
1049-3065-2809 || Eric (M)
1049-3065-2809 || Eric (M) || XXXX

Trades (115)

[+] Events (33)
1. Shiny Eevee for Volcanion Event /u/EditorialComplex
2. Timid HA Articuno for 20th Celebi /u/DeathEmerald
3. Bottle Cap Codes for Shiny Drilbur and Shiny Pinsir /u/endy1102
4. HA Vulpix, HA Mareanie for Darkrai /u/IceSprite
5. Venusaurite for Shiny Palkia /u/clavis_gladius
6. HH Meowth for Buzzwole /u/bnhershy
7. Gold Version Theme Code for Celebi Code, GF Mew /u/ColdnessAwaits
8. NA Salazzle Code for PAL Marshadow /u/KoenigDerLuegner
9. NA Charizard Codes for 20th Manaphy x2, 20th Victini, 20th Genesect, Alexander Hoopa /u/gibberingfool
10. NA Charizard Codes for Language Set of NA Hoenn Hat Pikachus /u/Aure_
11. NA Charizard Codes for PGL Darmanitan /u/RickSanz
12. Timid Latias for PC Umbreon /u/00yamato00
13. NA Charizard Codes for 2x Custom JPN Shiny Silvally /u/vincentasm
14. JPN Silvally Codes for NA Hope Diancie /u/bi-cycle
15. VC Celebi Code, NA Charizard Code for Sly Zoroark, Steven's Beldum /u/Lightning00
16. NA Charizard Codes for Sinnoh Hat Pikachu /u/lanicera
17. Charizard Codes for Sinnoh Cap Pikachu /u/cooee64
18. Charizard Codes for Sinnoh Pikachu /u/RestingGyaradosFace
19. Charizard Code + Charizard Redeem for Meloetta and Arceus 20ths /u/soufiane11
20. Charizard Codes for SuMo Early Adopter Munchlax /u/troysmitt
21. 6 BR Pokemon for JPN Ash Hat Kanto Pikachu, HKTW Tapu Koko /u/HardChibi
22. NA Hope Diancie for 20th Genesect, Sinnoh Hat Pika, Target Charizard, Ilex Celebi /u/DConSing
23. Hoenn Pikachu for PAL VC Celebi Code /u/OrangeTornado95
24. marshadow codes for KOR Steenee + KOR Vulpix /u/Lightning00
25. Redeem NA Charizard for Unova, Hoenn Pikachus /u/soufiane11
26. Marshadow Code for Shiny Diancie /u/lincolnquick
27. 20th Shaymin for PC Shiny MImikyu /u/remiccino
28. Charizard Codes for PC Shiny Mimikyu /u/regcmdr
29. Marshadow + Salazzle Codes for HK/TW Silvally /u/Gaudiosa
30. NA Silvally Code for NA Kalos Hat Pikachu, 20th Shaymin /u/Twinees
31. Unova Hat Pikachu for 20th Second Chance Arceus /u/SirLucksAlot
32. NA Redeems and Silvally Code for Sakuji Solrock + Lunatone /u/dexter228
33. Sinnnoh Pikachu for Shiny Yveltal /u/Lieicent
[+] Shinies (9)
1. Shiny Honedge for Shiny Gengar /u/Doaln
2. Timid HA Zapdos for Shiny Garchomp /u/frb2609
3. HA Articuno, HA Moltres for Shiny Comp Charmander /u/Dragynfyre
4. Magby HA, Zubat HA, Bulbasaur HA for Shiny A-Diglett /u/TheOnlyXdude
5. 1 gbc, 3 bc for comp shiny bagon /u/spacez52
6. exeggcute for shiny corsola /u/MegaRayquaza384
7. skarmory for goomy /u/lost0200
8. 2 NA Salazzle Codes for Shiny Pidgey /u/buckembarnes
9. Nothing for Comp Shiny Miltank /u/tacocat777
[+] Competitive / Casual (73)
1. charmander for honedge /u/bakerbro
2. Charmander HA for Scyther + Scizorite /u/wyau90
3. HA Sneasel for HA Snivey /u/planevstank12
4. Extreme Speed Dratini for Gastly /u/Agent_ozz
5. HA Rockruff for HA Chespin /u/OP-chan
6. Wide Guard Honedge for HA Tyrunt /u/DipperDolphin
7. Adamant Abra for Black Sludge /u/Lil_Minigame
8. Absol for Pichu /u/poobana
9. bottlecap for roggenrola and growlithe /u/Yggdrasil-IX
10. Taught ninetails dark pulse for GBC /u/MostWanted56
11. Gold Bottle Cap for HP Fire Magnemite /u/bnhershy
12. Milotic and Politoed Dex Entries for Alolan Grimer /u/herb-sellers
13. Celesteela for Kartana /u/_god_of_death_
14. Pheromosa for Kartana /u/WelchsBerries
15. Riolu for Abra /u/Edz416
16. HA Slowpoke for HA Zubat /u/Yatryl
17. A-Vulpix for Wimpod /u/dharlette
18. HP Fire Magnemite for 1 GBC /u/baneposting_for_you
19. Grimer with egg moves for Dewpider /u/Jhueller
20. Mareanie for Chansey /u/TurkeyTrainer
21. Aerodactyl for Munclax /u/bawboh86
22. HP Fire Magenemite for 1 GBC and 1 BC /u/Carl0s1
23. Magnemite for Geodude /u/Seimborg
24. bottlecap for growlithe /u/sebastian_bach
25. Careful Abra for Oranguru /u/GoddamOedipus
26. Calm Growlithe for Torkoal /u/GoddamnOedpius
27. gold bottle cap for 4 5 iv mons /u/wheeler0592
28. bottle cap for dbha magmar /u/loutwo2
29. HP Ice Magnemite for Porygon2 /u/foxbox24
30. 4 IV Eng Ditto for 4 IV Foreign Ditto /u/CptJoshi
31. Pheromosa w/ BP Items for 4 Perfect Breedables /u/Yggdrasil-IX
32. Gold Bottlecap for Perfect porygon /u/ClaColu95
33. HA Mareanie for 0 Speed Ferroseed /u/TheCrimsonSophist
34. Snorlax for Gold Bottlecap /u/MasterAndy69
35. Snorlax, Makuhita for Dewpider, Poliwag /u/Kadaz0r
36. HA Bagon + GBC for Bold Tapu Fini /u/chatiloco
37. HA Tyrunt for Bottle Cap /u/Cameronx11
38. two shinies for battle ready salamence /u/tenebtheorc
39. Totodile, Tyrunt for Ryhorn, kabuto /u/gfan187
40. rare candies for 3 perfect pokes /u/poobana
41. cranidos for tirtouga /u/respawned_remy
42. zubat for ponyta /u/pokefaneb
43. zubat for swinub /u/leaguesealion
44. Rare candies for 6 perf pokemon /u/icemage27
45. 2 ice stones for thundurus /u/ehdaefade
46. 5 iv bagon for 5 iv solosis /u/jotchava
47. Ditto for Tapu Koko /u/lilnaste
48. dbha squirtle for drampa /u/troysmitt
49. hp fire magnemite for 3 bottle caps + larvitar /u/dantere
50. Shiny A-Diglett for Comp A-Meowth /u/DrMuggy
51. Abra, bottle cap, roggenrola for cubone, marill, trapinch /u/AC_Messiah
52. mareanie for murkrow /u/parrdutheholy
53. hp fire magnemite for br starmie /u/nahcap
54. bottle cap for meowth /u/drmuggy
55. Absol for Tangela /u/Onthemattack
56. porygon-z for celesteela /u/assly
57. tyrunt for oranguru /u/milady_snowdrop
58. buzzwole for celesteela /u/dattechno
59. gible for ditto /u/theschanz
60. torkoal, roggenrola for sandile, goomy /u/Ozk3rzon3
61. HA mons for HA mons /u/thegamedawg
62. riolu, vulpix for miltank, sandygast /u/rmenegaldo
63. hp fire magnemite for 5 iv froakie /u/jst95
64. bottlecap for goomy /u/uyvuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
65. porygon for skarmory /u/BlackAnndWhite
66. magnemite for ferroseed and chansey /u/petereniiis
67. miltank for honedge /u/johnr1993
68. Goomy for Shellder /u/fizz0101
69. sableye, abra for horsea, geodude /u/PeckMyPikipeck
70. NA Charizard Codes for Galewinds Articuno and Moltres /u/ThreeSpooky5Me
71. NA Charizard Codes for Alexander Hoopa /u/xtakeru
72. Hoenn Cap Pikachu for VC Bold Zapdos, Calm Articuno /u/TacoSlayer13
73. Charizard Codes for Latios /u/IceFangs
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (0)

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (2)

1. Did tradeback for feebas to Milotic /u/Drybowserj15
2. Evolved his machoke /u/Cope1010

Misc (0)


wheatr's Information


Friend codes:
