
2251-9139-9541, 3282-6879-7698 || Ayy Lmao (ΩR, M, S)
2251-9139-9541, 3282-6879-7698 || Ayy Lmao (ΩR, M, S) || 1241

Trades (110)

[+] Events (103)
1. NA Arceus Code for JPN Gardevoir Code /u/FullMetalPanda78
2. Multiple Shinies for Hoopa and Garchomp Code /u/SourPachPenguin
3. PCO Pikachu Code for PCH Magikarp, Steven's Beldum Lang Set, and Scrap Shaymin /u/Tai_Lop3z
4. PCH Magikarp for SG Cafe Pikachu Code /u/littletaebaby
5. Darkrai Lang Set Redeem for 11 Darkrai Codes /u/Wizli
6. 8 Arceus Codes for 1 Scrap Eevee Code /u/XecoX
7. 1 5IV HA Torchic and 2 DBHA Eevees for Galileo Rayquaza /u/buildmorethings
8. 9 Custom Victini for Unova Present Set /u/doritoburrrito
9. Hoopa for HA Johto Bank Set /u/Dialgan
10. KOR Spa Pikachu Code for CoroCoro Rayquaza, Scrap Shaymin, and HK Jirachi /u/blackaurora
11. Steven's Beldum Language Set for PGL Miltank /u/KeVeTeX
12. Scrap Eevee and Tanabata Jirachi for PC Ho-Oh and PGL Darmanitan Code /u/crazy-cat-prince
13. 6IV Shiny Larvitar and 5IV HA Shiny Squirtle for HK Jirachi and Serena's Fennekin /u/AVeryNicePizza
14. KOR Spa Pikachu Code and PGL Darmanitan for WORLDS16 Squirtle /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
15. Serena's Fennekin for XY Torchic /u/CukiieMonstaa
16. HK Jirachi for Play! Mewtwo /u/bernex
17. Play! Mewtwo for PGL Dragonite /u/Pikminonfleek
18. Galileo Rayquaza for 2 NA Volcanion Codes /u/BorskF
19. 2 Arceus Codes for 2 Volcanion Codes /u/RunescarredWordsmith
20. 1 Volcanion Code for 20th Anniversary Shaymin /u/Dragonstorm55
21. 7/11 Pikachu, Lugia, and Latios for PGL Landorus /u/Erie123
22. Comp Shiny Torchic for NA Volcanion Code /u/gamezpd
23. PGL Garchomp for 3 NA Volcanion Codes /u/Dragynfyre
24. 6 NA Volcanion Codes for Serena's Fennekin /u/blackaurora
25. Play! Mewtwo for PC Shiny Diancie /u/hayder2309
26. Birthday Sylveon for KOR Spa Pikachu /u/Iviviana
27. GF Victini and Alexander Hoopa for 2 NA Volcanion Codes /u/ShadowfireOmega
28. 1 NA Arceus Code for 1 NA Volcanion Code /u/jtam93
29. PGL Garchomp for 6 NA Volcanion Codes /u/BorskF
30. HA Johto Bank Set for 8 NA Volcanion Codes /u/puddlejumper7187
31. PC Ho-oh and HK Jirachi for 16 NA Volcanion Codes /u/HashG8
32. 2 NA Arceus Codes for 2 NA Volcanion Codes /u/DestinySaber
33. SPA PGL Garchomp for Harry Hoopa and NA Volcanion Code /u/OberonCelebi
34. 10 NA Volcanion Codes for 10 PAL Volcanion Codes /u/hayder2309
35. PC Shiny Diancie for Outbreakchu Teeter Dance Pikachu /u/Dragonstorm55
36. Skytree Rayquaza for PGL Tyrunt /u/Night_chaser
37. 15 NA Volcanion Codes for ENG Giovanni's Nidoqueen /u/philvpham10
38. PC Shiny Diancie and PC Mega Lucario for Masuda Psyduck and PC Ho-oh /u/IAMADeinonychusAMA
39. 2 NA Volcanion Codes for HK/TW Mew Redeem /u/KookyKracks
40. Giovanni's Nidoqueen for Donation Pikachu /u/Laer_Uial
41. M19 Greninja for CoroCoro Garchomp /u/KeVeTeX
42. Ghetsis's Hydreigon for PGL Landorus /u/ninjaspidermonkey
43. PGL Darmanitan Redeem for 1 NA Volcanion Code /u/PikaCuber
44. PGLs Tyrunt, Amaura, Pikachu, Delibird, Landorus, and Darmanitan, PC Ho-oh, and Satay King Pikachu for Worlds14 Aegislash, PCBC Tyranitar, Guidebook Shaymin, and Kanto Lab Bulbasaur /u/niteshyadav3
45. Masuda's Psyduck for Kanto Lab Squirtle /u/schwing-
46. PCI Pyroar, Weavile, Sharpedo for 2 Preorder Victini Codes /u/rudvlf1817
47. JPN PGL Miltank and Garchomp, and XY Torchic for 2 Custom XY&Z KOR Wifi Sets /u/U_Need_A_Brojob
48. Kanto Lab Squirtle and Bulbasaur for PGL Dragonite and PCI Pyroar /u/mizudomi
49. Guidebook Keldeo and Shaymin for Johto Lab Cyndaquil and Chikorita, Johto Lab Totodile Code, and VGC Mamoswine /u/ChiefNeckbeard43
50. Yosue's Tyranitar, Arash Mamoswine, and KOR Wifi Set for PGL Pikachu, Worlds15 Sharpedo, PCI Sharpedo /u/kewligirl96
51. Worlds16 Squirtle for Custom PCI Set Save File /u/Droidem
52. Worlds14 Aegislash for PGL Delibird, PGL Darmanitan, PCI Weavile, and I'Park Eevee /u/ChiefNeckbeard43
53. Worlds15 Sharpedo and Outbreakchu Teeter Dance Pikachu for Scrap Eevee and Mewtwo /u/HardChibi
54. KOR Wifi Set, Present Set, Serena's Fennekin for 25 NA Genesect Codes /u/ChiefNeckbeard43
55. 25 NA Genesect Codes for PGL Amaura /u/Dragonstorm55
56. PCI Set + HK Mew for 2 New Adventure Victini Codes /u/TheDecimated
57. Scrap Eevee and Mewtwo for 3 New Adventure Codes /u/xyxit
58. 2 New Adventure Victini Codes for Worlds14 Aegislash and VGC Machamp /u/ChiefNeckbeard43
59. 1 KOR New Adventure Victini Code for 4 KOR New Adventure Victini Redeems /u/U_Need_A_Brojob
60. 1 KOR New Adventure Victini for 30 NA Volcanion Codes /u/cfbnerd
61. SMR2012 Pikachu for Masuda Psyduck /u/mizudomi
62. Female Scrap Eevee for WHF15 Rayquaza /u/ChiefNeckbeard43
63. 15th Anniversary Torterra for SSB Greninja and M19 Greninja /u/fleepter
64. JPN and SG P-Cafe Pikachu's for Worlds 14 Aegislash /u/Mushy_64
65. Serena's Fennekin, Serena's Pancham, Masuda Psyduck, VGC Machamp, M18 Arceus, and New Adventure Victini for 10th Anniversary Celebi /u/LotsOfProtean
66. PC Magikarp Shiny SR Service for PC Shiny Diancie and Kotone's Tyranitar /u/Admiral_Fish
67. I'Park Eevee and PGL Garchomp for Winter Counterattack Gyarados /u/MerryFellows
68. Concert Piplup and Nobunaga's Shiny Rayquaza for VGC Metagross /u/Dragonstorm55
69. PGL Landorus for Spring Carnival 15 Rayquaza /u/dlguswns203
70. Worlds14 Aegislash, PCBC Tyranitar, and SSB Greninja for EH Sylveon /u/ktw5594
71. PC Diancie for GF Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Darkrai, Manaphy, Shaymin, Arceus, Victini, Keldeo, Genesect, and Meloetta /u/doritoburrrito
72. New Adventure Victini for 2 Lunar Karp Codes /u/expiredjellybean
73. 30 Volcanion and 30 Meloetta Redeems for Pokémon Center Invasion Set /u/ajkyle56
74. SRable PCI Set and 720 Poll Greninja for Dongdaemun Design Plaza Pachirisu and WHF15 Rayquaza /u/ash12367
75. 3 Lunar Karp Codes for WCSK16 Mewtwo /u/whlzki
76. PCI Set for PGLs Tyrunt, Amaura, Pikachu, and Garchomp /u/ChiefNeckbeard43
77. EH Sylveon and Spring Carnival Rayquaza for Kiyo Eevee /u/Dragonstorm55
78. Kotone's Tyranitar for 2 Lunar Magikarp Codes /u/Sykopathh
79. WHF15 Rayquaza for 4 Lunar Magikarp Codes /u/HashG8
