
SW-7972-4914-1399 || Morgan (SCA)
SW-7972-4914-1399 || Morgan (SCA) || XXXX

Trades (17)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (1)
1. 6 IV Shiny Solosis for 8 UT Celebiis /u/awyeauhh
[+] Competitive / Casual (16)
1. 5 IV Larvesta for 5 IV Chimchar /u/electricpenguin7
2. 5 IV Ghastly for 2 5 IV Phantumps /u/RynoSauce
3. 5 IV Pinsir for 5 IV Pawniard /u/Russiandragon55
4. 5 IV Pinsir for 5 IV Honedge /u/AcmeKludgeLord
5. 5 IV Pinco for 5 IV Smeargle /u/jangle_leg
6. 5 IV Solosis for 5 IV Riolu /u/pikabluDS
7. 5 IV Kangaskhan, Gastly, and Shellder for 5 IV Shuppet, Bulbasaur, and Houndour /u/ARemarkableRedditor
8. 5 IV Deino for 5 IV Rotom /u/Vulpixie92
9. 5 IV Kangaskhan for 5 IV Turrtwig /u/ShadyGreninja
10. 5 IV Pineco for 5 IVBeldum /u/Skullgasher
11. 5 IV Deino and Feebas for 5 IV Skarmory and Vullaby /u/HNT33
12. 5 IV Swinub for 5 IV Drilbur /u/Vanaeus
13. 5 IV Chimchar for 5 IV Fletchling /u/Poqs
14. 5 IV Chamander for 5 IV Fletchling /u/secretarabman
15. 5 IV Beldum for 5 IV Sableye /u/tysonsalinas
16. 5 IV Riolu for 5 IV Contonee /u/Jakizw
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (8)

1. N/A /u/Fad1990
2. Feebas /u/elsatorl
3. Togepi /u/NathanBrower
4. Dwebble /u/princewabb1t
5. Lapras /u/highpawn
6. N/A /u/October1392
7. Heracross /u/otaegui
8. N/A /u/dgk3593

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


wahza93's Information


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