shiny Anorith for 6 Fancy Vivillons /u/Sh4dowlord66
27. Shiny Joltik for 3 Fancy Vivillons /u/vinefire
28. Shiny Tyrunt and Shiny Vulpix for 1 GAME code /u/Jazzylaw
29. Shiny Inkay and Shiny Axew for 4 UT Celebis /u/LionNP
30. Custom Shiny Service (Swinub & Marill) for 1 UT Torchic and 4 UT Celebis /u/Little_Taquito
31. Custom Shiny Service (Squirtle) for 1 UT Torchic /u/johndoe4sho
32. Custom Shiny Service (Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Tentacool and Croagunk) for 4 UT Torchics and 1 GAME Magmar /u/Geistowl
33. Custom Shiny Service (2 Charmanders) for 2 UT Torchics /u/Geistowl
34. Shiny Hp Ice Fennekin for 1 UT Torchic and 1 UT Celebi /u/iSythe
35. Alakazam, Kangaskhan, Shiny Krookodile + 3 items for 1 UT Torchic, 1 UT Celebi and 2 Fancy Vivillons /u/whlzki
36. Shiny Scatterbug for 3 Fancy Vivs /u/vinefire
37. Shiny Grimer for 7 Fancy Vivs /u/vinefire
38. Shiny Beldum for 6 Fancy Vivs /u/drysp0ng3
39. 30 Fancy Vivs for GAMEzard /u/froakiedokie
40. Shiny Goomy for Petilil and 2 Fancy Vivs /u/whopper23
41. Shiny Poochyena and Shiny Duskull for GAME code /u/deathdealer1011
42. Shiny Bellsprout for Shiny Espurr + 2 Fancy Vivs /u/gaara090389
43. 5 Fancy Vivs for Shiny Venomoth /u/Krisknows
44. HKzard for RNG'd Suicune and Zapdos /u/kurttr
45. Some mons for GAMEzard /u/m00c0w
46. Bulk trade for HKZard code + Regirock and Regice /u/Gatsby25
47. TWzard code for NA Pinsir + Heracross + 2 shinies /u/highpawn
48. TWzard codes for M17 Darkrai /u/Kululu12
49. 6 Torchics and 6 Celebis for M18 Ice Arceus /u/ajkyle56
50. 4 Celebi, 3 Torchics, 6 Poke Vivs, 3 Spooky Pumpkaboo for Shiny Pidgey and M18 Ghost Arceus /u/willster191
51. 3 UT Torchics for WCKS15 Linoone /u/Acrylami
[+] Shinies (35)
1. Shiny Gyarados for Pinsir /u/Drizzledos
2. Shiny Phantump for Vullaby /u/bagheadinc
3. Shiny Vullaby for Bagon /u/Chipsafari
4. Shiny Timburr for Shiny Growlithe /u/shinylarvitar
5. Shiny Seviper for Surskit and Misdreavus /u/rollingcoug
6. Shiny Charmander for Shiny Sylveon /u/Illustria
7. Shiny Tyrunt for Shiny Scyther and Shiny Greninja /u/Burger_Baron
8. Shiny Carbink for RNG'd Shiny Azelf /u/xbrad831x
9. Shiny Numel for 4 Breedables /u/potatostem
10. Shiny Honedge for 4 Breedables /u/danjandrum
11. Shiny Nidoran for Shiny Exeggcute /u/maffs_
12. Shiny Mawile for Shiny Gooey /u/hahapedrox
13. Shiny Marill for Shiny Skiddo /u/LionNP
14. Shiny Bronzor for Shiny Slowpoke /u/Chipsafari
15. Shiny Timburr for Shiny Darumaka /u/MakeYouFaggotFlambe
16. Shiny Axew for Shiny Oddish /u/adamlutz
17. Shiny Joltik and Shiny Croagunk for Shiny Espurr and Shiny Feebas /u/queyote
18. Shiny Hoppip, Shiny Yanma and Shiny Omanyte for Shiny Chatot /u/LionNP
19. Shiny Bulbasaur, Shiny Lillipup, Shiny Panpour and Shiny Roggenrola for Shiny Totodile /u/_Vote_
20. Shiny Squirtle for Shiny Treecko /u/pillimehu
21. Shiny Bunnelby for Shiny Honchkrow /u/drtran118
22. Shiny Fennekin for Shiny Cyndaquil /u/Kanrei
23. Shiny Bunnelby for Shiny Yamask /u/Gangsterious
24. Shiny Plusle for Shiny Yanma /u/Chipsafari
25. 3 Shiny Duskulls for Shiny Tirtouga and Shiny Smoochum /u/Chipsafari
26. Shiny Charmander for Shiny Elekid /u/soulsemi
27. Shiny Plusle for Shiny Cottonee /u/faptastic_platypus
28. Shiny Torchic for Shiny Mankey /u/Chipsafari
29. Shiny Charmander for Shiny Solosis /u/sentony93
30. Shiny Marill for Shiny Horsea /u/CazadorV
31. Shiny Torchic for Shiny Corphish /u/Chipsafari
32. Shiny Poochyena for Shiny Garchomp /u/patchespatch04
33. Shiny Rotom for Shiny Roselia /u/MRBlobbable
