
3308-4684-7736, 5387-0560-2430 || Vinhamous (ΩR, αS, Y)
3308-4684-7736, 5387-0560-2430 || Vinhamous (ΩR, αS, Y) || XXXX

Trades (65)

[+] Events (46)
1. Tyrunt Code for Shaymin, Keldeo, Victini, Darkrai with redemption /u/Expo911
2. shiny poliwhirl, shiny gyarados, shiny seaking, shiny corsola for NA Diancie Code /u/agarvin
3. A NA diancie for He redeemed a khan code for me /u/Xenial6
4. An Arceus for 2 cororay codes /u/shzam707
5. One CoroRay Code for 2 Redeemed Game Darkrai /u/dantelukas
6. A Silk Scarf Arceus for 2 Shiny Charizard Codes and 2 Darkrai Codes /u/neonmatty
7. 1xAmaura/2xDarkrai/2xZard Codes for 16 Scrap codes /u/RainFrenzy
8. 1 Charizard Code for 2 Darkrai Codes /u/endy1102
9. Two CoroRay Redemptions for Two Darkrai Redemptions /u/redsludge
10. A JAP unova starter set for A Darkrai Code /u/mz_valkyrie
11. A JAP Unova set with ENG names for Redemption of my darkrai code /u/kakabeh
12. A SRd Meadow Plate Arceus for 16 Scrap Codes /u/jeremyps
13. A SRd Meadow Plate Arceus for An Arceus code and a maxsoft rayquaza code /u/root_b33r
14. A SRd Timid HIgh IV Arceus for An Arceus code and a shiny charizard code /u/Acrylami
15. A Dragonite Code for A Maxsoft Raquaza Code /u/blackmge
16. A high IV jolly ENG tag Arceus for An arceus code /u/acrylami
17. A maxsoft rayquaza code for 3 game charizards recieved by wifi /u/kinniie
18. A Dragonite Code for A Maxsoft Rayquaza Code /u/pokemon01234
19. A dragonite code for A charizard code redemption /u/kinniie
20. 5 custom Hope Diancies and 5 custom GameStop Dragonite for One Manaphy Code /u/Leocul
21. 7 dragonite codes for One Hiroshima Gyarados and Magikarp Set /u/Itokichi
22. 15 Custom Wifi US Hope Diancie Events for A Hiroshima Gyarados and Magikarp Set /u/skuggeland
23. 2 SR'd High IVs Arceus for 2 Arceus Codes /u/Acrylami
24. A High IV Adamant Dread Plate Arceus for AUS 3 Rayquaza Codes /u/Joshua3429
25. 2 Aus Rayquaza Codes for A set of 711 codes (pikachu, pancham, latios, lugia) /u/endy1102
26. Traded two Hope Diancies for One AUS Rayquaza Code /u/GeorgeAnton1
27. A Dragonite code and a Naive Hope Diancie for One AUS Rayquaza Code /u/MjrAwsm
28. A High IVs Jolly Mind Plate Arceus for A Manaphy Code /u/root_b33r
29. A High IVs Jolly Galileo Rayquaza for A Manaphy Code /u/hjan3312
30. A JPN M18 Legendaries Set for 2 Gamescon Codes /u/enriquepaz13
31. A PGL Pika Code for A set of 7-11 Codes plus 1xPikachu code and 2xPancham code /u/Expo911
32. 17 HK Rayquaza Codes for 30 Dragonite Codes /u/RomanNWK
33. One High IVs Timid Arceus, 3x High IVs Hope Diancie for Pokemon Lab Set Codes /u/nigh_euphoria
34. A M18 Legendary Set, 7 Dragonite Codes, 1 HK Rayquaza Code for A Gamescom Code set, 5 Redeemed Dragonite in various languages /u/Markus1999B
35. A Adamant Deoxys in a Luxury Ball for 2 Dragonite Codes /u/xchicowx
36. A SR'd Naive Hope Diancie for 7 Dragonite Codes /u/BethornedIvy
37. 7 Dragonite Codes for A redemption and SR of my Gamescom Codes Set /u/Flareblitz12
38. 7 Dragonite Codes and Nature SR Redeem for language set for A timid english darkrai with 31 in speed /u/Acrylami
39. 5 redeemed dragonite and 2 custom dragonite redemptions for 5 dragonite codes /u/squarekantobadge
40. 11 Custom Dragonite Redemptions for A Gamescom Sableye Code /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
41. A Dragonite Code + Custom Redemption for A Hoopa Code /u/HKG_Teddy
42. A Timid Hope Diancie for A Maxsoft Hoopa code /u/HKG_Teddy
43. A Pokemon Lab Code Set for A MegaBattle Charizard, PGL Pikachu Code, and Keldeo Code /u/somsatang
44. A SR'd for Nature (Naive) Hope Diancie for A Timid 2014 Halloween Gengar /u/JillBergman
45. A High IVs Galileo Rayquaza for 2 HK Jirachi Codes /u/BetaWolf3
46. 2 NA Darkrai Codes for 1 Expo Charizard Code /u/sazae3
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (14)
1. An Oval Stone for A Shiny Stone /u/ourcertifiablegenre
2. A tyrunt for A eevee /u/CycloneKyoryuJoker42
3. A Amaura for A Gible /u/jbarberu
4. A masterball for A ability capsule /u/Sandbringer
5. A tepig for A gastly /u/JustAPieceOfBread
6. A Sableye for A Mawile /u/C_Falcon
7. A pancham for A 5IV Ralts /u/Kaevex
8. A HA Tyrunt for A HA Totodile /u/Doc_Toboggan
9. A Elekid for A Eevee /u/NJDCat
10. A Bulbasaur for A Deino /u/metabreaker
11. a DBHA Mankey for a DBHA Slowpoke /u/vemulaneelesh
12. A DBHA Mankey for A DBHA Scyther /u/Slurks
13. A DBHA Mankey for A DBHA Eevee /u/OriginalBeefman
14. A DBHA Scyther for A DBHA Shinx /u/knightshade17
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (5)
1. Shiny Relicanth, Horsea, and Sharpedo for Wishmaker Jirachi /u/knifeof11
2. 5IV Jolly Earth Arceus for RNGd Perfect Shiny Manaphy/Lugia/Ho-oh /u/Admiral_Fish
3. A Wishmaker Jirachi for A AUS Rayquaza Code /u/GeorgeAnton1
4. An RNG'd Lugia and an RNG'd Ho-oh for M18 Hoopa /u/nigh_euphoria
5. A PC Hiroshima Magikarp and one HK Rayquaza Code for A Haley's Mew /u/Jhueller

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (4 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Gave away 4 CoroRay Codes to poeple describing their fears (Sub: pokemontrades, 4 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


RainFrenzy Apr 21, 2015 4:38:52 PM

Wonderful and patient person, happy to deal with again in the future. :)

vinhamous's Information


Hi, my name is Vinhamous!

Friend codes:

  • 3308-4684-7736
  • 5387-0560-2430


  • IGN: Vinhamous