
SW-4541-3488-1200 || chips (SH)
SW-4541-3488-1200 || chips (SH) || XXXX

Trades (13)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (13)
1. HA Love Staryu HA Beast Lunatone HA Safari Vullaby HA Fast Lotad HA Sport Kangaskhan for -1 HA Aprimon : 1 Max Mushroom / Fossil -2 HA aprimon : 1 Apriball -3 HA aprimon : 1 Master Ball -4 HA aprimon : 1 Sport/Safari Ball /u/MaRcEsCeNt
2. Love HA Growlithe Heavy HA Machop Friend HA Tentacool Friend HA Cubone Beast HA Koffing Beast HA Chinchou Fast HA Mienfoo Lure Honedge Fast HA Pichu Dream Ha Drilbur for Beast HA Poliwag Beast HA Horsea Beast HA Mimikyu Beast HA Scyther Beast HA Indeedee Moon HA Indeedee Moon HA Litwick Moon HA Cubone Moon Ha Rookidee Moon HA Alolan Sandshrew /u/Mr_Muay
3. HA Moon Ball Vulpix and your HA Dream Ball Purrloin for HA Love Ball Petilil and a Safari Ball Trapinch /u/S-houto
4. Fast HA Mienfoo and Dream HA Drilbur Dream HA Diglett-Alola, Dream HA Cleffa, and Dream HA Purrloin for Love HA Espurr, Friend HA Bergmite, Heavy HA Sizzlipede, Moon HA Magikarp, and Sport HA Pincurchin /u/skippingmud
5. Swirlix HA Moon for Heracross /u/shanjijri
6. Lure Honedge and Heavy Wimpod for heavy and sports HA exeggutor /u/xJemma24
7. Fast HA Mienfoo Lure Honedge Fast HA Pichu Fast HA Farfetch'd Level HA Clobbopus for Dream HA Sandshrew Safari HA Sandshrew Fast HA Sandshrew Friend HA Sandshrew Heavy HA Sandshrew /u/JRLynch
8. fast meinfoo, dream noibat, safari zorua, lure honedge, love minch, sport meowth, and level clob for fast sizzlepede, lure Venipede, safari and level torkoal, love rokidee and heavy and dream G. slowpoke /u/effectiveduck
9. HA safari vulpix and HA love growlithe for Beast stunkfish, beast blipbug, beast and sport alolan meowth, beast passimian, safari meowth, beast and safari snom, friend squirtle, sport alolan vulpix, friend durant and dream diglett /u/thewinzer
10. gothitelle line with fake out and heal pulse for Jolly Mints /u/slap-and-pop
11. rusted sword for Moon Ball /u/Draugonaut
12. Regular Corsola, Ponyta, Zigzagoon, Alolan Diglett for Apriballs /u/notyourmama12
13. Dream ball NA magikarp Love ball NA Feebas Fast ball Honedge Moon Ball NA Trevenant Moon Ball NA Solosis Dream Ball NA Porygon Beast ball HA snover Dream ball NA shelmet Moon ball NA shuckle Dream Ball NA venonat Beast ball NA bonsly for Lure ball HA dratini Moon ball HA Teddiursa Friend ball HA chespin Heavy ball HA piplup Dream ball HA starly Dream ball ducklet Dream ball shuppet Love ball HA chikorita Heavy ball HA Nidoran F Heavy ball HA Nidoran M /u/shiverlynx
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (25 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Fast Ball Mienfoo giveaway (Sub: pokemontrades, 25 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (0)


Misc (0)


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