80. PGL Tyrunt for 2 Lunar Magikarp Codes /u/U_Need_A_Brojob
81. 10 Lunar Magikarp Codes for PC Mega Tokyo Ralts and Swablu Eggs and PC Mega Tokyo Shiny Carvanha /u/lavaburst14
82. 15 Custom Genesect Redeems and Counterattack Gyarados for W16 Squirtle /u/Droidem
83. RNG'd Tapu Lele for Saori's Machamp /u/Itokichi
84. PGL Pikachu and Amaura for 4 Sapporo Vulpix Saves /u/Moag14
85. 1st and 2nd Distro VGC Pachirisu and Donation Pikachu for Wristband Jirachi /u/bumbalicious
86. 21 Custom Munchlax Redeems for Sapphire Anniversary Kyogre and JPN Rocket Meowth /u/cpt_buzz_lightyear
87. WHF15 Rayquaza for Guidebook Mareep /u/mizudomi
88. Gen 7 Donation Pikachu Redeem for Gen 7 Donation Pikachu Code /u/mizudomi
89. WCSK16 Mewtwo, Wristband Jirachi, 10th Anniversary Celebi, Iris's Axew, Sapphire Anniversary Kyogre, Guidebook Mareep, PGL Tyrunt for PCTB Inkay /u/Dragonstorm55
90. 4 ENG tagged and 4 JPN tagged Japanese Save Files for 2 Saori's Machamp Save Files /u/Droidem
91. 2 Tapu Koko Redeem and RNG Service for 1 Tapu Koko Code /u/Lightning00
92. 2 Tapu Koko Redeem and RNGs for 1 Tapu Koko Code /u/Storm2921
93. 2 Tapu Koko Redeems and RNG Service for 1 Tapu Koko Code /u/brandon21486
94. 12 JPN Region Saves for M19 Greninja /u/TheOnlyXdude
95. Pokemon Hills Mewtwo and PGL Dragonite for 16 PC Easter Eggs /u/Moag14
96. 4 Shiny Tapu Koko Redeem and RNG for 2 Shiny Tapu Koko Codes /u/Jonathan_1997
97. 3 Shiny Tapu Koko Codes for 3 Donation Pikachu Codes /u/Sorakan
98. PGL Garchomp for 2 Donation Pikachu Codes /u/LettieT
99. PGL Garchomp for 2 Donation Pikachu Codes /u/atm831711
100. Scrap Shaymin for PC Easter Egg Save /u/expiredjellybean
101. 1 Donation Pikachu Code for 1 Tapu Koko Code /u/Joeldstar
102. PC Easter Egg Goomy for PC Easter Egg Mareanie /u/doritoburrrito
103. PC Easter Egg Oranguru for KOR League Tapu Koko /u/puh7777
[+] Shinies (2)
1. 5 Darkrai Codes for 3 Shinies /u/willster191
2. 6IV Shiny Marill for Comp Shiny Manectric /u/deltalaser99
[+] Competitive / Casual (1)
1. 5IV HA Torchic for Togetic /u/PokeGenetics
[+] Gen 3-5 Events (4)
1. Volcanion Code for SMR2012 Pikachu /u/Leon_zz
2. Tanabata Jirachi for SO2010 Jirachi /u/Emm1096
3. Gen 4 Ash's Pikachu for Tretta Rotom /u/norman250
4. SMR2012 Pikachu for Masuda Psyduck /u/Mizudomi

Egg Hatches (0)


Giveaways/Contests (1 Pokémon given, 0 eggs given)

1. Guess My Favorite Shiny (Sub: pokemontrades, 1 given)

Egg/TSV Checks (0 threads, 0 given)


Free Tradeback/Free Redemption (1)

1. Helped Evolve a Scyther and Haunter /u/deltalaser99

Misc (0)


Moag14 Jun 6, 2017 11:56:57 AM

He was kinda sketchy at the beginning but he hasn't been banned so far, so he is alright I guess?

MerryFellows Jan 4, 2017 7:56:56 AM

A polite trader which was quick to inform about possible schedule changes and easy to reach out to. Was upfront about providing full disclosure on events and had great proofs. Overall a the trade was pleasant and the communication easy, would not hesitate to trade with them again in the future!

xSniiPeZ's Information


Friend codes:
