
4725-8117-4811 || xDawill (αS, Y)
4725-8117-4811 || xDawill (αS, Y) || 1233, 3989

Trades (119)

[+] Events (0)
[+] Shinies (3)
1. Shiny Zorua for Master Ball, Dusk Stone, PP Max /u/The-Dusk
2. Shiny Bulbasaur for Moon stone, Dusk stone, Master Ball /u/GlitchIT
3. Shiny Timburr for DB: Kangaskhan, Buneary, Omanyte /u/namida7
[+] Competitive / Casual (115)
1. Pawniard for Vulpix /u/Stonewallsorgi
2. Piplup, Rotom, Pawniard for Bunnelby, Bulbasaur, Buneary /u/Smash-Gordon
3. Piplup for Mawile /u/PochyPerez
4. Cresselia, Pinsir for Slowpoke, Ghastly /u/PTSCrumbled
5. Sneasel for Magnemite /u/Adz919
6. Dunsparce, Ekans, Ledyba for Hippopotas /u/equiuszahhax
7. Kangaskhan for Cleffa /u/donladbalk
8. Gastly, Bulbasaur for Growlithe, Horsea /u/callmemattock
9. Shiny Whismurr, Shiny Oddish, Eevee for Dratini, Gible, Magikarp /u/Macempty
10. Bulbasaur, Gastly for Beldum, Ferroseed /u/donladbalk
11. Eevee for Gothita /u/thunderblood
12. Pichu, Rotom for Chimchar, Fletchling /u/FernStone
13. Gastly, Pawniard for Abra, Mudkip /u/MrKrakens
14. Eevee for drilbur /u/Falco_Lau
15. Zekrom for Reshiram /u/aabombb
16. Leftovers for Heracross /u/thest1ckyband1t
17. Heracronite for Shroomish /u/TheOriginalPaulyC
18. Everstones for Lapras /u/IntentionOfAbyss
19. Swablu, Eevee for Timburr, Togepi /u/Sharpam
20. charmander for feebas /u/MarksmanMoi
21. Pichu for Razor Claw /u/Adz919
22. Sylveon for Assault Vest and Toxic Orb /u/Skipper1304
23. Piplup for Choice Band /u/lvl99-gamer
24. Lugia for Ho-Oh /u/Freas23
25. Ghastly for Mudkip /u/Monstrslayer
26. Hippopotas for Foongus /u/BA_Start
27. Ghastly for Weedle /u/Sono-chan
28. Thundurus for Tornadus /u/SainteRita
29. Thunderstone for Zorua /u/jd94fut
30. Piplup, Scyther for Seedot, Lotad /u/ASCIIPASCII
31. Marill for Deino /u/GiantRobotPossum
32. Larvitar for Totodile /u/Tozalin
33. Larvitar for Roselia /u/Mikelpmr
34. Lapras, Feebas for Emolga, Tailow /u/erwincole
35. Charmander for Torchic /u/oscarozo24
36. Swablu, Larvesta for Swinub, Abra, Hawlucha /u/SovietMaxx
37. Foongus for Latios, Machop /u/SirLucksalot
38. Poliwag for Shellos /u/kingboo421
39. Skitty for Duskull /u/Jamey4
40. Poliwag for Spritzee /u/LuluStarO
41. Gardevoirite for Lucarionite /u/reno81
42. Scyther for Staryu /u/SouthernVoodooChild
43. Lapras for Rhyhorn /u/34loppyXsoko
44. Swablu for Metal Coat + Goomy /u/GreenHairedSnorlax
45. Pachirisu, Swablu for Scraggy, Klefki /u/Strafingfire
46. Pachirisu for Mawile /u/WiseLeo92
47. Swablu for Smeargle /u/Aelphyrus
48. Feebas for Swinub /u/Sono-chan
49. Rhyhorn, Pachirisu for Kabuto, Chansey /u/JoseVanguard
50. Lapras for Shellder /u/SlashAgris
51. Starf Berry for Leftovers /u/spoilerseanbeandies
52. Swablu, Skitty for Riolu /u/AnchorWeight
53. Pachirisu for Elekid /u/pecon94
54. Aerodactylite, Alazakite, Lucarionite, Mawilite, and Medichamite for Master Balls /u/GreenHairedSnorlax
55. Blastoinite, Heat Rock for Charmander /u/pgamer04
56. Houndoomite for Charmander /u/ForeverGoat191
57. Chansey, Riolu, Lucario for 8 Evolution Stones /u/Pokemoncreator
58. Leafeon for Bulbasaur /u/pokefan01
59. Rhyhorn, Lapras for Nincada, Carvanha /u/cloudypeak
60. Smeargle, Pichu for Bellsprout, Ralts /u/ghlyt
61. Ghastly for Charmander /u/rushandidan
62. Spritzee for Totodile /u/Living_Green
63. Smeargle for Cranidos /u/slytherinhouse8
64. Cottonee, Scraggy, Cresselia for Absol, Squirtle /u/sl15221
65. Shiny Feebas for Smeargle, Swinub /u/zHaRt1
66. Skitty for Horsea /u/paulaabelenda
67. Sneasel, Scraggy for 2x Espurr /u/Brodford
68. Smeargle, Chansey, Riolu for Iglybuff, Wobuffet, Wooper /u/HowYouSoGudd
69. 3x PP Max for Horsea, Electrike, Tyrogue, Nidoran M, Nidoran F /u/mm245
70. Murkrow for Ralts /u/robyn_herbert
71. Pichu for Eevee /u/ArgoXavier
72. Pachirisu for Ralts /u/Stonewallsorgi
73. Scyther, Chansey, Smeargle for Bellsprout, Growlithe, Misdreavus /u/PKFire813
74. (5IV) : Scyther, Eevee for (Dex Fillers) : Rapidash, Servine, Grotle, Kingler, Nidorino, Trubbish, Buizel, Mantine, Sentret, Bayleef, Dewott, Grovyle /u/cathyespino
75. Scyther for Totodile /u/Sleepy_Sukima
76. Sneasel for medicham, vibrava, lopunny, bronzor, pansage, and darumaka /u/xXx_d4nk_sc0p3s_xXx
77. Scyther for Shinx /u/Berched
78. Larvitar, Rhyhorn for Lileep /u/DarthBaelfire
79. Ralts for Oddish /u/Falco_Lau
80. Lansat and Pomeg berry for Venipede and Cubchoo /u/qweligator
81. Scraggy for Sandile /u/Jpickles4life
82. Shiny Psyduck + non-shiny Kyogre for Dex fillers: Arcanine, roserade, dragalge, Sunflora, poliwarth, starmie, mismagius, yanmega, archeosp, tangrowth, lickylicky,Jimpluff, Honchcrow, Roserade /u/MarksmanMoi
83. Dialga for Palkia /u/LFevents
84. Scyther, Pachirisu, Scraggy, Larvitar for Shinx, Relicanth, Tentacool, Dratini /u/tiide
85. Raikou, Pachirisu for Chespin, Exeggcute, Charmander, Cyndaquill, Eevee /u/LeFishyDerps
86. Heart Scales for Swirlix /u/tlatham86
87. Scraggy, Venipede, Pachirisu for Croagunk, Corsola, Miltank /u/driesiwiesi
88. Wurmple for Buneary /u/HKG_Teddy
89. Venipede for Growlithe /u/Mabangyan
90. Mareep for Buneary /u/ryujelly
91. skarmory, larvitar, rhyhorn, smeargle, lapras, chansey for spheal, seel, kricketot, mareep, sentret, chinchou /u/jarffe
92. Pachirisu, Smeargle for Diglett, Zangoose /u/Jaffred
93. Scraggy for Nidoran /u/kojicarlos
94. Leftovers for Flabebe /u/rednaxelax
95. Lapras, Skarmory for Shiny, Dawn, Dusk, Moon stone /u/ramdonperson
96. Scyther for Corphish /u/Little_Z4
97. Ability Capsule for Bankballs: Ekans Farfetch'd Grimer Drowzee Cleffa Qwilfish Slakoth /u/qweligator
98. Kabuto for Corphish /u/aeoc1
99. Mankey for Moon Stone /u/Neyonachi
100. Scyther for Marill /u/jarred_98
101. Scyther for Psyduck /u/Katschiko
102. Rhyhorn for Tyrunt /u/Cognito17
103. DBHA: Smeargle, Scraggy for Moon Stone, Sun Stone /u/creoix
104. ORAS Move Tutor for Tyrogue /u/Dizzle0
105. Venipede, Smeargle for Slakoth, Castform /u/jotaro321
106. Rhyhorn for Trapinch /u/StardualDragon
107. Tropius, Smeargle, Rhyhorn for Yanma, Numel, Meowth /u/NameNameIsMyUsername
108. Scraggy for Thunder Stone /u/-Name-Unknown-
109. Chansey, Skarmory for Shuckle /u/lale796
110. Buneary, Riolu for Phanpy, Treecko /u/Solvernia
111. Mawile for Dratini /u/lale796
112. Wurmple for Sudowoodo /u/TriplesWithDip
113. Tailow, Croagunk for Skrelp, Cubone /u/Whimms
114. Venipede, Tropius, Wurmple, Croagunk, NidoranF, Chansey for Dratini, Sandshrew, Tangela, Larvitar, Rattata, Cherubi /u/flaw1ess1994
115. Croagunk Nidoran Smeargle Wurmple Meditite Kangaskhan for Natu Barboach Miltank Tangela Kangaskhan Sneasel /u/paanvaannd
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (1)
1. Pachirisu for Groudon /u/WannabeComp

Egg Hatches (14)

1. Egg hatch Larvitar for Life Orb /u/wingzerocats
2. Hatched Shiny Numel and received Heracross /u/SlashAgris
3. Hatched Riolu /u/12hood
4. hatched pumpkaboo /u/wwwaz37
5. Hatched Bulbasaur /u/savannah_allie
6. Hatched Smeargle /u/ozone-poke
7. Hatched Vulpix /u/Happinessu
8. Hatched Mudkip /u/wonhee328
9. hatched phantump /u/Clubman_and_Bludgeon
10. Hatched Magnemite /u/EternityRing
11. Hatched Chatot /u/aleexs
12. hatched heatmor /u/TealEri
13. Hatched Mawile /u/rudolfpk
14. Hatched Growlithe /u/HarliquinTrainer96

Giveaways/Contests (0 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)


Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (3)

1. Helped evolve my Haunter /u/Captain_Maggy
2. Mew and Celebi /u/rboeglinjr
3. helped evolve rhydon /u/Yansu91

Misc (7)

1. items (4) for breedjects (4)
2. Items for BankBall Pokemon
3. Items for Pokemon
4. BP Items for 6iv/4iv
5. Mewtonite Y for Houndour
6. Rocky Helmet for Noibat
7. Move Tutor


xDawilly's Information


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