34. Shiny Rotom for RNGd Piplup /u/Upper90175
35. 3 Shinies for RNG'd Uxie /u/Overheat
[+] Competitive / Casual (45)
1. Kangaskhan for Porygon /u/Magic_Salesman
2. Timburr for Carvanha /u/J_Smoove13
3. Mawile and Carbink for Litwick /u/TwixClub
4. Fletchling for Aron /u/SnowyMahogany
5. Timburr for Bunnelby /u/IminiMe
6. Swirlix for Torkoal /u/NsDra
7. Aipom for Snubull /u/Timmay159
8. Venipede for Noibat /u/mtgnewb65
9. Scatterbug for Ekans /u/_greenie
10. Grimer for Alomomola /u/orangesoup78
11. Grimer for Yanma /u/YFnepc
12. Buizel for Shinx /u/fma2111
13. Tauros for Lunatone /u/Cirrusoul
14. Bunnelby and Axew for Hp fire Amaura /u/HappinyOnSteroids
15. Nidoran(M), Nincada and Shinx for Mincinno, Teddiursa and Whismur /u/J_Smoove13
16. Doduo for Lickitung /u/Chipsafari
17. Tauros for Slowpoke /u/Chipsafari
18. Tauros, Turtwig and Cacnea for Clamperl, Plusle and Throh /u/skewtr
19. Skrelp for Lillipup /u/faptastic_platypus
20. Marill for Riolu /u/UltraFlamez
21. Bellsprout for Lillipup /u/fma2111
22. Fennekin for Joltik /u/weezy390
23. Fennekin for Seedot /u/knoxtra
24. Marill, Axew, Fennekin and Bronzor for Feebas, Hoothoot, Luvdisc and Klink /u/amapoet
25. Charmander for Girafarig /u/pikasu
26. items for pokemons /u/skewtr
27. Aggronite for Gyarados /u/Tortleini
28. 6 Power items for EV training service /u/LionNP
29. Leftovers for Miltank /u/Noxy88
30. 3x48bp items for Foongus /u/Noxy88
31. CharX for Venonat /u/Figue2550
32. Razor Claw for Kecleon /u/hahapedrox
33. CharY for Kyurem /u/KingofAnglia
34. Pinsirite for Litleo, Mienfoo and Zorua /u/ChowThyme
35. 3 Leftovers for Shuppet, Trapinch and Turtwig /u/cherrycakez
36. CharY for Sawk and Cacnea /u/Sofaroar
37. Manectite for Gible /u/deleted
38. Choice Scarf for Skorupi /u/J_Smoove13
39. Wide Lens for Tyrunt /u/thetrollingstones97
40. Life orb for Klefki /u/AceTrainerFinch
41. Life orb for Vulpix /u/Eddeeyy
42. Life orb for Marill /u/Lynaia
43. Assault Vest for Meditite /u/Burgkrieg
44. Life orb for Corphish /u/yichong
45. Life orb for Togepi and Darumaka /u/uberdata69
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (89)

1. Hatched a Skarmory for /u/Zarifff /u/Zarifff
2. Hatched a Mawile for /u/Nearreaver /u/Nearreaver
3. Hatched a Frillish for /u/LevittEzra /u/LevittEzra
4. Hatched a Bulbasaur for /u/Poker_K /u/Poker_K
5. Hatched a Charmander for /u/Carboneitor /u/Carboneitor
6. Hatched a Gastly for /u/javier_m2 /u/javier_m2
7. Hatched a Snorlax for /u/geightgrade /u/geightgrade
8. Hatched a Noibat for /u/PokecheckHozu /u/PokecheckHozu
9. Hatched a Froakie for /u/uzith /u/uzith
10. Hatched a Pumpkaboo for /u/MarllonxD /u/MarllonxD
11. Hatched a Shellos for /u/MangusKN /u/MangusKN
12. Hatched a Scatterbug for /u/MRnotgivinadamn /u/MRnotgivinadamn
13. Hatched an Anorith for /u/writingcookie43 /u/writingcookie43
14. Hatched a Mawile for /u/spentah /u/spentah
15. Hatched a Swinub for /u/spentah /u/spentah
16. Hatched a Marill for /u/blessegp /u/blessegp
17. Hatched a Scyther for /u/villa4876 /u/villa4876
18. Hatched a Honedge for /u/Figuerense /u/Figuerense
19. Hatched a Froakie for /u/josecueto /u/josecueto
20. Hatched an Eevee for /u/SolunaAngel /u/SolunaAngel
21. Hatched a Foongus for /u/SolunaAngel /u/SolunaAngel
22. Hatched a Gligar for /u/canopus12 /u/canopus12
23. Hatched a Froakie for /u/BucketOfSnails /u/BucketOfSnails
24. Hatched an Eevee for /u/charun310 /u/charun310
25. Hatched a Cyndaquil for /u/APikachuNamedSparky /u/APikachuNamedSparky
26. Hatched a Mudkip for /u/HatsuneLuka /u/HatsuneLuka
27. Hatched an Eevee for /u/charun310 /u/charun310
28. Hatched a Chimchar for /u/buxbunny /u/buxbunny
29. Hatched a Porygon for /u/ejdme /u/ejdme
30. Hatched a Magikarp for /u/xien2006 /u/xien2006
31. Hatched a Tyrogue for /u/MRnotgivinadamn /u/MRnotgivinadamn
32. Hatched a Growlithe for /u/Zyrokon /u/Zyrokon
33. Hatched a Duskull for /u/goldsushi44 /u/goldsushi44
34. Hatched an Exeggcute for /u/st_stutter /u/st_stutter
35. Hatched a Chespin for /u/flipples311 /u/flipples311
36. Hatched a Trapinch for /u/Eyelikepie2 /u/Eyelikepie2
37. Hatched a Torchic for /u/PoopyMyNigga /u/PoopyMyNigga
38. Hatched a Honedge for /u/lesbiansarehot /u/lesbiansarehot
39. Hatched a Slakoth for /u/villa4876 /u/villa4876
40. Hatched a Golett for /u/drtran118 /u/drtran118
41. Hatched a Murkorw for /u/Sb4ll4t0 /u/Sb4ll4t0
42. Hatched a Staryu for /u/Zephorian /u/Zephorian
43. Hatched a Carbink for /u/cyrusen /u/cyrusen
44. Hatched a Charmander for /u/Carzys_gt /u/Carzys_gt
45. Hatched a Pawniard for /u/junior8686 /u/junior8686
46. Hatched a Minccino for /u/antonioemo /u/antonioemo
47. Hatched a Treecko for /u/Lucasilvz /u/Lucasilvz
48. Hatched a Treecko for /u/megarozz /u/megarozz
49. Hatched a Ralts for /u/Next-To-Normal /u/Next-To-Normal
50. Hatched a Clauncher for /u/believingunbeliever /u/believingunbeliever
51. Hatched a Joltik for /u/LorenzoilMagnifico /u/LorenzoilMagnifico
52. Hatched a Treecko for /u/Icarusqt /u/Icarusqt
53. Hatched a Rotom for /u/bruhmanchillin /u/bruhmanchillin
54. Hatched 2 Larvitars for /u/wkroom /u/wkroom
55. Hatched a Yamask for /u/Exzure /u/Exzure
56. Hatched a Kecleon for /u/Regice /u/Regice
57. Hatched a Froakie for /u/ch1mex /u/ch1mex
58. Hatched a Beldum for /u/goatee64 /u/goatee64
59. Hatched an Espurr for /u/leedaeho7 /u/leedaeho7
60. Hatched a Psyduck for /u/Growleet /u/Growleet
61. Hatched a Seel for /u/Sb4ll4t0 /u/Sb4ll4t0
62. Hatched a Spheal for /u/LiquidosSnake /u/LiquidosSnake
63. Hatched a Beldum for /u/Zeph72 /u/Zeph72
64. Hatched a Squirtle for /u/RaspberryFanta /u/RaspberryFanta
65. Hatched a Scatterbug for /u/MasterGohan /u/MasterGohan
66. Hatched a Froakie for /u/kurttr /u/kurttr
67. Hatched a Scyther for /u/Zangoose1 /u/Zangoose1
68. Hatched an Eevee for /u/SoaringLust /u/SoaringLust
69. Hatched a Froakie for /u/victini007 /u/victini007
70. Hatched an Eevee for /u/dragon-rae /u/dragon-rae
71. Hatched a Swirlix for /u/ninjaspidermonkey /u/ninjaspidermonkey
72. Hatched a Shuppet for /u/dgk3593 /u/dgk3593
73. Hatched a Kangaskhan for /u/DaveyCricket /u/DaveyCricket
74. Hatched a Kangaskhan for /u/Epoke28 /u/Epoke28
75. Hatched a Venipede for /u/Sh4dowlord66 /u/Sh4dowlord66
76. Hatched a Pawniard for /u/MangusKN /u/MangusKN
77. Hatched a Minun for /u/MangusKN /u/MangusKN
78. Hatched a Froakie for /u/poBBpC /u/poBBpC
79. Hatched a Treecko for /u/Nokkelborth /u/Nokkelborth
80. Hatched a Cottonee for /u/Saiyan197 /u/Saiyan197
81. Hatched an Electrike for /u/Centaurion /u/Centaurion
82. Hatched a Cacnea for /u/Agnescee /u/Agnescee
83. Hatched a Minun for /u/darwinistic /u/darwinistic
84. Hatched a Growlithe for /u/bruhmanchillin /u/bruhmanchillin
85. Hatched a Zangoose for /u/Vore- /u/Vore-
86. Hatched a Smoochum for /u/TwixClub /u/TwixClub
87. Hatched a Gastly for /u/Chipsafari /u/Chipsafari
88. Hatched a Foongus for /u/Chipsafari /u/Chipsafari
89. Hatched a Sentret /u/Parkimus

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


valenzjo's Information


Friend codes:
