
3840-5464-8259 || Brian (ΩR, X, M)
3840-5464-8259 || Brian (ΩR, X, M) || 2706, 3836

Trades (66)

[+] Events (1)
1. Celebi for Regice, Xerneas, Groudon /u/lavaburst14
[+] Shinies (0)
[+] Competitive / Casual (65)
1. Sneasel for Heracross /u/GoldenGengarGG
2. Kabuto for Omanyte /u/AlisUnicornFarm
3. Kangaskhan for Swirlix /u/thewitchofgeek
4. Sigilyph for Teddiursa /u/LovelyMagickUnicorn
5. Baltoy for Fletchling /u/tiago_gazzola
6. Sigilyph for Squirtle /u/mist0624
7. Sigilyph for Porygon /u/Drethin
8. Sigilyph for Togepi /u/crystallized
9. Kangaskhan for Ditto /u/Rause1
10. Kangaskhan for Mamoswine /u/willyb1313
11. Nidoran Male for Dedenne /u/YoshiReddy
12. Sigilyph for Tepig /u/Oogalicious
13. Dawn Stone for Oval Stone /u/crystallized
14. Sigilyph for Shedinja /u/jef4490
15. Sigilyph + Chikorita for Phantump/Everstone + Pidgey /u/sqwarecircle
16. Sigilyph for Munna /u/HolidayInferno
17. Sigilyph for Spiritomb /u/NyahChaan
18. ??? Egg for Toxicroak /u/WinglessParatroopa
19. Sigilyph for Deino /u/swags789
20. Sigilyph for Beldum /u/SlowQueen
21. Flame Orb for Beldum /u/Bickslow2222
22. Sigilyph for Smoochum + Heart Scale /u/kumail786
23. Girafarig for Anorith /u/jhillber
24. Sigilpyh+Chikorita+Dawn Stone for Mareep+Vulpix /u/umbreonion
25. Sun Stone for Minccino /u/captain_lulz
26. Chikorita for Nidoran Male /u/ariwake
27. Bunch of Stones for Bunch of Pokemon /u/ShinriNoHikari
28. Sigilyph for Magnemite /u/juchem69z
29. Chikorita + Totodile for Pansage + Geodude /u/Cashperle
30. Sigilyph, Totodile, Chikorita + others for Various /u/sangvoel
31. Metal Coat for Probopass /u/theCoasterMaster
32. Totodile for Farfetch'd /u/mauro8342
33. Dawn Stone + Dragon Scale for Spearow + Bronzor /u/Yu-GoBB
34. See post for See post /u/Artificial-Insanity
35. 2 Heart Scale, Thunder stone, dusk stone for Avalugg, meowth, hippowdon, primeape /u/Jodierawr
36. Bunch of items for Bunch of pokemon /u/mist0624
37. Heatran for Uxie /u/Myxtmo
38. Bunch of items for Bunch of pokemon /u/jacksoncabot
39. Sigilyph, Dubious Disk, Upgrade, others for Variety of Pokemon /u/Staravia
40. Masterball + Up-grade for Various pokemon /u/Justino12
41. Totodile for Accelgor /u/EquinoxPi
42. Salamencite for Seadra /u/hellzyeah22
43. Timid-Synchronize Munna for Grimer /u/porygonzguy
44. Fire Stone for Spheal /u/Wolfehhh
45. Life Orb for Houndor + Magnezone /u/ZedicusZul
46. 2 Upgrades, Dubious Disk, Razor Claw, Deep Sea Tooth for Ponyta, Maractus, Steelix, Sunflora /u/DanielRimee
47. Sigilyph for Venonat /u/Drakon7
48. Ability Capsule for Pinisir, Duosion, Patrat /u/IEatCanadianMoney
49. 3 Moon Stone for Bellsprout, Seviper, Vigoroth /u/LitwickIntensifies
50. Houndoomite for River Vivillon /u/Crimsonskydeath
51. Dawn Stone for Slakoth /u/shocktarts17
52. Jolly Synchronize Abra for Hakamo-o /u/Billy_Haze
53. Power Weight for Alola Sandshrew /u/dragontipper
54. Mystery Egg for Alola Vulpix /u/slowerthanzero
55. Careful Synchronize Abra for Wimpod /u/Wenitzb
56. Tapu Koko for Alola Ninetales + Bottlecap /u/EXEmegaman
57. Timid Synchronize Abra for Morelull /u/not-who-you-think
58. Power Belt for Oranguru /u/Ripjack
59. Assault Vest for Mimikyu /u/DanyelsDad
60. Metagrossite for Dewpider and Minior /u/Disasterchicken2
61. Assault Vest and Life Orb for Wimpod, Komala, and Sandshrew-A /u/WostPostsEva
62. Metagrossite for Jangmo-o and Dhelmise /u/pokeflan
63. Gyaradosite for Togedemaru and Stufful /u/Milr69
64. A bunch of items for A bunch of pokemon /u/DanyelsDad
65. Lucarionite for Type:Null /u/mikester112
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Traded Kadabra for Haunter and back. /u/Impavideus

Misc (0)


wes2les's Information


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